‘FNM must condemn the work of Facebook trolls’


Tribune Chief Reporter


THE Progressive Liberal Party’s youth arm has called on the governing Free National Movement to condemn behaviour and claims featured in a recording recently circulated on social media revealing alleged “defamation and slander” by people purported to be FNMs.

Audio of a secretly recorded conversation between several alleged members of an FNM association made the rounds yesterday revealing the purported work of the party’s “war room”.

In the recording, they admit to being internet trolls and using fake profiles on social media to defend the FNM. They further allege this was an ongoing effort that had been used against organisers of a recent Progressive Young Liberals convention.

Later in the recorded conversation a senior member of government was contacted via phone when he told those listening that Lincoln Bain of Bahamian Evolution had surprisingly been able to divulge details of a recent parliamentary caucus meeting.

That senior member was then told that a “war had begun” to which he commended those on the call for the work they had done as part of the FNM’s “war room” efforts.

After the senior member ended the call, someone could be heard saying “if they find my bullets in the autopsy, I ain’t care that’s a righteous kill,” as others commended him for his work on social media.

The context of the conversation is unclear and when it took place is not known.

Yesterday, the PYL released a statement saying it was not surprised that these actions were endorsed or sanctioned by someone in senior leadership.

“The Progressive Young Liberals note a video that is circulating on social media that allegedly exposed members of the Free National Movement... in the scandalous, unscrupulous, not to mention unlawful practices of defamation and slander,” the statement released yesterday said.

“We are not surprised by their actions and conduct, nor are we surprised that actions were endorsed and sanctioned by the senior leadership of the FNM.

“A senior member and substantive minister was heard endorsing this behaviour. Further, the FNM has proven to be an organisation that stifles and suffocates democracy. As they revel in what they regard as a victory, the fact is the government lost in their attempt to prevent a first reading of a piece of money legislation.”

It continued: “We all know what should follow when the government loses such a critical parliamentary vote.”

This comes amid controversy stemming from Parliament’s decision to move a bill that would repeal the Ocean Industries Incorporated (Aragonite Mining Encouragement) Act to a Select Committee on Natural Resources, effectively ensuring that the Bill will not be debated in the House of Assembly during a second reading.

The Bill for an Act to repeal the Ocean Industries Incorporated (Aragonite Mining Encouragement) 1971, was drafted by Bahamian Evolution, a group that demonstrated in Rawson Square last week. Those backing the Bill argue the country has not benefited enough from its natural resources.

“In the video, FNM trolls and operatives describe in detail the political agenda of the FNM: the use of fake social media profiles to distort the truth and to advance their (statements) as political propaganda while identifying well known FNM members as the culprits behind these false allegations,” PYL claimed.

“The Progressive Young Liberals is an organisation that has and will always advance fact-based information and not fabrications or hearsay.

“If these allegations are false, the FNM must say so, repudiate them, distancing itself from this sordid affair.

“Alternatively, if the organisation has erred in its judgment and the allegations are true, we demand a formal retraction of the allegations, a public condemnation of this kind of conduct and a public apology from the FNM.

“We further call on the government to have the police investigate these allegations as there is investigative precedence when the characters of individuals are smeared and maliciously slandered through the abuse of the social media platform,” the PYL’s statement said.

Requests for comment from a senior member of government and FNM Chairman Carl Culmer went unanswered up to press time.


hrysippus 3 years, 9 months ago

Does anyone else think that the expression; storm in a teacup, fits this situation? Tens of thousands unemployed, nine billion dollar national debt, covid19 rampaging, and two of my cable channels aren't working.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 9 months ago

hmmm maybe the opposition doth protest too much. They doing the exact same thing and it is TIRING!!! Our country is dying and who een absent sleeping, who een sleeping giggling and throwing petty nonsense about in the house. We cant afford anothing 5 years of this victimization and pettiness

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