Buying citizenship?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A couple of weeks ago there was talk of allowing long time foreign residents to purchase Bahamian citizenship.

At present to qualify for residency “financially independent individuals or investors who are legitimate owners of a residence in The Bahamas” can put down roots here as a permanent resident if they invest $750,000 in real estate.

The latest proposal was that those who have put down roots and want to adopt The Bahamas as their true home should be allowed to purchase citizenship — a good investment for The Bahamas!

I agreed, not so much for the finances needed by the Public Treasury, but because there are several long time residents here, who really love these islands. It would be an honour to have them as truly one of us, who could fully participate in our life and assist in the development and growth of our country. They would indeed and in fact be full Bahamians — living here as truly one of us. They would be most welcome citizens!

Two days later I awakened in a cold sweet. I had had a nightmare — a terrible, a frightening nightmare. I had dreamt that Donald Trump was now sitting as big as billy as Governor General in Government House! Having failed in the United States with his preposterous design to destroy that nation’s democracy, he had bought Bahamian citizenship and had replaced our Governor General Cornelius Smith! As much as I would like certain people to be one of us, I think we should still have that lever that should any of them turn out to be a second Trump, we shall have the means to ask them to leave, even faster than they came. The only way we can do that is let them remain as permanent residents — without citizenship — having invested in real estate.

We can be as generous as we wish to those who would do us proud, but still have the lever to show anyone the door should they become — what shall I say – God forbid - a second Trump!

Save me from nightmares.



December 7, 2020.


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