Magistrate discharges man arrested for selling coconuts


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAGISTRATE on Friday discharged a man who was arrested for selling coconuts on the side of the road.

Antonio Glinton, 27, was charged with hawking, after officers found him selling coconut jelly and water on Harold Road without a valid permit on December 10.

He pleaded guilty during his hearing before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain.

However, before the prosecution’s facts were read, Glinton claimed he had already applied for a permit which had not been approved as yet.

During the arraignment, Glinton also told the magistrate the officers that arrested him that day made fun of him and drank all of his coconut water at the police station where he was detained.

After listening to his explanation, Magistrate Swain noted the accused had made an effort to follow the required procedures. As a result, she granted him an absolute discharge.

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