Choir sings for senior citizens

THE PRAISE Team of the Public Service Choir sang Christmas Carols to seniors at Raybertha’s Seniors Centre.
Photos: Denise Maycock/Tribune Staff

THE PRAISE Team of the Public Service Choir sang Christmas Carols to seniors at Raybertha’s Seniors Centre. Photos: Denise Maycock/Tribune Staff


Tribune Freeport Reporter


MEMBERS of the Public Service Choir continued their annual tradition of singing Christmas carols to senior citizens in Grand Bahama yesterday.

Due to COVID-19, a small group of civil servants and retirees from the choir’s praise team sang carols to the residents at Raybertha’s Senior Citizens’ Centre in Freeport.

Laurie Bullard, of the Ministry of Public Service in Grand Bahama, said they wanted to bring some Christmas cheer to the “precious pearls.”

“It is something we had started two or three years ago when we had a full-fledged choir at the time, but with the current circumstances, we wanted to continue the tradition in keeping with the COVID-19 protocols,” she said.

Mrs Bullard said it is important to remember the elderly during the festive season.

“We do not want our ‘precious pearls’ to feel left out; they have contributed to society and helped to lay the foundation for us in the public service, and we want to let them know they are remembered, cared for, and loved.”

Albertha Hudson, the proprietor/administrator of the centre, said that carroling is something that seniors enjoy and look forward to at this time of the year.

The centre, which opened in 2005, currently caters to 16 seniors – eight women and eight men.

“It is very exciting to have the group here singing carols for the elderly residents; we are very appreciative of what they are doing to bring some holiday cheer to seniors,” she said.

Because the risk for severe illness and possibly death from COVID-19 increases with age, with older adults at highest risk, no one was allowed on the premises, and the choir performed in a small parking lot area at the facility.


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