SUPER Value president Debra Symonette presents a cheque for $12,000 to Bahamas Feeding Network executive director Philip Smith. Photo: Cay Focus/DPA
SUPER Value proved a little change can go a long way as store representatives presented a cheque for $12,000 to the Bahamas Feeding Network yesterday.
The presentation came with a plea – urging shoppers to open their hearts and contribute their change at the cash register to make sure no one goes hungry this holiday season.
The leading grocery store kicked off its partnership with the Bahamas Feeding Network a little over one month ago with an initial contribution of $100,000. Since then, it has been raising money through its point of sale system throughout New Providence.
Yesterday’s brief ceremony took place at its Golden Gates headquarters.
“Super Value would like to thank all of our customers for the generous donation to the Feeding Network. In such a short time the public has donated over $12,000 – just by a few customers donating their change,” said Debra Symonette, Super Value president.
“This is the time of the year that’s known for giving and if each customer donates his/her change or just $1 each week during the next three months we will raise over $2 million for the Feeding Network.
“Super Value and the Roberts’ family that feeds the nation have already donated over a quarter of a million dollars towards feeding the needy. We cannot let anybody go hungry during this holiday season or during this pandemic.”
Bahamas Feeding Network Executive Director Philip Smith thanked Super Value and stressed the importance of such partnerships.
“Hunger has always been an issue in the Bahamas when even in good times with nearly full employment, government statistics show nearly one in every seven people lives below the poverty line,” he said. “Since the COVID pandemic we have seen a steady increase in the numbers who need assistance with food and it is even hard for us to fathom though we see it on a daily basis that nearly one in every two households today faces hunger at some level and needs assistance.
“We could not do what we do without the support of people like Rubert Roberts and his family and Super Value and our other corporate and individual sponsors. “Our volunteers' shirts say what they do with their time – give, give, give – and we ask those who can afford to, (to give) when they are checking out at a Super Value line.”
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