Two charged with armed raid


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO men were charged with armed robbery in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

Police said Bobby Brown, 22, and Katraz Coakley, 21, used a Smith & Wesson gun to rob a man of $700 cash and a $250 Technomarine watch on December 22.

Due to the nature of the charge, the accused were not required to enter a plea and the case was adjourned to February 19, 2021 for service of a voluntary bill of indictment.

Yesterday, Coakley was also charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm which the prosecution argued he used to endanger the complainant’s life on the day in question.

During the hearing, he was further accused of being found with a quantity of illegal ammunition.

Coakley pleaded not guilty to the charges and the case was also adjourned to February 19 for trial.

In the interim, Brown and Coakley were denied bail and remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

They both have a right to apply to the Supreme Court for bail.

In a separate incident, a man who denied using a 9mm pistol to place two officers in fear for their lives was granted bail ahead of his trial.

Police arrested Jason Ferguson, 39, after he was accused of being in possession of a .9mm pistol and 44 unfired rounds of .9mm ammunition on December 18.

The prosecution argued the accused also used the weapon to threaten Sergeant 2056 Edmond and Corporal 3883 Greenslade that same day.

During his hearing before Magistrate Forbes, Ferguson denied all of the allegations and his case was adjourned to May 26 next year for trial.

In the meantime, the accused was released on $9,000 bail.

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