Stash kept in man’s socks


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN who stashed marijuana in his socks was yesterday ordered to attend drug counseling classes for a year.

Perez Hepburn, 32, was arrested after officers found three small packs of Indian hemp in his socks on December 29.

He pleaded guilty to one count of simple possession during a hearing before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes.

The court officers went to Hepburn’s residence around 7.20pm on December 29. They then approached the accused and told him he would be searched for dangerous drugs and firearms. During their investigation, officers found the drugs stashed in his socks.

In court Hepburn told the magistrate that he had been smoking for nine years, but usually kept his supply at home.

Magistrate Forbes told him that ignorance was no excuse for breaking the law. He subsequently ordered Hepburn to attend drug counseling for 12 months or risk spending three months in prison.

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