Cartwright the one bright spot for FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune

Over the last few years, Bahamians have been watching the steady decline, and I daresay implosion of the FNM. The movers and shakers of the party are already scrambling for an immediate successor but the party is short on talent save for a few.

Pundits are already making bets on who should lead an embattled FNM under Hubert Alexander Minnis.

Hubert Ingraham cannot set his foot back because it is claimed that many questions about the $100 million cost over run on the Road Improvement Project remains unanswered.

Jeff Lloyd has already displayed a level of arrogance and superiority complex that is only matched by his boss. His level of insensitivity is disturbing. He comes off as being too cold.

Michael Pintard is no choir boy, talk a great talk, but may be all talk. The jury is still out.

Renward Wells has changed to a real FNM now, because he has been dithering here and there. Wells is straining to appear to be a “party first” player, hoping that he would remain in Minnis’ good books.

The only bright spot in the FNM is Shanendon Cartwright. He is unblemished.

Mr Cartwright is a worker who has assembled the people around him with a purpose.

Everyone could easily conclude that he is not only getting the job done, but to the pleasure of most Bahamians. He does not subscribe to human suffering like some of his colleagues who behave like karma does not exist. His mild mannered, even tempered, calm disposition are his greatest assets.

He has gained the respect of many and would create the kind of atmosphere that is conducive to a united country.

Cartwright is definitely the bright spark that the FNM needs to repair their tarnished image.

Time will tell if they are wise enough to put the country on a solid foundation.



February 4, 2020


proudloudandfnm 4 years, 7 months ago

Never heard of him either....

Step one if you want a life in politics.


BONEFISH 4 years, 7 months ago

Shanendon Cartwright is a backbencher and the member of parliament for St.Barnabas.

He is getting good press for his work in his consitutency.

However many of the things he is doing ,in many countries are done by local government officials.

In the Bahamas,there is no real attempt to set up a real local government system.That is why local government in the family islands is still at the infantile state according to a report.

That is why the minister for local government,Renward Wells opposes a strong local government for New Providence.He fears giving up power.and control to the very people he purports to represent in parliament.

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