UPDATED: 61-year-old woman is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in The Bahamas

Acting Minister of Health Jeffrey Lloyd (centre) announced that a 61-year-old female resident of New Providence who does not have relevant travel history is the first confirmed person with COVID-19 in The Bahamas during a press conference at the Ministry of Health, Sunday. Also seated from left: Dr. Nikkah Forbes, Director of Infectious Diseases and Manager of the National AIDS Centre; Permanent Secretary, MOH, Marco Rolle; Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pearl McMillan and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Delon Brennen.  (BIS Photos/Kemuel Stubbs)

Acting Minister of Health Jeffrey Lloyd (centre) announced that a 61-year-old female resident of New Providence who does not have relevant travel history is the first confirmed person with COVID-19 in The Bahamas during a press conference at the Ministry of Health, Sunday. Also seated from left: Dr. Nikkah Forbes, Director of Infectious Diseases and Manager of the National AIDS Centre; Permanent Secretary, MOH, Marco Rolle; Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pearl McMillan and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Delon Brennen.  (BIS Photos/Kemuel Stubbs)

By Llonella Gilbert

Acting Minister of Health Jeffrey Lloyd announced that a 61-year-old female resident of New Providence who does not have relevant travel history is the first confirmed person with COVID-19 in The Bahamas.

During a press conference at the Ministry of Health on Sunday, Minister of Lloyd explained that the confirmed case presented with symptoms of a fever and cough.

“She is not known to have travelled outside of the country in the past 20 days.  At this time the patient’s exposure is unknown. The patient and family members have been informed of the diagnosis. She is receiving care in the designated isolation area of the Princess Margaret Hospital.

“We are currently investigating her family and social contacts to determine whether they could have been the source of her infection.”

Minister Lloyd stressed that the case was detected in the health system because of Ministry of Health’s enhanced surveillance methods for COVID-19.  These measures include physicians reporting patients who present with respiratory infections and testing where indicated.

“We have made the decision to expand our testing and have heightened sensitivity for persons presenting with influenza like symptoms due to lessons learnt from countries that have diagnosed cases in keeping with this enhanced surveillance approach. The investigation is ongoing and we will update the public within 24 hours.”

He also noted that steps are being taken to respond to this public health threat.  These measures include:

• Aggressive and extensive contact tracing

• Recommendation to the community efforts to mitigate transmission

Minister Lloyd stated that to prevent further transmission of the virus persons must:

• Wash hands thoroughly with 60 per cent hand sanitizer or soap and water for 20 seconds;

• Do not touch your face with your hands;

• Keep social distancing of three to six feet from persons;

• Do not shake hands, hug or greet by kissing;

• If you are sick, use respiratory hygiene

• Cough into your sleeve, not your hands

• Cough into a tissue and dispose in trash can immediately

• Stay home if you are sick with flu like symptoms

• If you feel your symptoms require medical care, call your doctor’s office or the COVID-19 hotline before you go to the clinic of hospital.

He said, “We remind the public, if you have respiratory symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath, call your doctor’s office or the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 hotline at 376-9350, 376-9387 or 376-9357 and a health professional will discuss your symptoms and determine the next steps.  We will update on additional numbers which will be added.”


observer2 5 years ago

As usual the news is incomplete.

Did the lady travel travel in the last 21 days or the last month? Did any member of her family travel? Did any of her working colleagues travel.

She has been in the hospital since Friday, at least we could have gotten more clarity.

The lack of information from the government is causing the panic.

And why is the minister of education giving updates when he is no medical credentials.

Clamshell 5 years ago

... or, does she work in the tourist sector, at a hotel, restaurant or the airport?

observer2 5 years ago

Clamshell this would be useful to know if she worked in a public place (hotel, restaurat or bar). Immediately with this information her colleagues could self quarantine. But with zero information the risk of spread continues unabated.

TalRussell 5 years ago

Where in the hell are we Colony's Test Kits?
This is terrifying news but not unexpected. The scientists are warning that each confirmed case the new corontoavirus is expected to double weekly - which means 5 confirmed can quickly grow into 320 confirmed cases. Cruise Ships must become priority one to be block from entering within miles we Colony's Ports, Out Islands and Cays - and yes, Private Islands. When government's recklessly lie - the health risks to the PopulacesOrdinary - increases!

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Many places won't get them.

ConchFretter 5 years ago

As she has no relevant travel history, she is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the country, but not the first person to have COVID-19 in the country.

ThisIsOurs 5 years ago

Exactly. My belief is we've had cases walking around for quite some time. Just like they kept the body count of Dorian to 50 for political reasons. Dr Sands clearly signalled that cabinet needed to come clean about the numbers. Within 2 days Dr Minnis swiped the marijuana report from Sands' portfolio.

If you don't try too hard to find out bad news it doesn't exist. And if you upset the narrative you get sidelined

ThisIsOurs 5 years ago

I dont mean to imply that Dr Sands was spreading conspiracy theories. His point was if you have 50 bodies or whatever the number was at that time, but you have say 100 others who were seen/heard from the day before the hurricane and haven't been seen or heard from since the hurricane, the last place they were known to be is gone or damaged, it is reasonable to assume after 5 months(?) that they are likely deceased. Continuing to tell the public that the death count is only 50 and being adamant about the number stretches credibility.

He did not use all those words but that was the point he was making. Produce a statement that isn't conspiratorial, is responsible and matches reality.

Hoda 5 years ago

This is the topic but i dont think the govt kept saying 50 to be deceptive, i think they kept saying 50 cause all 50 have been identified, so i mean if i say 300 ppl died and i dont know who these 300 are, that doesnt progress the matter any further.

Socrates 5 years ago

We knew this day would come and there will be more so things just have to play out now. The world is shutting down for 30 days, borders being closed, etc. Lets hope thats a fix and life can begin to return to normal sooner rather than later. COVID-19 isn't a concern to me, its more about the short and longterm economic hit.

TalRussell 5 years ago

Unfortunately, this time we're left we own resources and wits. There will be no unaffected foreigner Good Samaritans from anywhere on Globe to come rushing rescue us!
The government
under reacted to prepare Colony for the new coronoavirus. Health officials, have intentionally misled the PopoulacesOrdinary at large into going about their lives with not much need for much worry. There will be deaths The government needs get on with its Plan B, before this spins completely out their limited resources** reach!

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Good thing they've got aid supply leftover.

TalRussell 5 years ago

Acting Minister of Health Comrade Jeff?
With each confirmed case the coronoavirus, many billions dollars will be in the crosshairs of the business community - including the two daily newspapers, radio stations and all other media sources. Be on guard, cause we will see an explosion in the number of local and foreigner for profit fake cures and healers. What a gloom looking picture of a bunch of acting health officials.

joeblow 5 years ago

Those who conspired to withhold information from the public WHILE allowing flights and cruise ships from areas known to have Covid 19 into the country, WHILE not aggressively testing, using the kits they had weeks ago, have endangered the lives of many Bahamians and put those working in the healthcare and tourism sectors at greater risk! They should all be fired, starting with the Minister of Health!

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Aggressive and extensive contact tracing

Turn on Foursquare or other location apps with history.

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Wash hands thoroughly with 60 percent hand sanitizer

Inefficient. Wash up to your elbow with something alcohol-based. You wipe your sweat with your elbow and sneeze into it where the forearm touches your face so use restaurant-style washing.

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Given that we have the highest rate of aids outside of Africa, a high rate of cancer, diabetes, and dormant TB, be precautious. Consider that all with aids will be severely affected.

Porcupine 5 years ago

Do the Family Islands have test kits? Do we put people suspected on a flight to Nassau?

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

YOU WON'T GET TEST KITS. Every man for himself.

Hoda 5 years ago

I rather be on a family island than in jam up nassau, where we dont know who has covid 19

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

The highest mortality rate is amongst those with a combination of the 5 pre-existing conditions and over 50. It can take months to recover.


  • Protect your lungs! manage every chill by warming up with a tight thermal and hot water bottle
  • Take vitamin C at the first cough if not daily
  • Use throat spray with alcohol to kill germs. Spray stays at the back of your throat. Do this before going out or after possible contamination. It starts in the troat!( The only antimicrobial products that appear to have any merit are alcohol-based hand sanitizer gels. Alcohol is a highly effective antiseptic that breaks down proteins and disrupts cell membranes, killing most bacteria, fungi, and even viruses on the spot. Because the germs are quashed upon contact, there is no risk of contributing to the resistance problem, and even frequent use doesn't cause toxicity)
  • Use a mask out of care to avoid droplets and prevent asymptomatic spread to vulnerable demographics. This WAS effective in Asia.
  • Use anything with alcohol (or perhaps acidic) if primary sanitizers are unavailable (like even mouthwash)
  • Use gloves to prevent droplets from transferring to mouth nose or eyes (reminds you to not touch, not the sweaty kind)
  • Have heat socks for chills
  • Use antibacterial bathing soap
  • Order items to your mailboxes or to be left at your door without contact with the delivery worker
  • Boost immune system
  • Hydrate properly with supplements. Have at-home IV alternative (Pedialyte)
  • Take a break from smoking and vaping
  • Don't share drinks or utensils at a meal (with family as well)
  • Don't go to lunch or restaurant if coughing and sneezing
  • Wipe shared phones and screens
  • Wipe face with a wipe after a close conversation
  • Do not kiss (spouse as well)
  • Sexual transmission has not yet been investigated
  • Wash hands with hot water up to the elbow
  • Don't touch face ( nose, rub eyes, lick finger )
  • Wipe hands before fast food after card and cash exchange
  • Consider that a cough or sneeze = contamination for a few minutes
  • Stay out of public if you have a temp
  • If there's no space to isolate at home, maybe use a tent outside -Avoid infecting current compromised patients in the ER -Have arrangements for babysitting if you are single parent and fall severely ill
  • Take clothes off at the door to not spread to the bed
  • Shower soon as you arrive home
  • Wipe bags that rest on surfaces
  • Travel with an ID
  • Avoid non-essential travel, even to errands
  • Avoid traveling to out islands
  • If abroad, opt to stay abroad than to return
  • Elderly should get affairs in order

Basically act like you have fllu germs and there's no hospital.. because that's what it is.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years ago

Where does one go to buy all of the protective stuff you have mentioned?

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

I saw some airborne or emergen-c at the gas station by Sires in freeport. https://bit.ly/2wgQJ0L

Here's hydration > https://bit.ly/2TUF2FR

Throat spray with .10% alcohol https://bit.ly/3aVTvXQ

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

Don't hoard the bush medicine.

Godson 5 years ago

The names of the affected should be posted so that relative persons who would have come into contact may take the necessary precautions.

We can post people's names and pictures who were charged with a criminal offence but won't post this information that is of such great public value?

Voltaire 5 years ago

Because it's against the law to publish people's medical information. What would be useful is a general picture of where this person lived and worked. So the people in those areas can monitor themselves carefully.

killemwitdakno 5 years ago

That violates health record privacy but I suppose they can volunteer. I expect co-workers, classmates, teammates, and their church if they attended that week would be automatically notified.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years ago


The latest public announcement by Minnis is a classic example of his most distinguishing trait as a grossly incompetent leader - he's always doing much too little much too late when it comes to the interests of the Bahamian people. And this is sadly because Minnis tends to put his own personal interests, that are tied to the interests of his foreign investor friends, especially the cruise ship companies, ahead of the health and safety of Bahamian citizens and residents of The Bahamas. And of course, he's only too quick to now say this is not the time to cast negative remarks his way about his earlier failings in properly addressing this life-threatening crisis on a timely basis.

Many of the drastic protective measures only now being announced by Minnis should have been taken by the Minnis-led FNM government at least a couple of weeks ago. Frankly, some of the more important measures could and should have been taken a month or so ago as a matter of great urgency. One only has to look at my many warning comments posted to this website over the past 6 weeks. I fear many lives, mainly among those who are the most vulnerable in our society, will be lost in the coming weeks as a result of Minnis's failure to recognize the urgent need for aggressive containment measures to have been taken weeks ago.

Minnis says the food stores will remain stocked but I believe Rupert Roberts of SuperValue is already on record as saying his warehouse stocks are limited and may not be easily replenishable. And I'm sure that because Minnis has told so many untruths and broken so many promises since May 2017, the public is much more inclined to believe Rupert Roberts. Brace yourselves fellow Bahamians!

sheeprunner12 5 years ago

We are in a pickle, folks ………… Batten down the hatches for a rough ride for the next 6 months. Cruise ships not sailing …….. planes not flying ….. tourists not coming …… Layoffs and reduced hours coming .........…. Where will the Govt revenue come from now?????

Ans. Fishing, Sand & Salt ………. and XYZ smuggling?????

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