Man and woman deny disorderly behaviour and obstructing justice


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN and woman who denied disorderly behaviour and obstructing justice were yesterday granted $2,000 bail before their trial.

Basil Bodie, 33, and Kendira Saunders, 28, were accused of disorderly behaviour on November 2.

The prosecution argued the pair also used obscene language and obstructed justice.

Saunders was further charged with resisting lawful arrest by Inspector Darell Ferguson that same day.

During their arraignment before Senior Assistant Chief Magistrate Saunders denied all the allegations. Bodie on the other hand denied acting disorderly and obstructing justice, but admitted to using obscene language.

The matter was subsequently adjourned to January 19 for trial.

Both accused were granted $2,000 bail until that time.

Another man also appeared before Magistrate Armbrister after he was accused of the same offences.

Police said Sidney Joseph behaved in a disorderly manner, resisted arrest and used obscene language to the annoyance of Police Constable 3112 Pinder on October 23.

He denied all of the allegations and the case was adjourned to February 1 for trial.

He was granted $2,500 bail in the interim.

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