Tribune Chief Reporter
HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie yesterday lashed out at the “untenable” state of the country’s parliamentary democracy, as he likened Parliament to a “dinghy” hitched to the executive branch of government instead of having independence.
He said Parliament was not moving forward, as the institution had been allowed to “degenerate into an executive aristocracy”.
Speaker Moultrie said it was unacceptable that in 2020, “some 291 years after the establishment of the Parliament of The Bahamas, which is the first arm of government, is still being pulled along by the executive branch of government like a dinghy boat, hitched to the membership or the mothership.”
He told MPs: “Honourable members, this state of affairs is untenable.”
He said there had been no separation of powers, opening the door to “spite”, “jealousy”, “revenge” and pettiness.
“That is why 291 years later on the 28th day of September the personal assistant of the Speaker tendered her resignation after working for some six months without pay. One chaplain has completed her tour of duty and has yet to be paid,” Mr Moultrie said during Wednesday’s sitting.
“Two-hundred and ninety-one years later the Speaker of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas cannot get an office in the edifice of the Parliament after three long years of asking. He suffers the indignity of functioning out of an office with no running water and no bathroom facility. And this too when there is more than adequate space in the Parliament buildings, 291 years later.
“Two-hundred and ninety-one years later, the Speaker occupies office space that has been condemned by a police report as being a security risk and unsafe or suitable for the head of the legislative branch of government.
“I know that in my personality and in my person, I might represent a challenge for some of you but it should not matter how you may feel about the occupant of the office or the office of the Speaker for the time being, governments are comprised of official offices. We should respect the offices of state. None of us will be where we are forever. But while we are where we are, we owe the offices and the institutions of democracy a duty of care.”
He also expressed displeasure in Parliament lacking the basic tools to carry out its mandate, non-functioning committees and “contempt” for the separation of powers.
“Two-hundred and ninety-one years later, the concept of the separation of powers is held in such a brazen contempt that staff members of Parliament are actually listed as members of the Cabinet and the secretary to the Cabinet is the accounting officer of the Parliament,” Mr Moultrie said.
“The Speaker cannot purchase a toothpick without the approval of the secretary to the Cabinet, 291 years later.”
Regarding Parliament’s degeneration, Mr Moultrie said the institution continues to move backward.
“In examining the history of this Parliament, I have seen a trend. We are not moving forward, members. We are moving backwards. We’re not moving according to our motto – forward, upward, onward, together. We have dropped the baton. We have permitted our once cherished democracy to degenerate into an executive aristocracy. The Commonwealth of The Bahamas deserves better. Our citizens deserve our best effort.
“I am also noticing a trend in voter apathy and a complete disrespect for politicians and the institutions of democracy. If this continues, our democracy will become anaemic. Is this the legacy we want to bequeath to the next generation of Bahamians? I pray not. In the meantime, let us put our shoulders to the wheel. And let’s start by building the institutions of democracy. We will start and I will start by reconstituting the committees of this Parliament. The committees are the heartbeat of every Parliament.”
The Speaker then reconstituted several committees of Parliament.
Among them was the Library Committee which is made up of West Grand Bahama and Bimini MP Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, Fort Charlotte MP Mark Humes, Pinewood MP Reuben Rahming, Exuma and Ragged Island MP Chester Cooper, Mangrove Cay, South and Central Andros MP Picewell Forbes.
The Committee of Privilege was also constituted. Its members are: Elizabeth MP Dr Duane Sands, St Anne’s MP Brent Symonette, North Eleuthera MP Ricky Mackey, Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador MP Philip Davis and Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin.
Other MPs were assigned to the Public Accounts Committee. Mr Davis, Mr Cooper, Mr Forbes, Long Island MP Adrian Gibson and Tall Pines MP Donald Saunders make up this committee.
DWW 4 years, 4 months ago
its like he had never learned anything about a parliamentary democracy ever? spent too much time learning the bahamian school curriculum and US politics i guess.
tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago
Moultrie is an uneducated belligerent oaf, end of story.
JokeyJack 4 years, 4 months ago
And where did you learn about Parliamentary democracy? In what sacred book volume does it state that the Speaker of the House should take a shit on the floor of his office because he has no bathroom?
moncurcool 4 years, 4 months ago
At least this is the first Speaker of the House who is not just following the party line but trying to make a difference.
pablojay 4 years, 4 months ago
If you can call a man who was a chief meteorological officer and is a British trained barrister uneducated, what do you call high school graduates like myself? I would guess " illiterate?"
tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago
Right, and Minnis considers himself not to be a similar belligerent oaf because he's been 'educated' to be a medical doctor. Give me a break! Some of the most 'educated' people are often found to be among the most uneducated, usually because they are so sorely lacking in basic common sense. D'Aguilar is another classic example of such a person.
ohdrap4 4 years, 4 months ago
Unlikely he will get elected again. Speaks now before window of opportunity closes.
Porcupine 4 years, 4 months ago
Do we forget the words this man wrote? Who exactly, has sullied the office? For God's sake. Is our memory that short? This guy is an embarrassment to The Bahamas.
Bobsyeruncle 4 years, 4 months ago
Some of the most 'educated' people are often found to be among the most uneducated, usually because they are so sorely lacking in basic common sense.
Here, here !
trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago
Seems like a lot of rambling. He complains about a bathroom, an office, democracy, voter apathy, it's like stream of consciousness.
If he was more coherent, we may have found something useful in what he said. What seems clear though is that he's not happy. Perhaps he is trying to push along an agenda to change some of the seats around the House of Parliament.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 4 months ago
Those of you who think that Moultrie is "dumb" .......... wait until our Government become a shithole one like Trump's America ......... There is NO democracy in our present Government
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