Tribune Business Editor
A CABINET minister has voiced optimism that New Providence will have “put these lockdowns behind us” in time for tourism’s planned return on November 1 with the 14-day quarantine elimination.
Dionisio D’Aguilar, pictured, minister of tourism and aviation, admitted to Tribune Business that the latest COVID-19 restrictions were “not ideal” given that the re-opening of The Bahamas’ largest industry is less than three weeks away.
However, he added that the country had little choice but to “flatten the curve” on the surging infection rate in New Providence which is now reporting between 500-600 new cases per week, including a further 76 yesterday.
Arguing that “buy in” from all residents was essential if COVID-19 was to be contained, Mr D’Aguilar said lockdowns such as this weekend’s and other restrictions were not what the Minnis Cabinet wanted to impose.
However, the rate and level of COVID-19 infections remains a key factor in the decision-making process for many Bahamian hotels in determining when they will re-open - something that was reiterated by Baha Mar’s president, Graeme Davis, last week.
Mr D’Aguilar said some resorts were “more willing and anxious to open than others”, although he declined to specify who fell into either camp. Those who were hanging back, he added, were especially keen to ensure “that we don’t have any more shocks in the system”.
While himself and the Ministry of Tourism were “edging them along”, and priortitising getting Bahamians back to work in the resort industry, Mr D’Aguilar reiterated that it was an individual business decision for every property as to when they will re-open.
With November 1 still the target date for eliminating the 14-day quarantine, and encouraging visitors to return, Mr D’Aguilar conceded of New Providence’s weekend lockdown and other restrictions: “It’s not ideal, I guess, but we felt by the time we get to November 1 we will have largely put this behind us.
“Time will tell. We will have to see how it goes. I’m optimistic that by November 1 we will be able to proceed with the plan we have. I expect it will be very slow; I don’t expect to have big numbers, but we have to start.
“The train is leaving the station. It will start off slow, pick up speed and hopefully by the first quarter next year we’re chugging along even though world travel and tourism is down by two-thirds on 2019.”
Many observers are likely to be sceptical that New Providence will have sufficiently flattened its COVID-19 curve in sufficient time for November 1, which is when the elimination of the 14-day quarantine - and its replacement by more frequent, accessible and less costly testing - is designed to encourage the return of visitors by allowing them freedom of movement.
“I think that there is an enormous yearning for persons to go on holiday,” Mr D’Aguilar added. “Clearly we can’t have a tourism sector where we have quarantines, lockdowns and no access to the beach.
“The objective is to have as much of this behind us by November 1 as possible so we can get on with the primary business of the country. It’s best we get on with that now, and try to flatten the curve as much as possible.”
Acknowledging the “push back” and criticism that the government has taken over the latest restrictions, he said: “Everybody has the belief the politicians want to do this. Trust me: We don’t want to do this. This is what the health officials are advising us to do.”
Turning to the re-opening status of the hotel industry, the minister told Tribune Business: “Some are more willing and anxious to open than others. They all have their particular criteria. Some are more anxious to pull the trigger, get people back to work and open the doors. Others don’t see the conditions as being ideal at this time.
“There will always be pioneers ready to launch off, and some will want to make sure they don’t have any more shocks in the system; that we don’t have any more lockdowns. The number of local COVID cases is one factor, the number of cases in the US another, the airlift is one and the depressed travel environment another.
“Everybody is evaluating and looking at their booking systems, their reservations systems, their engines and making the decision they feel is in their best interests. The Ministry of Tourism is meeting with them, encouraging them, edging them along,” Mr D’Aguilar added.
“Obviously I’m biased and anxious to get Bahamians back to work. I’m going into every meeting with that in mind, but every hotel has to make their own choice and I respect that.”
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 4 months ago
What exactly does he think will happen in the next two weeks to curb Nassau's infection rate?
And who in their right mind would want to vacation on an island surging out of control?
What planet does this man live on????
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 4 months ago
Super Wash and Minnis both have their brains set to stupid!
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 4 months ago
Good luck getting tourists when Nassau is getting 600+ cases a week! Not to mention no one in their right mind is going to "Vacation in Place" in a police state for 2 weeks! This entire administration is clueless and full of hot air!
With borders opening you can't help but wonder who Minnis and Super Wash will blame this time when the country sees another huge explosion of cases in the coming weeks, because last time I checked according to Minnis you don't need a China Virus test if you've been in the U.S for less than 72 hours and 10 year olds for some reason still don't need a China Virus test to get back into the country. #CLUELESS
SP 4 years, 4 months ago
1) This is what the health officials are advising us to do.” What health officials?…
2) "No one in their right mind is going to "Vacation in Place" in a police state for 2 weeks!
International agencies found the Bahamas to have more people incarcerated per capita than any other country in the region forcing us to admit the Bahamas is a police state!
No response from Messrs Dames, Minnis, Davis? Odd!!
MrsQ 4 years, 4 months ago
Tourism is not coming back this year. The virus is out of control both here and in the U.S. and it will only get worse as we head into winter. The government needs to get serious about testing and contract tracing. My husband tested positive for COVID on Friday and we haven't heard from the Department of Health yet. We called the COVID hotline and were told that he will have to manage from home because there are no hospital beds. I think we're way past saying the situation is "not ideal," Mr. D'Aguilar.
UN 4 years, 4 months ago
This curbside thing is pure nonsense. Imagine needing to go to the store to buy standard micro condoms or douche? No privacy whatsoever. Went to Lowe’s this morning and I guess the little kids were still remembering last time (do they ever forget anything?), this time around I got turned away very rudely (tried to hand me a flyer - you need a car & WhatsApp to receive service). Very stupid and blatant discrimination (people who probably live in the ghetto with mummy are trying to act uppity). Earning a paycheck so they don’t care.
There was another line with people waiting to fill prescriptions and they all got served. Wasted my time standing there. This country is filled with weirdos (you’re a nobody and yet we spend so much time thinking about YOU).
rodentos 4 years, 4 months ago
you just have to put these condoms into a brownish paper bag like they put alcohol into in the US for hiding alcohol from the police :D
John 4 years, 4 months ago
Anytime D’AGUILAR comes to the public with a statement, expect Minnis to come with a follow up statement that is the complete opposite. So that translates to ‘Expect even more lockdowns or longer lockdowns in n November.’ The facts are almost all the businesses or activities that require large gatherings including schools and universities had to be shutdown due to Corona outbreaks. And if the large hotels wrrr to have that experience here, imagine the fall out. So the options the government had is to partner more with the small properties and attract the upscale tourists or ones seeking a more quiet, private vacation. And to keep its fleet active during the pandemic, one airline is offering what they call ‘flights to nowhere.’ Where passengers board the plane and take flights over the city and then return home. Bahamasair can offer ‘fly outs for Bahamians and others where they fly over the popular Bahamian islands and then return to their originating islands. Then it can be expanded to include weekend packages at local resorts and serve as tests to reopening the tourism market.
whogothere 4 years, 4 months ago
I read that story about qantas flights to nowhere too, they were also selling off fully loaded inflight service carts laden with booze - sold out in the first day....Bahamasair has got to be inventive...more debt ain’t the answer.
xtreme2x 4 years, 4 months ago
The Ministry Of Health and Competent Authority need to : Separate the sheep from the goat (Covid-19 from the basic sick patience) Take all covid-19 patience out of PMH and put them in a make shift hospital setup to deal with covid-19 only.
If the doctors and nurses do not want to work in covid-19 hospital. then recruit doctors and nurses from aboard.
That would take stress and pressure of the hospital and flatten the curve.
It will cost a good penny, but it must be done. The longer they take to make decision, the longer we will be seeing these numbers increase and having these lock down.
I thank God i do not have to go to PMH for any sickness. Because now dog eat your lunch.
Could not someone tell them that you can not mixed (chicken with fish) because the fish will spoil the chicken. Same with covid-19 and regular sick patients. that is why the PMH is in the shit it is in now. my 1 cent
TalRussell 4 years, 4 months ago
My Comrade XT, when comes the more deep-fried greasy the better, you're trending in a colony where since lockdown of POAL place worships, many churchgoers sought-out to worship before the Alter of Finger-lickin' KFC.
In nutshell, Dioniso James would've been ca$h better off had he bypassed wash 'em business for Grocer Rupert's, and the Colonel's, virus, and Mr. Minnis proof business models.
tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago
The majority of Bahamian voters in May 2017 did not elect health officials to govern our country. So why are Minnis and D'Aguilar telling us that they have turned the governance of our country over to un-elected health officials (unqualified Wells aside) during this pandemic? Don't these two incompetent buffoons (Minnis and D'Aguilar) realise that they are still the ones directly charged with the duty to govern our country in a responsible manner? Health care officials are only entitled to advise the government during times like this, and Minnis and D'Aguilar are in no way obliged to act on their advice when doing so would not be in the best interests of our nation and the Bahamian people.
It seems to many of us that Minnis and D'Aguilar are only too eager to blame others, like health officials and even the Bahamian people themselves, for their own gross incompetence as elected government officials in the way they have handled the deadly Communist China Virus crisis and its impact on our economy.
rodentos 4 years, 4 months ago
SO, WHAT will exactly change until Nov 1? let me guess: nothing, they just seek for a way out of their fake pandemic and lock downs. Now imagine they would just declare end of all this crap, people will start to sue the government over the damage. So, an exit strategy has to be placed in order to appear like the virus is slowly disappearing (while it is not)...
Does anyone else realize how fake this stuff is and has been from the beginning?
Sure there is covid, like other corona viruses, like flu, like adenoviruses, like TBC like all the dangerous stuff out there. Just no one before got this idea of exploiting them for dictatorship governance.
birdiestrachan 4 years, 4 months ago
Where does COVID 19 go when there is a lockdown?? to sleep or does it go into hiding?
rodentos 4 years, 4 months ago
it hides in caves waiting for end of lock down
trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago
Can the PM grow a pair and fire this clown? D'Aguilar makes a donkey look like a genius. With him and the PM and others making such a blunder with this crisis, they're destroying our economy and overwhelming the healthcare system. Tourism will not be fixed this year. This is a write-off. Focus on getting the numbers under control and keeping local businesses open.
For those not adhering to rules, enforce the rules. This is not rocket science.
This country is in.a sad place. We're stuck between two useless parties.
trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago
Can we just put a stamp on D'Aguilar's forehead with the word, "Asinine"?
whogothere 4 years, 4 months ago
D’Aguilar at this point is doing his job - it’s getting people in here. Quarentine is standing in the way. Cases are standing in the way. The only alternative left is what has been proposed. Simple reality is the rest of the health officials need to catch up studies that at the end day point to the fact that
Peer reviewed study dropped to day that estimates that at excess death not related to covid is likely around 75000 persons between March and August (half the covid confirmed deaths in the us at the time) Vast majority where those with Dementia, heart disease and diabetes - not covid related deaths...There is no conception of this the Bahamas... our government is flying blind...
The fundamental truth is that the government response prioritizes some peoples lives at the detriment of others...cancer didn’t take the year off because COVID joined the party, neither did vascular comparison COVID is pussy cat to these other killers... but to acknowledge this fact, Medical officials need to take a slice of humble pie and admit COVID is not the be all end all, maybe the were a little wrong and simply adopt a broader view of public health. One that encompasses and protects the need for diagnostics, mental health, education and employment as part and parcel to a healthy society with same force with which they have sought to protect the 0.26% of population are likely to succumb to this disease...
whogothere 4 years, 4 months ago
Case and point…
rodentos 4 years, 4 months ago
listen to this guy:…
John 4 years, 4 months ago
Some indisputable facts: there are at least 40 countries that currently have NO active Corona cases. There are quite a few more that have less than 10 cases. Yes some may be small or remote but they have controllable cases. Just over 20 countries have recorded no corona related deaths ( Haiti is among them). And at least 50 countries that have recorded 10 or less corona deaths The more remote a country is or the more sparse is its population, the less challenging is the covid-29 virus for that country. More dense populations have a greater time fighting the virus. A more mobile population also have more difficult time fighting the virus. The more a population interacts with the outside world, either by people going in or persons going out or both, the more difficult it is to control corona.
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