Erin's stalker ordeal

Erin Reign

Erin Reign


Tribune Chief Reporter


A POPULAR radio personality says she’s been living in fear for the past three months after several encounters with a stalker who has left her frightening messages on social media and hung around outside her place of work.

Erin Reign, of 100 Jamz, told The Tribune she is disappointed that police have done nothing to ensure the situation does not escalate to some form of harm. The man has even gone to the extent of throwing a rock through the window of a car that he believed belonged to her, she told The Tribune.

The act was caught on Radio House’s security camera.

Twice the woman has gone to Central Police Station. Once officers came to the radio station and another time, she visited Central Detective Unit, she said. She’s also tried unsuccessfully to have him bound over to keep the peace.

She remains fearful of the stalker and his menacing actions.

And now she is terrified that he could show up at her home.

“This all started happening from July of this year,” she told The Tribune.

“He started watching me on Facebook Live on ‘Eat to the Beat’. He was using a fake profile at first and he just sent comments and some of them became threatening, but I just ignored it because I didn’t know who the person was.

“But it was one day when I just finished ‘Eat to the Beat’ and I got a phone call on the Jamz line. It was someone on the phone asking me to come outside and I said I’m not going outside because I don’t know who this could possibly be on the phone. He was also trying to pretend to be one of the other viewers on Facebook Live, but he mixed up the last name so I said I am definitely not going out there.”

She said that day she was uncomfortable and asked a colleague to accompany her to her car.

“As we were walking outside, he was watching me and watching to see which car I went to.

“A few days later this person decided to come back and actually approached me on my job. He had lied to the guy in the parking lot saying that he came to do work on my car and asked him for my car, but said he would wait until I came outside and he was like ‘You lookin’ for me?’

“At this point, I pulled out my phone to record him so I could remember how he looks.”

She said the man’s actions had also worried women nearby.

“Before I came out, he asked the ladies at the Adolescent Health Centre if they knew how many exits Jamz has. So, they got worried and I am told that they even called the police because they thought it was odd.”

Police did come that day, spoke to the man, and instructed her to have him bound over to keep the peace.

However, officers said they couldn’t do anything else, she said.

“They just let him go. They didn’t do anything. They said they couldn’t arrest him or anything because he didn’t really commit a crime, but to me trespassing is a crime.”

According to the radio personality, the assailant did not stop there, but visited Radio House several more times.

“He’s been there a good bit of times. Apparently, he just stays in the area watching the cars, I guess to see when I’m pulling up and when I’m leaving. He’s there often enough.”

She said even though police warned him, he continued to send messages on social media.

“This has been happening since July 20 and it’s still going on now. He continued after the warning from police and I decided to ignore his messages for a long time.

“So that’s when he decided to throw the rock at my co-worker’s window.”

Asked if she feared for her life, she said: “I have gotten threats. One time he messaged saying if you don’t answer or pick me up tomorrow it’s going to be a problem.

“I have been trying to get him bound over to keep the peace but because of the COVID-19 lockdowns the courts were telling me that unless they see the matter as important then it’s a no. It was three times I went there and they told me they aren’t looking at situations like that. They aren’t bounding anyone over to keep the peace.

“I am concerned that he will find out where I live.”

An official at the Central Detective Unit could not be reached yesterday for comment.


Amused 3 years, 11 months ago

This is really scary, yet the police like always will wait til it's to late before they act

stillwaters 3 years, 11 months ago

Please do something to help this young lady before this escalates into a death....

UN 3 years, 11 months ago

See, we’re harmless (not one hair harmed). Lol!

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