Probation for death threats


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 24-year-old man who last month assaulted and threatened to kill his former landlord was yesterday placed on probation for two years.

Juwan Poitier was accused of assaulting and issuing death threats to his former landlord on July 20. The prosecution said Poitier also trespassed onto the woman’s Kennedy Subdivision property.

During the hearing, Poitier admitted to the offences.

The court heard the complainant told police she was at her residence when Poitier came there in a very hostile manner. At the time, the woman reported that Poitier came on her property and pushed past her without her permission. She also said he threatened to kill her which put her in fear for her life. As a result, she requested police action. Poitier was arrested a short time later. In an interview with police at a nearby station, he admitted to the offences.

During the arraignment, Poitier’s attorney told the magistrate the incident only occurred because his client allowed his emotions to take control of his actions. He insisted Poitier was remorseful for what he had done and noted the incident was his first brush with the law.

As a result, after accepting Poitier’s guilty plea, Magistrate McKinney placed him on probation for two years. Still, he warned Poitier if he was convicted of a crime within that time frame, he would be fined $1,500 or sentenced to six month in prison.

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