Tribune Freeport Reporter
GRAND Bahama’s water potability is progressing, according to the GB Utility Company, which reports its customer base potable supply is at 70 percent.
The company confirms 27 areas are now receiving safe drinking water.
“We appreciate our customers’ patience, and we’ll continue to keep residents apprised as we progress toward island-wide potability in the coming months,” said Philcher Grant, director of group corporate affairs and government relations at Port Group Ltd.
Ms Grant said water in those areas has had regulatory approval and met all requirements, including monitoring, WHO guidelines and testing that has been validated by independent labs.
Some of the areas still without potable supply are Central Area, East Section, North Bahamia and Yeoman Wood.
The environmental section of the building and development services department (BDS) of the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) is responsible to ensure GBUC is delivering water that meets WHO standards.
Nakira Wilchcombe, director of the building department at GBPA, said as regulator, the GBPA is satisfied that those areas identified are now receiving water that is considered potable.
“We want customers to understand that there are some subdivisions that feed from different distribution lines and different wellfields,” explained Ms Wilchcombe. “In those cases, some parts of a subdivision may have potable water while other parts do not.
“We’ll be sharing more specifics on our social media channels and we encourage you to follow us for details on each subdivision as we progress. Despite COVID-19 and the challenges it brings, our team is working hard to restore all customers in all areas, and we won’t stop until we’re done.”
Senator Kwasi Thompson, Minister of State for Grand Bahama, recognised GBUC’s progress and acknowledged the work still ahead.
“With the devastation of Hurricane Dorian still fresh in our minds, and the added challenges wrought by COVID-19, we are grateful for the determination shown by the GBUC team in returning the island’s drinking water to our communities,” he said.
“It has been almost a year since Dorian and I know it hasn’t been easy, but we trust the utility’s strategy and investment will ensure Grand Bahamians are never again without clean drinking water for a prolonged period following a storm. The Government of The Bahamas will continue to work with the GB Utility Company to ensure we have full restoration of our water supply.”
The company noted that the 25 percent discount is currently reflected on the water portion of customers’ bills remains in place for residents that do not have potable water.
GBUC said it will continue to provide free drinking water at its water distribution sites around the island.
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