Do the right thing - stop oil drilling

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Bahamas has been inundated with many who would seek to exploit us. Lord knows who may be involved with the “proposed oil drilling” from behind the scenes.

Be that as it may, we cannot allow any “pipe dream” or “trickle-down” nursery rhyme to cause us to be made fools of again. We know that there was a cry about the Oban deal and the potential destruction if such a project went forward.

As fate would have it, low and behold during and after Hurricane Dorian, there was oil spilling all over the place. The eastern end of Grand Bahama suffered tremendously. Up to now, the cleanup has not been satisfactory.

The damage to the environment is far-reaching and even though not enough people are hollering, the damage would be felt for decades to come.

As a Bahamian who has lived for many decades and enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere, would want the same for my grandchildren. I must go on record expressing my profound objection for any kind of oil drilling in the Bahamas, regardless of who sanctioned it, approved it or who will benefit from it.

I think it is high time we stop “laying down” waiting to be shafted by these “greedy people” whose only interest is their bottom line.

We must hasten to protect generations yet unborn. It is astonishing why more of us are not taking to the streets to express our objections. We must not, for the sake of humanity, support oil drilling in any form, period.

It is never too late to do the right thing. The voters must not let anyone ignore what is important to them.

This is a perfect time to express our displeasure and we will not be taken for granted.

Rescind the license to Bahamas Petroleum Company and save the Bahamas for generations to come. It is the least we could ask for.



September 29, 2020.


themessenger 3 years, 12 months ago

Right on point Ms Thurston, don’t expect too much in the way of return from we guvment, tree bird and one goat does be imbibing some strong Koolaid.

Porcupine 3 years, 12 months ago

Excellent letter Ms. Thurston. Thanks for telling it like it is. Yes, we should all speak up more loudly.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 12 months ago

The east end of GB was not affected tremendously by the spill at stat oil. The spill did not get to the east end villages. Sheesh.

Every day ships transit our waters laden with oil, every day a far greater threat than an oil rig down near Cuba. Cuba had already drilled there but using outdated methods couldn't get to the oil. This crew is using newer technology and may or may not hit. What we need a better deal for the country, we should get 30% minimum. We can clear our debt and invest in education and health care as well as create well paying jobs.

I say go for it...

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