Tribune Freeport Reporter
FULL restoration of the Genesis Academy is now complete, and the Ministry of Education will begin a gradual phase-in of students at that facility.
The Grand Bahama Port Authority’s reconstruction team and G&T Construction have now completed restoration of the facility, which is located in the Children’s Village for at-risk students.
Following severe flood damage during Hurricane Dorian in September 2019, the students were relocated into the mainstream public school system until the school’s restoration could be completed.
Ivan Butler, district school superintendent for Grand Bahama, Bimini, and the Cays, commended the GBPA for its assistance in restoring the facility.
“On behalf of the Ministry of Education, (Minister of Education) Jeffrey Lloyd, Director Mr Marcellus Taylor, and the many students that will benefit from this initiative, I extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Grand Bahama Port Authority for their assistance and partnership in making this day a reality,” he said.
“We look forward to a continued relationship with them. To this end, the Ministry of Education is pleased to announce that Genesis Academy will begin a gradual phase-in of students. We appreciate the value the Port Authority sees in our programme and thank them for their faith in our ability to deliver the education, support, and care that these students deserve.”
Mr Butler said Genesis Academy provides continuing education for at-risk boys and girls who also receive intensive counselling.
“The vision of Lady Henrietta St George in establishing this school has proven to be invaluable in providing a second chance for education amongst these students,” he said.
The academy’s programme is tailored to teens who are working to refocus on education and obtain their high school diplomas. The trained, specialised staff help students who are rehabilitating from delinquency, recovering from substance abuse, and from other specialised needs that might not be addressed in a regular classroom.
The classrooms are small, with low teacher-student ratios, providing students with individualised access to academic development, behaviour therapy, social interaction, and experiential training services.
Unfortunately, in September 2019 Hurricane Dorian, the facility sustained major damage to the interior, the roof, and the students' agriculture and aquaponics installation.
School Principal Dr Ricardo Major is looking forward to the return of their students.
“The facility’s restoration was a daunting task,” he said. “But thanks to the Port Authority, the work is done and the Genesis team is eager to welcome our students back. GBPA’s support has enabled us to provide specialised education that meets our students’ unique needs, and to offer after-school programmes and projects that help guide them back into mainstream life.”
Mr Butler said the Ministry of Education has enjoyed a partnership that spans more than 20 years with the GBPA.
“It has provided the opportunity for continuous education for students regardless of their challenges or circumstances,” he said.
Sarah St George, acting chairperson at the GBPA, believes that every child deserves a second chance.
She said the Genesis Academy has provided support and much-needed attention and care to many of Grand Bahama’s teens.
“Our youth are our future, and we must nurture their development – regardless of their challenges or transgressions – it will help them to become productive and contributing members of our communities,” said Ms St George. “I’m delighted to resume this very successful partnership that the GBPA had with the Ministry of Education for the past 20 years and I’d like to thank the Ministry and Mr Ivan Butler for their continued commitment to the Genesis Academy.”
FreeUs242 3 years, 9 months ago
For decades our country has been fooled by what our "LEADERS" throw out there to hide the truth of their nature. It is sad that ppl are believing and being deceived by it. When will there ever be an honest administration who can lead by a true example of Leadership the country needs. Too long we have suffered from their lies and paid heavily for it. It seem like most people that goes into power becomes nothing but vain in his/her own eyes. An honest fool is more valuable than a pathological liar.
The government is the most corrupt branch on planet earth because they are the governing body. They control the Courts and Police system and everything in it because they have the power to overthrow whatever they wish too. They expect the country to obey the law but they are the ones living above the law.
FreeUs242 3 years, 9 months ago
The younger generation in schools need attention more than ever. I think it would be great for more funded programs to exist throughout communities for the kids. Not every kid is going to have a parent that believes in them. More youth development programs highly needed to try and break a vicious cycle. If the homes and systems failing the youths, this is why crime will continue to be an issue. All crimes should be punished to full extent to whoever commits them. It's always a possibility to reach out and save what's left of the younger generation.
FreeUs242 3 years, 9 months ago
A white hat hacker once told me that the government can see into your homes and they know exactly what you are doing and the number of ppl in the home. Another guy told me that the police knows exactly what you are saying over the phone. No, I don't trust the Government. We have a Bahamian intel agency right here and ppl don't know it.
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