IF you’ve been waiting and waiting to get your COVID-19 vaccine, now is the time.
All adults are now eligible for the vaccine, starting from today. Book your jab and get it done.
For those who have had their first jab and have not already received an appointment for your second inoculation, you should start hearing in the next two weeks about when to book your appointment.
So far, 25,692 doses of the vaccine have been administered. So, while it is good news that any adult can now sign up for the jab, we still have a very long way to go to reach the levels of vaccination needed to reach herd immunity and push back this virus.
Getting vaccinated is a boost not just for your health, but for the economy. You only have to look over at Europe to see how they are opening their doors this summer to American tourists who are fully vaccinated. The implication is clear – if you’re fully vaccinated, you’ll be able to travel again. And for an economy such as ours, which makes a large chunk of its money out of tourism, that means people will be wanting to come here too.
Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis already announced last week that fully vaccinated people can travel to The Bahamas without the need for a negative COVID test from the start of May. As for us, we’ll be able to travel around the islands without a test once we’re fully vaccinated.
We should not get ahead of ourselves – that is still a small fraction of our nation that has been vaccinated so far, and perhaps we might worry about how many people have come forward for vaccinations if it is now being made available to everyone.
The time has not yet passed, however. Get signed up, get your vaccine. If you have difficulty going to one of the sites because of disability or being stuck at home, reach out to the vaccination sites and see how they can help.
Don’t delay and then find out you’ve missed your chance in this first allocation of vaccines. That permission to travel is likely going to apply to us too when we want to go abroad. Want that Florida trip? Well, be prepared, get your jab.
Fading La Playa
The whole story surrounding the La Playa property seems to be such a mess.
We bought it. That’s our money that was used to buy it for $3.5m. Did we buy it just to let it rot away?
Regardless of which government bought it, shouldn’t there be some regard for our investment?
Whether it’s Paul Wynn that it’s sold to, or another developer - or used by our cash-strapped government itself, we should do something with it rather than just let it get overgrown and broken down. At this rate, it’s going to end up the grandest mansion for homeless people on the island.
It’s a sad sign of the decay along that whole stretch of seafront. Further along is Fairview, another abandoned building but which thankfully is being kept up with impeccable grounds. When that gets sold or developed, it’ll look a lot more enticing than La Playa.
Further on again, there’s the miserable old Gaming Board building, and then the abandoned Bahamas Development Bank building. Abandoned. Decaying. Unloved. Untouched.
Those properties have value, the land has value, and that value belongs to us, the people, and their stewards, the government, ought to do something rather than nothing.
There’s a reason taxis take tourists - when we had them - as far as they could before taking roads which brought them down town. It’s a disgrace. A decades-long eyesore which nobody in authority has really grabbed hold of. This one building is a perfect example - worse still, the government owns it, has no plan for it, no money to do anything with it and yet we have a developer right next door ready to take it off our hands. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
We’d love to know. Prime Minister, we’ve asked you three times for a comment on La Playa. Don’t be so coy. Let us know what you’re going to do with it.
carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago
They must first test the vaccine on rats to see if it safe for three months then on monkeys to see if it is safe up to nine years. Which dumb moron would advocate that humans be live chemical test dummies.
John 3 years, 10 months ago
The US government says it will not be using the AstraGenica vaccine but it will donate the millions of doses to other countries. It plans to stick to the three vaccines already in use.
John 3 years, 10 months ago
The US has no choice but to give the vaccines away as less and less Americans are showing up fir the jab, especially for the second one. Super vaccination centers are closing for lack of patients and another patient ( this time a male) has presented with blood clots days after taking the Johnson and Johnson vaccine
realitycheck242 3 years, 10 months ago
Mean while the USA is donating 60 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines to India because it has not been approved by the FDA in the USA. Ya think they know something our officials dont know about that vaccine. Also Brazil health regulators is rejecting the Russian Sputnik Vaccine because it contains the adenovirus that could reproduce, a "serious" defect, according to Brazilian officals.
ScullyUFO 3 years, 10 months ago
A friend of mine was vaccinated. She now says Bill Gates is appearing in her dreams.
stillwaters 3 years, 10 months ago
I am just praying hard that what is happening in India doesn't eventually happen here in the Bahamas......we will also be caught 'unawares' .......people need to fight harder to keep this virus out of their own bodies. Even though the minister says there are enough beds for you, still try .......keep this virus out of your nose and mouths.....wear your mask always.
GodSpeed 3 years, 10 months ago
the masks do zero to protect you.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 10 months ago
Says who? Dr. Suess hey??? What an amazingly ignorant statement.... Sheesh....
carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago
India's PM Modi, like our Modi here held wild political rallies andwith vaccinations. The religious courts are seeking to charge him with mass murder. Diabolical coincidence. Granted that this hot, draft cold draft hot again moisture time of our season will always bring historical flu bugs, nasal congestion they all will be called Covid. By the way, a most power nation threatened Brazil not to use Sputnik. Follow the money not the safety seems to be the accepted Vax way as Gates said yesterday.
carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago
Laving lives comes second to profits according to world Covid leader. Battle for the international Vax money and kickbacks after staying script.
quietone 3 years, 10 months ago
Would advise all of us to read seriously articles written by US journalist, Mike Adams and some of his other writers, most of whom are strongly against vaccines for this illness... take care!
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 10 months ago
Why would anyone take medical advice from a journalist? That's just stupid..
quietone 3 years, 10 months ago
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