HALF OF MEDICAL STAFF STILL WON’T TAKE JAB: Doctor among COVID deaths as Pfizer rollout scheduled for Thursday

Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis

Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis


Tribune Staff Reporter


AN unvaccinated physician has died of COVID-19 complications, while three unvaccinated healthcare workers are currently hospitalised with the virus, according to Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis, the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee chairperson.

Dr Dahl-Regis shared the unfortunate news at the committee’s press conference yesterday, after revealing the nation is experiencing a “significant increase” in new cases and in the number of COVID related hospitalisations and deaths, amid “increased travel to and from” the country.

In view of this, she urged the public to take the jab, noting there were no deaths recorded among fully vaccinated people between the start of the Ministry of Health’s vaccination programme and the end of July.

“We know that vaccines save lives,” she said. “According to data collected by Dr Nikkiah Forbes and her team at the Princess Margaret Hospital, between March 14...and July 31, 411 patients were hospitalised with COVID-19. Of that number, 400 were unvaccinated and 11 were partially vaccinated.

“No fully vaccinated persons were admitted to PMH for care during that period. That same period, 53 COVID-19 deaths were recorded—and we know this is an underestimate—but 52 were unvaccinated and one was partially vaccinated. There were no deaths recorded among fully vaccinated persons during that time.”

Dr Dahl-Regis said the country’s healthcare system is currently overwhelmed, with the morgue at PMH at full capacity. She also noted that the nation recorded 158 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Friday, August 13.

The death toll officially rose to 313 on Friday after a 50-year-old New Providence woman died on August 7.

On August 14, 107 cases were recorded bringing the toll to 16,537. Officials said three additional deaths are under investigation, bringing this figure to 42.

Last Friday, there were 142 COVID-19 patients at PMH and on Saturday that figure fell slightly to 134. Thirteen cases are in the intensive care unit.

Dr Dahl-Regis urged healthcare workers to get vaccinated. Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan said at yesterday’s press conference that only about 50 percent of the country’s healthcare workers are vaccinated, which is cause for concern.

“Today is a sad day,” Dr Dahl-Regis said yesterday. “We have three unvaccinated healthcare workers – two physicians and a nurse – who are currently hospitalised with COVID-19. Prior to coming here, I was informed of the death of an unvaccinated physician who died of COVID-19. I wish to express my condolences to the physician’s family. And I say to my professional health colleagues, in our profession, we practice according to the science of medicine.

“We know now that there is no scientific merit to claims that the vaccine is unsafe. It is the responsible role of health professionals to become vaccinated and not to put themselves in jeopardy nor infect their families and loved ones. I implore all to take the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Dr Dahl-Regis said a recent finding also revealed that a newborn baby tested positive for the virus, marking the second reported case of a newborn infant contracting the disease.

She said while some have voiced questions about the fast-paced development of the vaccine, with fears about the risk of blood clots, harm to a person’s DNA and interference with fertility, all of those concerns have been “put to rest by” scientific reports.

She added that she wanted to assure the public that there was no evidence to support such concerns since recent global recommendations actually supported the vaccination of pregnant women and those who planned to become pregnant.

Dr Dahl-Regis said genomic surveillance has identified samples with a predominance of the Alpha variant co-circulating with others in the country. She said health officials are currently awaiting the results from 100 samples that were recently sent to the FIO CRUZ research laboratory in Brazil.

She said health officials expect to receive the results by the end of the week, at which time they will be able to confirm if other variants, such as the Delta COVID-19 strain, are in the country.

Dr Dahl-Regis insisted the “best way” for everyone to protect themselves and prevent more surges from happening in the future is to get vaccinated and follow established protocols.

“It is important that everyone – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated – continue to follow these protocols,” she said. “When you leave your house, wear your mask indoors and outdoors and make sure it properly covers your nose and your mouth. Continue to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Keep a distance of six feet from others when you can. “Avoid large gatherings. Do not gather in large groups. I cannot stress this enough. Do not gather in large groups. We want our children to safely return to school and have in-person learning. In order to do that, we must practice, individually and collectively, all of the protocols. And we must take full advantage of the opportunity to be vaccinated as quickly as possible.”

According to the committee’s latest vaccine tracker chart, a total of 117,380 vaccines have been administered to date. Of that number 68,323 have received one dose of the vaccine, while 51,150 people are fully vaccinated.

Yesterday, Dr Nikkiah Forbes, the country’s top infectious disease expert, said the country still has some ways to go before it can achieve herd immunity.

She said it is very important that the country has a high vaccination coverage, because emerging evidence proves that being vaccinated “will be very effective” in preventing COVID-19 infections.

“Experts’ consensus is that we need between 70-85 percent of a population (to be) immune for herd immunity,” she said. “And so, if we have a population of about 400,000 and we have fully vaccinated about 56,000 persons, you’ll see that we still have some ways to go as it relates to this target of having 85 percent of the population immunised.”


ohdrap4 3 years, 7 months ago

The pregnant folks should now start researching home delivery. Scans and other tests could identify who could deliver at home.

It was done for hundreds of years.

The fully vaccinated will soon present infected and dead, it is just a matter of time and a matter of truthful reporting.

Among public persons from other countries, the fully vaccinated deaths are of folks over 75 or 80.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 7 months ago

She said vaccines save lives and the documented evidence backs her up. She most certainly did not lie...

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Except when she said we'll get herd immunity if all just take the vaccine (even if we've had prior infection or in good health). It's a lie because every vaccinated person can still catch and transmit without sterile immunity - herd immunity is impossible. But maybe she did read last months new science...it's hard to keep up..

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Ha ta da - right on schedule - Biden recommends booster for all because c19 because vaccines work sooooooo good... let's all take a moment to savour how much fun it will be renewing our vaccine passport every (6) 8 months...


whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

ha you beat me too it ; )

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

"Experts’ consensus is that we need between 70-85 percent of a population (to be) immune for herd immunity,” she said. “And so, if we have a population of about 400,000 and we have fully vaccinated about 56,000 persons, you’ll see that we still have some ways to go as it relates to this target of having 85 percent of the population immunised".

This is just a bold faced lie.. Even the vaccine makers say their product can't deliver herd immunity...Why go out there and look dishonest when you're appealing to people to trust you...


Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

As far as I'm aware, it was only the head of Oxford's vaccine group (Sir Andrew Pollard) that said it. None of the other vaccine makers (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J etc) have said it.

Pollard also said it applied to the Delta variant - not the other variants.

He also said that anyone who is unvaccinated (& vaccinated) will eventually meet the virus again. Only time will tell whether or not he is right.

But while we wait and see, at least we now have a good idea of the hospitalized and death statistics for the unvaccinated and vaccinated in The Bahamas.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Representatives from Moderna and Pfizer have mimicked the sentiment and point still holds - "the expert consensus" is the opposite of Mrs Forbes statement...Herd immunity is a phantasm that can't be delivered by vaccines that don't provide sterile immunity.. . I d post links but I know you don't have time to read them ;)

I thought you were all about sample size - surely you'd agree we don't have good indication of how vaccination program will do in The Bahamas because we only have a handful vaccinated (are they old/young/commordities/obese - were they previously infected?)..we barely have vaccinated anybody yet and we have know idea of the make up of that population. Plus it's all rosy in the first 6 months - the dreary bit is when vaccine antibody memory starts to dropping 70 days from injection...there will be screams for boosters next march when the spring breakers come down with the latest virus model and again in July after independence (and summer heat with everyone in a/c)..Maybe then we'll accept this is a endemic disease with seasonal bumps spirited by human behaviour and dynamic population demographics...with engrained dietary and social customs causing more of burden on our health care than 'the cough'...

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

Denmark and Iceland warns the world that herd immunity is a lie.


IslandWarrior 3 years, 7 months ago

There are folkes who would pay their private physicians to have the vaccination administered, like polio, and all the other vaccines, why not do the same with COVID?

John 3 years, 7 months ago

hasn't been approved yet for general use, only emergency use. So that's why governments have to be involved.

mandela 3 years, 7 months ago

Can anyone substantiate if true or false that persons who have died from the COVID virus after being vaccinated, their families can't claim on their life insurance because of some kind of clause stating the vaccines are experimental thus prohibiting the payout?

John 3 years, 7 months ago

Well the US is now trying to/ or has approved the Pfizer vaccine for general use so maybe the reason behind it. Also they are not listing many people who are fully vaccinates and die from covid as covid being the cause of death maybe for the same reason, among other things like trying to convince people to take the vaccines.

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago


The Bahamas is a special place where nothing is real. 3/4 cases are among the vaccinated in the US and the world. They are sticking to a script that even Fauci and CDC has discreded. Unvaccinated with negative Covid test cannot pass on something they do not have. All vaccinated are now know to shed Covid. All vaccinated will still catch Covid.

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

Insurance pays out to Approved medications.the vaccines are only authorized by politicians not FDA approved which takes at least 8 years to document possible genetic side effects. So far they list blood clots and heart malfunctions in children.

Economist 3 years, 7 months ago

And you also believe that Trump won the last election correct? All those electronic vote machines, right? Even though the paper count showed differently.

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

That the CDC says vaccinated persons spread Covid what happens to patients our vaccinated nurses come in contact with. They will get every patient sick.

DWW 3 years, 7 months ago

amazing how scared these people are of a little tiny needle

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Amazing how scared these people are of a little cough.. it’s kfc we need to worry about ; )

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Hmm 313 deaths from a little cough. Even if only 10% of that number can be directly attributed to COVID that would still be 31 more than have died from the vaccine.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Hmmm around 100 died of respiratory diseases in 2019..another 50 chronic respiratory disease in the same year 150 in total.. (hmm I wonder if wonder what covid did 2020)

Oh covid last year killed 140, this year 170 to date... (I wonder how many would have died of other respiratory disease anyway)

Cardiovascular Disease killed about 868 people in 2019

Cancer killed about 580

Random injuries (Drownings, car accidents, falls, etc) killed around 346

Diabetes 248

Covid killed 170 in 2020 and has killed 140 so far this year; many of whom were dying or may have died of other primary causes..

Essentially a greater chance of dying by accident or by human negligence than of a little cough...and KFC is a clear and present danger! LOL


Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

None of those are contagious to other people, and a lot of those, if not most, are due to lifestyle choices. Sure, in The Bahamas, obesity & diet are a much larger threat than covid, although Covid & Obesity together ....... well, we all know what that means.

And, I'm tired of people spouting the death statistics from other diseases, accidents etc. Don't you think as a human race we want to eradicate those too, or should we just not bother to try and reduce the cases ? Sort of let the gene pool take care of itself.

Those numbers you posted would be much higher if we hadn't made so many medical advances in the past 50 yrs, and you know it !! What if we hadn't come up with the Small Pox vaccine, Penicillin, open heart surgery, CAT scans, C-Sections etc ? There would be many more examples for you to add to your list.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Bobby precisely we managed to advance medicine without shutting down the rest of society or taking people freedoms away.

Covid is fart in the breeze in comparison to other things that kill people, worse it's absorbing other forms death to make it's self look worse than it is to the rest of society and government policy and it's attack on personal freedom is using that inflated danger to justify restrictions - that what's wrong - and it's said that moderately ;) educated individuals like yourself can't stand and fight for people's freedom and expose the farce for what it is.. Leave the dark side join the force ;)

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

Neither you nor I know how our chemical composition will react with any drug. Unless we've undergone some testing. people die from eating peanuts

The same argument I give to the people who say marijuana isnt harmful I give here, it is until it isnt. Because everyone's chemical makeup is different, you dont have the right to force anyone to take the vaccine. Because as far as they might be concerned, the risk of dying from the vaccine is just as great as the risk of dying from the COVID. And for their individual case you dont know if thats true or not. Some people havd died after taking the vaccine and Im certain their families dont care that they were a 1 in a million statistic.

If you've decided to take it and your family has decided to take it great. By now everyone knows the risks. Do they want to die? Of course not. But theyve made a decision and as with all decisions its either right or wrong and the decision maker not you bears the consequences.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

I agree that we should all bear the consequences of our own decisions. However, the moral dilemma arises when the consequences of your decision affects other people, who didn't have a say in the decision you made.

Smoking in public places has been outlawed in many countries because of the effects of second hand smoke on non-smokers. DUI/DWI laws were enacted because more often or not innocent people were killed or injured, by driver's who chose to drink too much. And let's not forget the burden and cost to the healthcare system

I wish it was as black-and-white as you say, but in realty it isn't and the innocent are far too often collateral damage.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Bobby I do like your thinking here - everything has externalities - government enacted sensible policies to minimise the risk... But smog killed 10 million people last year versus covid's 2 million (last year). Tobacco is still killing 7 million per year and alcohol is in at 3 million. Where is the justification for the Covid restrictions that resulted in 1.23 billion children education getting interrupted. Or 17 million infants missing their vaccines for diseases that are actually a threat to them. Or a 10-15% increase in cancer fatalities...Or 20% opioid deaths in the states this year.. Or that In this country alone murder is up 67% after year on year decline... I just met a young girl today coming back from her father's funeral - gone in 4 months - cancer - too late do anything because diagnostics were interrupted...Covid collateral isn't black and white - it's blood red.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

I guess neither of you heard the CDC back track a few weeks ago to say that vaccinated people carry just as much viral load as unvaccinated. anybody can be a carrier. And because we're not testing we have no idea who's infected. As far as we know we have some very dangerous asymptomatic holier than thou vaccinated carriers walking around as super spreaders feeling they have a right not to wear a mask because theyre vaccinated. Nobody knows.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

No I did @thisisour this is why the regulations have weight anymore completely pointless. The vaccine protects (looks like for may best case 6 months) the individual that’s it, but nobody else. Therefore the decision to vaccinate becomes matter of choice based on person risk. There should any of vaccination passport for civil rights and individual freedom.

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

That little needle contains chemicals that has not passed FDA approval as safe for humans. There is a red line there. Political Authorization by Trump for emergency use only is not FDA health approval. The USA armed forces are shunning manditory jabs until FDA approval. Impossible after just seven months of human guinnypigs trial. The new talking point used by CDC is that the vaccine does not prevent infection but helps you out if infected but so does your body immune system.

JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago

"Dr. Dahl-Regis insisted the “best way” for everyone to protect themselves and prevent more surges from happening in the future is to get vaccinated and follow established protocols."

Dr. Dahl Regis, madam respectfully, you do realize that we just beyond sick of hearing those words and phrases and just tune them out right? Nobody can take anyone seriously who outlaws and/or refuses to conduct studies on Ivermectin and HCQ cocktails. People become suspicious when medicine is outlawed in a claimed pandemic.

Has Nyquil ever been outlawed and people told they can only take the flu vaccine? How about plaster casts? Are doctors still setting broken bones and putting legs and arms in casts - or are accident victims being sent home and told to wait for the bone marrow vaccine to be invented? LOL

CoolCatBD 3 years, 7 months ago

What's up with vaccine or nothing???

Anyone that wants to take vaccines please do, if not then don't. I just think drugs like "Ivermectin" can help the unvaccinated, and help vaccinated people with breakthrough cases of covid-19.

Again what's up with vaccine or nothing???

CoolCatBD 3 years, 7 months ago

About a month ago I said, "Why are 1/2 of DR and Nurses have a "wait and see" attitude to the vaccines?"

Proud said "Half hey? Why you making stuff up?"

Now "Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis" is saying the something very similar, is she also making stuff up?

I guess Proud can keep watching Dancing With The Stars! For his information!!!

KapunkleUp 3 years, 7 months ago

I got 3 months worth of corned beef, tuna, grits and Uncle Benz in my pantry. Still waiting for the zombie apocalypse to happen...

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

Zombies are only hungry desperate people. Watch any country that experiences some disaster where food and water is scare. When the humanitarian aid trucks show up what happens? Right... "zombies". We are God's grace away from that scenario

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

Yea. My freezer full too. After vaccinations lockdowns coming. If we follow the thends of other fully vaccinated nations.

ohdrap4 3 years, 7 months ago

I filled my freezer and stocking up what I can because of price increases.

TalRussell 3 years, 7 months ago

PopoulacesPurse — show no reluctance recovering each and every — red penny hospitalization costs by — billing the Estate — if the physician had —voluntarily multiplied risks they're becoming deaded — of the COVID-19 virus complications — Let's pray each and all might come into — close proximity with the physician — have done been notified of the health risks they're — exposed toignorance the serious medical implications are — no defense — available to the Estate — yes?

GodSpeed 3 years, 7 months ago

"Take the shot slaves!" 💉☣

pablojay 3 years, 7 months ago

Strange how we believe what we want . We all believe Dr .Dahl-Regis when she says only 50% of healthcare workers are vaccinated ,because we love the low figure. she could have lied and said 85% and how could we prove it? On the insurance side of it ,you can go to www.mybafsolutions.com.,since you believe that foolishness.

DiverBelow 3 years, 7 months ago

After reading these comments, all can say is FDA approved the booster shot for people that have serious immune system issues... it is an emergency we are living under. Lets not forget the FDA approved Viagra & many many men have died from that drug! ...Some by wives claiming miss use also. Miss who? Go to any hospital with Covid, ask nurses, take pictures/videos of patients that are drowning in their fluid filled lungs, ask them how they doing? Look at the misery tv interviews with those who wished they had taken the vaccine. What are you going to tell your grandchildren? I listened to others, instead of science. ... provided you survive. Ignorance is not Bliss, it is Death. Doctors & Nurses that know the science... They are seriously Stupid!! or think they are Superior to this population control virus.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

The vast majority of COVID deaths are in people that are already dying or expected to die. In the USA only 9k people have died of covid under the age of 45 but in the same year there was 22k increase in opioid over doses...I personally think people have the right to choose the government taking those rights away directly or indirectly is not acceptable. The fact that vaccination does not stop transmission validates this perspective - the benefits is to personal safety based on medical condition. Vaccination does not stop the spread of the virus. Like decades of manner before we got by washing our hands, using handkerchiefs and not sneezing in each others faces...Goverment panic has likely had more collateral damage than the virus did.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 7 months ago

It is very simple. Vaccinated people are not dying, not being hospitalized. The vaccine does in fact protect you. It is safe. You will not die from the vaccine.

These are facts. Not stupid, ignorant facebook conspiracy theories...

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Wait you left out a bit - "will protect you for maybe 3 - 6 months, but probably not any better than if you have a previous C19 infection, (or if you are generally healthy or a under the age of 20 ~ 35) after that you'll probably need a booster for the rest of your life (but only if you want to join society). It is safe but has had pretty much more side effects than any other vaccine ever created but it's true there's a slim chance of having any of those, unless you do but no-one will report it. You will not stop transmitting the virus and so you'll won't have any additional freedoms but you will have a nice card that says you complied. You will not die 'of' the vaccine unless you do, in which case they'll say you died 'with' the vaccine not 'of' it"

TalRussell 3 years, 7 months ago

It's — quackery— spread Covid-19 vaccine insurance misinformation — “Let’s try not to decrease confidence in the Red Authority — they're more than capable handle such matters internally — without having to listen outside help — Yes?

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

The object is to reach 70% vaccinations through death fear no hospital space and a ton of bleeding horror stories of child death then squeeze the remaining 30%into vaccinations. But after 75%the nation will become 100%infected. As recent Denmark, Israel, Iceland and Seychelles have proven.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

When are you going to learn the difference between infected and death?

Economist 3 years, 7 months ago

You conviently forget that it was the Delta varient for which the shot had not been made for. You also fail to mention the low death rates.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

There is always another variant. Like the flu vaccine there no chance to catch up. The virus will evolve quicker than they can vaccinate people, but fortunately the burden of death is relatively small in comparison to other diseases (even with C19 absorbing some of those death counts).

ScubaSteve 3 years, 7 months ago

If you are a Doctor and refuse to the take the vaccine and then you die from Covid -- I have ZERO sympathy for you.

JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago

Really? How much sympathy do you have for patients who are unable to get life saving medication simply because Donald Trump spoke the name of that medication?

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Nothing to do with Trump. Like you (and others on here) like to frequently point out about the vaccine, neither HCQ or Ivermectin have been approved by FDA for treatment of Covid. In fact neither have even been assigned EUA, unlike the vaccine.
You can't have it both ways !

Remdesivir on the other hand has been approved for TREATMENT of Covid, but won't lessen the chance of you catching it.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

uh you right bobby but are you forgetting you can't give a vax EUA with alternative treatment available...? it's not exactly an incentive for the fda/Pharma bed fellows to ok treatments you mentioned, when their buds at Pfizer et al have invested billions in experimental vax tech...

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Sorry, you're totally wrong. FDA (or other regulatory agencies) can give EUA and Compassionate Use approval, even with existing treatments being available.

ScubaSteve 3 years, 7 months ago

The key phrase in my comment was "if you are a Doctor." As you know, a Doctor is typically someone that is very highly educated -- 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and then several years of being a Resident Doc. For a Doctor to flat-out NOT take the vaccine -- causes me to question their intelligence in regards to medicine and questions their ability to be a doctor.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

A hopeless bunch of experimental vaccine pushers who would have you believe they know what's better for your own personal health than you and your own physician. And to think these pushers are vaccinated and therefore supposedly protected from the unvaccinated, yet they want all of the unvaccinated (including the less vulnerable and those who have developed natural immunity) to roll the dice and gamble as they have done that there will be no serious long-term side-effects.

Only time will tell whether the great trust of the vaccinated in those who seem to be more interested in financial gain and population control was well placed.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Far more trustworthy than a hopeless bunch of gullible, conspiracy theorist antivaxxers, who don't have the slightest bit of scientific acumen or the necessary critical thinking skills to disseminate fact from fiction. All they do is go in search of sources to reinforce their own insecure beliefs, in an effort to make them feel more secure.

Poor little sheepies

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

You're actually sounding insecure, but that's understandable if you've unnecessarily rolled the dice out of great fear and become a member of the new Vaccine Dependent Global Society. It must be scary knowing potentially serious long-term side-effects can only be determined by long-term studies. And that takes time.

whatsup 3 years, 7 months ago

This virus and vaccine is a DISTRACTION.......we need to KILL THAT BILL

Economist 3 years, 7 months ago

"A hopeless bunch of experimental vaccine pushers ..." Now lets check the facts True developed in 1 year verse the old record of 4. But you have not addresed the safety profile. This happened because: 1. Scientests were not working from scratch. They have been doing research on coronaviruses for decades.
2. Also because COVID-10 was a worldwide problem there was unpresidented worldwide colaboration and countires in Europe and the US funded the scientests. 3. Usually there is a problem of volunteere for testing, not so with these vaccines. 4. Clinical trials are normally run sequentially. This time scientests could run some trials simultaneously, which save a great deal of time. 5. technololigy is much better today and able to asssit in solving problems much more quickly.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

Right, after all what do all of us conspiracy theorists have to worry about? It's only a tiny man made virus that has been used as the perfect excuse for opening the flood gate to unprecedented high risk mRNA vaccine experiments on a massive human scale by those who seem to be very motivated by scaremongering as a tool to achieve great financial gain and population control. Yeah, right. Don't worry, be happy. lol

JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago

Be careful you dont spread any misinformation there. Remember, misinformation is more dangerous than the virus LOL

ohdrap4 3 years, 7 months ago

  1. Scientests were not working from scratch. They have been doing research on coronaviruses for decades.

Precisely Economist. Mrna did not work for aids, for sars, or for zika.

Then they realeased a virus to wag that dog.

DDK 3 years, 7 months ago

Tribune, shall we call you the JABBERNISTAS? 🤣😂🤣

John 3 years, 7 months ago

The USA still continues to record FOUR TIMES as many NEW CASES than any other country and still had a relatively high death rate. So why are they pushing vaccines on the rest of the world. Vaccines that they have not yet proved to work. OK they say they prevent hospitalizations and deaths from Corona. But it is becoming more apparent that persons will need a third vaccination after six months and possibly another in six months following that one. What will be the long term effects of all this vaccinations on a person? For one thing, the pharmaceuticals will be bankrolling a lot of cash having to crank billions of these vaccines every six months. And no, they will not always be free gifts. And yes, some countries will not be able to afford to vaccinate their population every six months. And there’s definitely no herd immunity to be achieved from the vaccines. In fact, the more they vaccinate, the more the numbers of new cases increase.

John 3 years, 7 months ago

REMEMBER when they wanted to have Bahamians the so called ‘AIDS Vaccine?’ They said persons who took the vaccines would’ve tested positive for AIDS. So since there was NEVER no AIDS vaccine, what exactly did they want to inject Bahamians with? Many people who have taken the Covid vaccines also test positive for Covid-18 and cause persons they come in contact with to also test positive. Follow the narrative and draw your own conclusion.

M0J0 3 years, 7 months ago

vaccine is not a cure and those numbers are not accurate. vaccinated yes may lower the risk of being hospitalized but still are most dangerous to the public due to them being super spreaders. 7 out of 10 vaccinated test positive. So why shud i neg. take it to be mr.positive.

ScubaSteve 3 years, 7 months ago

The point of the vaccine is to keep you out of the hospital and off a breathing machine. The point of the vaccine ISN'T to keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

Some simple current statistics per Johns Hopkins University Public Health Department to help keep things in perspective:

Total global population: About 7.8 billion (7,800,000,000) people

Total global deaths annually, inclusive of COVID-19 related deaths: About 64 million (64,000,000) people

Total COVID-19 related global deaths annually: About 2.933 million (2,933,000) people

Total COVID-19 related global deaths todate: About 4.4 million people

Assuming everyone on the planet was of the same age and health and had the same probability of dying in any given year from COVID-19, the odds of you dying from COVID-19 in the current year would be less than 4 in 10,000 (2,933,000 divided by 7,800,000,000), which is far less than other leading causes of annual deaths.

The odds of you dying in any given year from COVID-19 in The Bahamas is currently about 5 in 10,000, and of course you stand a much greater chance of dying from another type of serious illness as a Bahamian because of our very unhealthy diet and life style on average.

According to the WHO, the world’s biggest killer is ischaemic heart disease, responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths. Since 2000, the largest increase in deaths has been for this disease, rising by more than 2 million to 8.9 million deaths in 2019. Stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death, responsible for approximately 11% and 6% of total deaths respectively.

The scaremongers with a vested interest in promoting the new Vaccine Dependent Global Society do not want any of us to focus on the bigger picture because it does not with with their own hideous agenda whether it be enormous windfall profits or population control.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Assuming everyone on the planet was of the same age and health and had the same probability of dying in any given year from COVID-19, the odds of you dying from COVID-19 in the current year would be less than 4 in 10,000, which is far less than other leading causes of annual deaths.

What the heck???? That is one unrealistic assumption, that has a HUGE effect on the outcome of the numbers, not only for COVID but all those other ailments you list..

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

There you go again, preferring to remain lost in the weeds and trying to take everyone down there with you so that they too never see the forest for sake of the trees.

My assumption simply means that if everyone was made subject to (and equal under) the law of averages by ignoring their actual age, health, living environment, etc., their odds of dying from COVID-19 as compared to other leading causes of death would be fairly remote. Frankly, the assumption is quite self-evident from the way in which the resulting odds are calculated. And of course the information sourced from the WHO is not based on my assumption, but rather is presented as a means by which things should really be kept in perspective.

Bottomline: Right now In The Bahamas you have about a 5 in 10,000 chance each year of dying from COVID-19, and that assumes you do not get infected and develop a strong natural immunity. But you have no known odds about the potential for long-term side-effects developing from jabs of these experimental vaccines because of the lack of long-term scientific studies that ordinarily would have been undertaken before general use in humans.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 6 months ago

So basically what you're saying is that, if you're young, have no pre-existing conditions, live a healthy and active lifestyle, and don't live in squalor, then death from Covid is unlikely. I agree, 100% with you !! But the same logic also applies to the chances of death from heart disease etc, right ? (age, health, living environment).

The problem is, your scenario is so unrealistic that it's laughable and embarrassing, and it only exists in your own dream world - it's not realty my friend.

I'm guessing in your mind, that the only people that count are those that are young, and live a perfect healthy lifestyle. The rest of us are just taking up space in this world, and it doesn't matter if we die of Covid. Maybe that's not what you're actually saying but it sure comes across as that.

tribanon 3 years, 6 months ago

Why don't you just go to the Ministry of Health website, click on 'health statistics', then click on 'mortality' and have a good hard look at the 2014 numbers for leading causes of death per 100,000 people in The Bahamas? The numbers were compiled by the Health Information and Research Unit of The Bahamas Department of Statistics and made available to the public in August 2017. The leading causes of death in 2014 were as follows:

Heart disease 135 deaths per 100,000 people; Cancer 102 deaths per 100,000 people; External Causes (Accidents, Violence and Poisonings) 67 deaths per 100,000 people; Stroke 38 deaths per 100,000 people; Diabetes 30 deaths per 100,000 people.

Over the past 18 months we've had 333 COVID-19 deaths in The Bahamas according to public health officials. Some believe that number has been skewed to the high side for political reasons, but that's a story for another day. The 333 COVID-19 deaths so far equate to about 55 deaths per 100,000 people calculated as follows:

333 ➗ (18 ➗ 12) ✖️ (100,000 ➗ 400,000) = 55.5, where the population of The Bahamas is assumed to be about 400,000 souls.

All the scaremongering by our elected officials and their appointees is really baseless when you consider that the average person living in The Bahamas has a greater chance of dying from so many other things.

Incidentally, you have about a 133 in 100,000 chance of being raped in The Bahamas, nearly three times more than the likelihood of you dying from COVID-19.

For those of you interested in learning much more about COVID-19 and the vaccines, the latest research studies published by the Israeli government are generally regarded as the gold standard. So far, these studies support the greatest amount of ongoing T Cell and B Cell immunity being achieved through the development of natural immunity, i.e., those who have been infected and recovered from COVID-19. And it now seems the novel experimental vaccines only provide waning protection for a period up to 8 months.

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