Tribune Chief Reporter
PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party leader Philip “Brave” Davis has challenged Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis to a national debate before next month’s general election.
However, Free National Movement Chairman Carl Culmer immediately shrugged off the challenge.
He said there was no need for Dr Minnis to debate Mr Davis whose record, he said, only proves his failed representation of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador for more than 20 years.
“There is no need for a debate,” Mr Culmer said. “When you have been representing an island for 25 years and have done nothing, how can you want to represent the country?
“I won’t allow the PM to sit down and waste time with Brave.”
In a press statement yesterday, Mr Davis said in order for voters to make an informed choice, the spotlight should be shone on the people vying to represent them.
“When he called a snap election last week, the Prime Minister said that the country needs to choose which leader it believes can lead us out of the present crisis,” he said.
“I agree. We need a reset. And so today I have written to Hubert Minnis, challenging him to a public debate. Elections are all about choice and to make an informed choice, voters need to shine a spotlight on those who seek to represent them.
“They need to scrutinise closely the solutions being proposed and they need to have faith that the promises made will be kept. So, let’s have a debate. Around the world, debates are considered an essential component of a healthy democracy. And so, I say to the Prime Minister, let’s put the choice squarely in front of the Bahamian people.
“Come and debate me. Let’s answer the tough questions. Show up and put your track record and your plans before the Bahamian people. I will gladly do the same.
“The clock is ticking fast towards Election Day, so we must move quickly. Let’s make the choice real.
“Prime Minister, I am confident that the Bahamian people are ready for a new day. Are you?”
Sickened 3 years, 7 months ago
Can you imagine a debate with these two? Neither of them can articulate a thought. My, my what a comedy hour that would be. It would be a youtube hit!
JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago
Of course, they can piece together a sham debate saying and claimimg anything without Lincoln Bain present. What a joke.
themessenger 3 years, 7 months ago
Why stop at Lincoln Bain? Lets invite Rodney Moncur, Halson Moultrie, Frederick Sawyer and Tribanon. Now that would be highly entertaining, don't stop the carnival!
tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago
Emilio26 3 years, 7 months ago
You didn't mention DNA leader Arinthia Komolafe.
JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago
The only carnival you may get is under the FLP or PNM. Gotta love those signs eh? Wonder if they cleared Customs under the same invoice?
carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago
Brave, our next PM is giving Minnis too much credit. At this point he should begin discussions with our Nurses and Physicians members to get their input on medicinal measures to immediately sure up and bring those Covid posative persons away from hospitalization. Vaccines do not prevent Covid but there are medications out there that prevent hospitalizations and take the critical load off the hospitals. These same measures and protocols must see students return to the school rooms. Nurses need to give teachers union the confidence they need. Once these health pre measures are in place hospitilizations will drop immediately our tourist economy will open and we will see junkanoo this December. With each case medicate. Our tourist stakeholders and nurses union must work together for the emergency Jumpstart of our health and economy.
quavaduff 3 years, 7 months ago
brave? brave as PM? .....LOL
themessenger 3 years, 7 months ago
@carlton, buddy you need to spend less time on the Russian state owned media sites you love to quote and spend more time on brushing up your English and grammar.
"Vaccines do not prevent Covid but there are medications out there that prevent hospitalizations and take the critical load off the hospitals." No vaccines don't prevent Covid, but they do prevent you from dying, unlike vitamins and bush medicine, or bleach as your idol recommended.
The Nurses Union, like the Teachers Union and 99% of all other Unions in this country are nothing more than a bunch of grasping parasites and as useless as tits on a boar.
You want to put our children back into the schools when Bahamians don't respect or pay the slightest bit of notice the health measures already put in place by those qualified, and I don't mean the nurses union.
Junkanoo this December is a priority, but being fully vaccinated as a country by then is not.
I've said it before, the problem with the Bahamas is Bahamians, we have met the enemy and it is us!
carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago
I know my fingers will break off on September 16. But the lives and future of The Bahamas depends on doing the right thing at the right time.
quavaduff 3 years, 7 months ago
brave? ...seriously, brave?
You have got to be kidding.....brave?
Okay, okay good joke.
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