EDITOR, The Tribune.
In the run up to the 2017 election, seemingly the entire Bahamian media fixated on some leaked email exchanges involving Jerome Fitzgerald. The narrative was that, as Minister of Education at the time, Mr. Fitzgerald broke some (as yet unspecified) rule relating to conflicts of interests.
It was an appalling mischaracterisation, based on total ignorance of Westminster conventions (which Mr Fitzgerald’s actions did not in any way breach) and animated by a deeply biased media (compare the reaction to Brent Symmonette’s documented conflicts of interests).
There is nothing improper about a minister discussing a private contractual matter that has no relation to his ministerial portfolio with a private citizen. If there were, then every minister who ever haggled with a taxi driver over a fare, or negotiated a sale or purchase of property, would be guilty of impropriety. It was arrant nonsense.
But it worked. So, predictably, the FNM propaganda machine is at it again. This time images are appearing of PLP leader Brave Davis in unflattering postures or in controversial company, while words like “corruption” are recklessly thrown about. No evidence is offered. Just hints and innuendoes, targeting simple and prejudiced minds.
Do these people think Bahamians are stupid enough to have forgotten their refusal to disclose to the auditor general the full list of beneficiaries of covid-19 related public expenditures? Or the crooked Oban affair with its still-missing file? Or the political show trials that ended in utter failure (and for which they refuse to disclose the costs to the public, who funded them)? Apparently so.
For a party that has virtually nothing to show for its various stints in power aside from the steady decline of our middle class and the advancement of foreign and plutocratic interests at the expense of Bahamians, there was never going to be anything to appeal to in voters apart from cheap prejudice and over-played stereotypes. So these tactics really shouldn’t surprise anyone.
Nonetheless, Bahamians have every right to feel insulted that, when called upon for an accounting of four wasted, tortuous years in office, all their government can do is scramble for the same old tired playbook of lies, gossip and distraction.
August 22, 2021.
DonAnthony 3 years, 4 months ago
Anyone but Brave Davis, he and Fred Mitchell are tainted political dinosaurs who should have retired long ago. Bahamians don’t trust them and they will be why the PLP lose an election they should have easily won. Corruption follows them like day follows night.
mandela 3 years, 4 months ago
If corruption follows the PLP like day follows night then the FNM must be the inventor of corruption. If I were to be present and watching (OBAN $5 Billion deal) as forgery is knowingly being taken place I would be thrown in prison as an accomplice to forgery. That is corruption and very dangerous. The Bahamas is OUR business and every 5 years we choose a CEO to take care of OUR affairs, if Dr. Minnis was to operate his private business like he has done OUR business he would end up firing himself. Innocent until PROVEN guilty, Dr. Minnis had his chance and did a horrible job, there was no transparency, no accountability, no plans, and a lot of lies and blind promises, he has been tried and proven now it is time for another CEO to prove themselves whether it's PLP, DNA, or others.
Proguing 3 years, 4 months ago
PLP accusing the FNM of corruption and FNM accusing the PLP of corruption. The campaign has indeed started...bring the popcorn
Dawes 3 years, 4 months ago
They are both corrupt. If you deiced only them two are going to win and have to make a choice then choose which one you think is less corrupt. But either way they both corrupt and useless.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
Yes, they may be both be corrupt but only one of them is evil to the very core, and that's Minnis. Hopefully you will have a decent independent candidate running in your constituency for whom you can vote for on September 16.
Truism 3 years, 4 months ago
The Bahamian news media, (official), has for the most part proven to be biased. The scandals news events that have occurred during this four plus year period would have been fodder for corruption story ad nauseam.
Truism 3 years, 4 months ago
Where did this nonsense that they're both corrupt come from. Attempts have been advanced to attempt to prove the PLP corrupt, however, they've all failed miserably. Actually those making the accusations have been judicially condemned.
birdiestrachan 3 years, 4 months ago
The FNM Government has dropped 8 points on the corruption scale. eight points is a lot.
What they accused Mr: Fitzgeral of is nothing The Post office deal is pure corruption.
OBAN who calls a press conference to watch one man forge another man's signature.
It is bold very bold corruption in broad daylight that is FNM
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