Man found guilty of threatening former MP


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN who denied threatening former parliamentarian Travis Robinson last year was found guilty by a magistrate on Friday.

Garvin Dawkins, 47, appeared before Magistrate Kendra Kelly to learn the court’s ruling regarding the threats of harm charge brought against him concerning two videos, he posted on social media last May.

Police alleged that Dawkins threatened to harm the former Bains and Grants Town MP when he said in a video he will “drop a bombshell” on Robinson, adding “you won’t know what hit you, and I ga f--king deal with you and I will sort you out.”

Dawkins has denied the charges, insisting the words used were taken out of context.

While on trial, the 47-year-old also argued that his remarks were about shocking information relating to contracts issued by Robinson.

Dawkins also insisted that he had no intention to make Robinson become fearful and told the court the videos posted online were politically motivated.

However, in delivering her ruling Friday, Magistrate Kelly said she took into consideration the manner and tone in which the words were used, which she said appeared to be aggressive.

She conceded that while the word “bombshell” can be interpreted in different ways, the fact that it was used in such an angry tone followed by several expletives among other things suggested that his intent was to put Robinson in fear of physical harm.

“If it was just the word bombshell that was used, then the meaning would be ambiguous. However, the defendant went on to say that … (Robinson) would not know what hit him and that he would deal with him,” she told the court.

In closing, Magistrate Kelly said she was not convinced by Dawkins’ defence and reminded him that making threats of any nature is a criminal offence and cannot be tolerated in any event.

She also told the court that in this age of social media, people need to be mindful and held accountable for what they post online.

As a result, Dawkins was fined $500.

Magistrate Kelly told him that failure to do so would result in one month in prison.

Dawkins can appeal the judge’s ruling within seven days once a sentence is imposed.

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