EDITOR, The Tribune.
The administration led by Dr Hubert A Minnis from 2017 to 2012, a mere four years, was akin to a sausage and grits (no butter) administration. His policies and initiatives did not appear to work and few ever felt any beneficial impact. In fact, with his draconian lock downs and infantile curfews, it is my opinion that he literally wrecked the national economy and few were able to eke out a living from March, 2020 straight into September, 2021. All most of you were able to afford, if anything, at all, was a little bit of sausage and a spoon full of grits.
Now with the liberalisation of the policies and initiatives of the enlightened administration of the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis, QC, MP one is able to actually feel optimistic about one’s future. While we still have health and other protocols in place, the economy is now reopening and the nightly curfews have been eliminated. Taxi Cab drivers and Jitney operators are back to work. The Straw Market is about to reopen in short order. Stores downtown are seeing an increase in local and touristic business. The cruise ships and international airlines are back.
This Davis led administration is akin to a Ham and Turkey one with all of the traditional trimmings and multiple slices of Fruit or Rum Cake. This Christmas/Holidays will be, I predict one of the best that the unwashed masses would have experienced in many moons. The PM understands that you cannot just lock down people, willy-nilly, with no income and no societal outlets.
Despite the dire warnings of some in the political arena and in the health care fields, there has actually been a reduction in the numbers of hospitalization and COVID related deaths since the New Day was ushered in. Now we have an economic motivational programme to get as many Bahamians who have yet to do so be vaccinated. We all know that money; sex and religion are great motivators. Persons who would have been hesitant will now rush to get their first jab of the vaccination of their choice so as to be eligible for weekly cash prizes and the big draw before the end of this year.
This Holiday, unlike last year, Bahamians more than likely will be able to purchase a Ham and a Turkey. For sure they’ll be able to afford a good seafood stuffing and cranberry sauce. Churches are opened for normal operations, subject to the usual health protocols so those who wish to attend services this holiday season may do so without being at risk for being arrested and charged for any breaches of the now extinct Emergency Powers Act.
Last year December, Minnis and his people them shuttered the nation and many stores and businesses were obliged to take economic cut tail and more. This December, one is able to feel and see the contrast. happy days and money are here again under the Davis Administration which is committed to ensuring that there is a reasonably sized ham and a big turkey in most homes. If you want one, you may also be able to afford a Christmas tree. The Grinch (Minnis) and his minions have been dispatched back to the North Pole or wherever they emerged from in 2017. Merry Christmas and an even better 2022, The Lord Jesus Christ willing.
December 12, 2021.
themessenger 3 years ago
See the turkey Bodie hamming it up, aka singing for his supper, again! This turkey's appetite for picking peas from road apples is insatiable Lol.
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