Minister: Difficult to put limits on social welfare


Tribune Business Reporter


A Cabinet minister yesterday said it was difficult to place timelines and limits on the Government's COVID-19 social assistance initiatives given the continued uncertainty created by the pandemic.

Frankie Campbell, minister for social services, speaking outside the Cabinet Office, said: “While we put limits on programmes, those limits are based on the present assessment, and so it's difficult to be definitive. We assess at the end of each period of expiration. The Government of The Bahamas has a responsibility to the people of The Bahamas to assess where there is a genuine need.”

Nearly 2,300 persons were assisted by the COVID-19 assistance programme put in place to help hotel workers placed on temporary work weeks, some $270,000 having been provided to them up to September last year. The Government also spent up to $1.2m in rental assistance to November 2020, while disability allowance payments to 81 children continued at a cost of $330,000 through September.

Some 16 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in 14 Family Island districts received $31,000 dollars to assist with feeding programmes similar to those initiated in New Providence by The Bahamas Feeding Network. And $469,000 in special grants were provided to various government and non-governmental residential and care facilities throughout The Bahamas.

Mr Campbell said an announcement will soon be made on the $700,000 digital assessment platform purchased for social services last year, adding that it is in the “final stages” of implementation. He said: “Training has already begun with some of our staff, and I'm very excited about it as it has the potential to practically eliminate the crowds that we've seen.”


tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago

$700,000 down the proverbial toilet.

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