Former PM Hubert Ingraham has COVID-19

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.


Tribune Senior Reporter


FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is in Doctors Hospital with COVID-19 but is expected to make a full recovery, according to his personal doctor, former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands.

Mr Ingraham, who first led the Free National Movement to an historic general election victory in 1992 and followed that up with victories in 1997 and 2007, was diagnosed with the virus more than a week ago but was admitted to hospital on Tuesday when his symptoms worsened, Dr Sands said.

Initially, he experienced shortness of breath and malaise.

Dr Sands, who has been authorised to speak on his behalf, said at no time was the 73-year-old placed on a ventilator machine.

“He is COVID positive and he was being treated at home but got worse and is now hospitalised,” Dr Sands said on Wednesday night.

“He is stable, he is in a critical care area at Doctors Hospital being managed by a team of physicians as he convalesces.”

Asked about Mr Ingraham’s prognosis, Dr Sands said doctors hope the worst is behind him.

“We can never be 100 percent sure but certainly he is showing various signs of improvement and we fully expect him to improve and ultimately be discharged in a few days,” he said.

Mr Ingraham’s age is among the risk factors associated with a serious case of COVID-19.

The medical team taking care of him includes an endocrinologist, a kidney specialist, a pulmonary specialist and an infectious disease specialist.

Mr Ingraham’s battle with COVID-19 comes as 19 people were confirmed to have the virus on Tuesday, including 13 men and six women, according to the latest information from the Ministry of Health.

Sixteen people are currently hospitalised with the virus, one of whom is listed on the daily dashboard as being in the intensive care unit of Doctors Hospital. Dr Sands, however, said last night that at least three people should be recorded as currently being in the intensive care unit.

One hundred and seventy-nine people have died from COVID-19 to date and 67,216 tests for the virus have been completed.

Health officials are said to be on alert for new COVID-19 variants, particularly ones originating in the United Kingdom and South Africa which are said to be more contagious than the original strain. Some studies suggest the variants are also more deadly.

Health Minister Renward Wells revealed on Monday that the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine should be in the country by the end of this week.

Health workers, he said, could be administering the jabs as early as next week.


ThisIsOurs 4 years ago

I'd say we have a newly imported strain. They may not want to say. We went months without hospitalizations then clusters start popping up again....

Hope the PM recovers fully

John 4 years ago

The Bahamian people wishing Mr Ingraham a full and speedy recovery. His infection is a clear indication that The pandemic is not over and not only is the disease still here, but there is a high risk of persons who travel bringing nee strains of the virus back. And some of the covid ambassador team needs to be deployed to popular tourist areas. Many can be seen walking in groups with no masks.

SP 4 years ago

Lol.....Good luck with that. Covid ambassadors are too busy doing nothing to even harris Bahamians! Stopping tourists is out of the question.

ohdrap4 4 years ago

I was just thinking he should go back to politics.

tribanon 4 years ago

After all, he was personally responsible for our country ending its long standing diplomatic ties with the Republic of China aka Taiwan when he opened our country's door to Communist China. Ingraham's adoption of Communist China's 'One China' propaganda was perhaps the biggest blunder ever made by a PM of The Bahamas and no doubt his return to politics would be most welcomed by the sinister and evil Communist Chinese Party led by Xi Jinping.

John 4 years ago

The Tribune continues to undo itself is inappropriate and/or based or yellow journalism. IS the bold, oversized headline revealing the former medical status appropriate or necessary? Certainly family members and friends find it offensive. The Tribune probably didn’t give as big a headline to Ingraham when he first won the Elections and became prime minister. If fact The Tribune started using this size headline frequently when a young, Bahamian student was caught up in a firearm affair in the US. And they plastered his name onthe front page of their newspaper,this size print and even larger, for months.

KapunkleUp 4 years ago

I can't stand the man but I will give him credit for not running off to a foreign hospital like spineless Chicken Davis.

tribanon 4 years ago

Agree. And now we have spineless Clucking Minnis running away from a public (televised) debate challenge made by Chicken Davis. In fact, Clucking Minnis is running away from the challenge so fast that he must think Davis is actually a fearsome Fighting Rooster. LMAO

birdiestrachan 4 years ago

This is very interesting. Where did he go? The competent Authority has every one locked down.

If the former PM obeyed all of the rules. It means lockdowns do not work.

John 4 years ago

According to news reports, he didn’t go anywhere. He even stopped going to the food store. So, apparently the virus was transported to him. But I question him being so adamant about taking the vaccine now. The vaccine will not offer any additional protection to persons already wearing masks and following emergency protocols.But Otis great publicity for the vaccines.

ThisIsOurs 4 years ago

do you know how easy it is to pick up a virus? He didn't have to do anything. We buying this nonsense from Dr Minnis and Wells that anyone who gets infected was somehow behaving like a rude child. Just being alive and breathing puts you at risk.

Someone brought a new strain into the country. Wasn't Atlantis bragging the other day that Coral towers was ~90% full?

bogart 4 years ago

Wishing former Prime Minister, Ingraham full and speedy recovery. Respects to him for his ability for bringing the former FNM Opposition Party into power in 1992. About time for this historic accomplishment there ought by now to have some significant building or place named after him.

KapunkleUp 4 years ago

How about renaming Balls Alley in his honor?

bogart 4 years ago

@Kerpuncleup, indeed, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, his political testicular fortitide was phenomenal as his beliefs and drive to widely opening up democracy touching everyone's lives in the Bahamas.

BONEFISH 4 years ago

Best wishes and a speedy recovery Mr. Ingraham. You still have a lot to offer sir.

John 4 years ago

And since Hubert Ingraham is reportedly promoting the taking of the vaccine, maybe he should tout the government to switch to the Johnson and Johnson vaccines, once they become available. This is the only vaccine that is claiming outright to prevent the virus, it can be stored in a regular refrigerator and it only requires a single shot per patient. And NO, I am not promoting the taking of the vaccines, but if you want to, at least know your options

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