Rental expenditure

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Issue: The Government’s Huge Rental Expenditure

Let’s have a look at abandoned and derelict Bay Street properties.

Our governments have been tenants for decades. The millions spent on rentals must be a huge part of the various Ministries’ budgets. Many of us were encouraged by the construction of the buildings housing the Ministry of Education and Bahamas Customs. Another such building or two more floors would have reduced the huge rental expense. We have waited for years for the completion of the building next to the Paul Adderley building, which is to house the Ministry of Tourism. The completion and occupation dates are not known. We are renting office space for Ministers, their Ministries and several departments.

Some of the present landlords are: The Manx Corporate Centre, Charlotte House, the Out Island Traders Building, Aventura, Plaza, Goodman’s Bay Corporate Centre, Bolam House, Harold deGregory Complex, Shirley House, Norfolk House, Shirlaw House, Poinciana House, Claughton House, Campbell Maritime Centre, Ansbacher House, Saffrey Square Annex, BAF Financial Centre Annex, Seventeen Shop Annex, Bellagio Plaza, Frederick House, and Mosko Building.

Idea: Bay Street, between Victoria Avenue and Deveaux Street has become the dead part of our city. There is hardly any activity in this area except for pedestrians and vehicles passing by. There are a lot of abandoned and derelict buildings. Government should acquire the abandoned/derelict properties from the present owners at a fair price. Demolish most of the buildings and construct a Government Centre to house those Ministries and departments presently in rental accommodation. The Post Office, Bahama Immigration and Courts could be accommodated. Also look at the area between Union Street and Victoria Avenue, e.g. the old Stop ‘N Shop and adjacent buildings. This part of the City of Nassau could live again.

In considering construction, provide for retail sales establishments (restaurants, gift shops, etc) on the ground floors. There is waterfront space, which could be upgraded for boats to dock at a price. A two or three storey car park would be an asset. Financing of the project would have to come from loans, sufficient to complete it. The rental money presently paid will in due course go towards the loan. Retail establishments on the ground floor to be rented to Bahamians, who qualify. The car park must provide revenue from the users. Entertainment could be included in the complex. Most importantly, shares to be sold to Bahamians as was done with the Sidney Poitier Bridge and Arawak Cay Development.

Employment in construction would rise. The complex would likely take two years to complete. There has been some information that government intends to demolish derelict buildings in the city. I hope, that this will not be done at the taxpayers’ expense.



January 14, 2021.


Dawes 3 years, 8 months ago

Whilst i agree on some parts, i disagree on Government becoming landlords downtown. One of the issues downtown is that no one wants to be here as all the Government offices makes downtown too busy (parking for the registrar is next to impossible). Move the Government buildings out of downtown, and those that you don't need to visit can be moved to family islands to increase movement out of Nassau. Start with the small ones and watch it grow. One of the biggest issues is Government can't look after their buildings so they buy a building (normally to help out the owner who needs to sell it so they get over the top money) then run it into the ground and then have to rent from another landlord at top dollar (who is known to them). Anyway whatever they do something needs to change. Also to point out i Believe Ansbacher is owned by the Government.

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