Tribune Staff Reporter


ARREST warrants were issued yesterday for several people who failed to appear in court after they were charged with breaching regulations outlined in the Emergency Powers Order.

Yesterday, more than 100 people had been summoned to the Magistrate’s Court to be arraigned for breaking curfew, failing to wear a mask in public, refusing to practise social distancing, attending large social gatherings and operating prohibited businesses.

The majority who were charged failed to appear. Those who did attend were either discharged or denied the allegations.

Charmaine Sweeting, 42; Aaliah Knowles, 19; Tatyana Delancy, 23; and Milissa Lundy, 46, appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes after they were accused of going to a local bar around 7.28pm in November.

All denied violating social gathering protocols and the case was adjourned to May 17 for trial. They were each released on bail on their own recognisance.

Eric Williams, 33, was charged with operating a bar and restaurant on Malcolm Road on December 15. During his hearing before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt yesterday, he denied the allegation and his case was adjourned to August 20 for trial. Williams was released on bail with one sureter.

Brian Adderely, 52, also appeared before Magistrate Ferguson-Pratt for the same offence. However, after he pleaded not guilty, the prosecution offered no evidence and sought to withdraw the matter. He was subsequently discharged.

Warrants of arrest were also issued for people who failed to appear in court and did not bother to pay the fixed penalty fines attached to their citations.

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