‘Personal matters’ see DNA's no.2 resign

BUSCHEME Armbrister resigns as deputy leader of the DNA party.
Photos: Donovan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

BUSCHEME Armbrister resigns as deputy leader of the DNA party. Photos: Donovan McIntosh/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Democratic National Alliance has announced that the party’s Deputy Leader Buscheme Armbrister stepped down effective June 30 in order to attend to “personal matters”.

“After much thought and prayers, I have made a decision to leave frontline politics and step down as Deputy Leader effective June 30, 2021 in order to attend to personal matters,” Mr Armbrister said at a press conference yesterday.

DNA Leader Arinthia Komolafe said Steven Michael Nesbitt and Derek Smith are the new duly elected deputy leader and chairman respectively. They were elected at a special congress meeting held on July 1 in accordance with the constitution of the DNA.

She added Omar Smith, the previous chairman, had to step down to contest the position of Deputy Leader. However, he lost to Mr Nesbitt.

Mrs Komolafe said: “There were 41 eligible voters in this election based on the number of the congress members as at June 30, 2021. It was a very close race with a margin of victory of 1; Mr Smith secured 20 votes while Mr Nesbitt received 21 votes.”


Arinthia Komolafe.

Mr Armbrister did not go into details about why he stepped down, but he made it clear he is still with the DNA.

“I have committed to assist to ensure a smooth transition. I have communicated to the central congress that I will continue to serve and support the party in my new role as national strategic advisor to the party’s central congress to ensure that the DNA wins the next general election.”

Mrs Komolafe thanked Mr Armbrister for his contributions.

“Mr Armbrister stepped down amidst personal challenges and we continue to keep him in our prayers. Mr Armbrister has made it abundantly clear that he will continue to support and assist the party and the leadership team. In this regard, we are thankful that Mr Armbrister will be transitioning to the position of national strategic advisor to the central congress.

“So we just made the necessary adjustments. Additionally as Mr Armbrister has said, he is still with the organisation – he is just not going to be able to give the time and the effort that is needed to run a full-fledged campaign and be the deputy leader and so we respect and so with that, that is why we would’ve come to this decision today to give him the space that he needs and also position the party as best possible.”

Mrs Komolafe also criticised Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis for keeping the nation “in suspense” about when the next general election will be held.


JokeyJack 3 years, 2 months ago

Bahamians, by majority, are too ignorant to vote for the DNA. The majority of people are like an abused wife who continues to remain with her husband. This is often due to economic reasons. However. In this case all that is needed is to mark an "X" next to the DNA candidate. But instead, the people will accept $200 cash to last them for the next 5 years.

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

For few exciting seconds before jumping right into the story's reading, I was just about to be headin' out to McDonald's to grab good #1 resignation news, Happy Meal, that is until realising had been the wrong person, the wrong picture was published?
That is One thousand percent of a picture of "Thee" Mr. Minnis that got mistakenly retrieved out of the Tribune's Photo Library.
And, if not, he can get hired to act as the Thee's security decoy double, yes?

JokeyJack 3 years, 2 months ago

Yep. Just like Perry, who was also strongly advised to resign, Minnis will lead the party to an election loss. FNM 18, PLP 19, DNA 2. Could the country be so lucky to get this result which would then require real debate and compromise in the House? Will God grant it? Does the DNA know which 2 seats they should focus on, that have actual potential to win?

tribanon 3 years, 2 months ago

You're going to be pleasantly surprised at the number of independent candidates, with no close ties to the PLP party or FNM party, who throw their hat into the political arena at the last moment and win a seat with little or no campaign effort. The FNM party under the failed leadership of the very corrupt, incompetent, arrogant, nasty and vindictive Minnis will be lucky to win 5 seats at most.

licks2 3 years, 2 months ago

I am afraid to say that the FNM will win again. . .not by the many as last time, but however, will win again!! The PLP or the DNA leave us very little choice. . .the DNA is playing a "bush" game and the PLP brings a "dud" for leader. . .by luck of the draw that leaves our present PM after his party wins again!! Party "peoples dem" don't win elections. . .swing voters do! Thems ya peoples dem who have a problem with the PLP leadership. . .with Brave in-charge!! Maybe if they had Alfred Sears. . .THE PEOPLE MAY LIKE THEM LIL BIT!! BRAVE ONLY FER THEY PEOPLES DEM. . .NOT WE SO!!

But many of this present government group "een" ger stand a chance come next election!!

ohdrap4 3 years, 2 months ago

He looks like Minnis, people will not vote for him

tribanon 3 years, 2 months ago

LOL. You're probably right. His face does resemble Minnis's face in too many respects.

licks2 3 years, 2 months ago

Who face yinna say looks like Doc? Das Brave or Sears? If yinna think that Sears looks like Doc. . .yinna need to "wash yinna eyes"!! Een no way Sears "orgly" like Brave and Doc!! Sears is the hope of PLP getting in government in 2022!!! And he pretty too!!!

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