190,000 people registered to vote so far



MORE than 190,000 people had registered to vote as of yesterday morning, about 17,000 more than the number of people registered for the 2017 general election.

Parliamentary Commissioner Lavado Duncanson said the total number of people registered as of 9.24am yesterday was 191,595.

“For the Family Islands there are some 28,240 on the register,” said Mr Duncanson. “For Grand Bahama there are some 30,640 on the register. In New Providence there are some 132,715 on the register. This gives us an overall total of 191,595.

“In 2017 there were approximately 181,000 registered to vote. What is happening is we are seeing since 2017 up until today’s date, we have a total of 17,229 (more) persons who have registered to vote.”

Mr Duncanson said his department is seeing an uptick in registration, and stressed that his office is mandated to be prepared and ensure a smooth electoral process.

“If you go to any of our locations you will see where there are persons presenting themselves to register. We are seeing an uptick in registration.

“My duty is to continue with our efforts here at the Parliamentary Registration Department,” he said. “That is to continue to register voters, continue to ensure that the register is as accurate as possible; continue to transfer voters and to continue to prepare for all elections. So that is what we will continue to do.

“One of the things we continue to do, as is our responsibility, is to continue with our efforts to prepare as it relates to registration. We are continuing our efforts as it relates to editing the register ensuring that it’s as accurate as possible.”

Pressed further about the serious preparation being done in his department some ten months ahead of the expected election, he said it’s just being responsible.

“Remember any responsible agency that has a mandate to facilitate, it is incumbent upon that agency to ensure that it continues to prepare, it continues to ready itself, it continues to remain in a state of readiness if that is a requirement and it is.

“Certainly we are responsible for continuously ensuring that we are as prepared as we can be. That is an ongoing effort. It’s not as if we can wait for a particular time or a particular threshold. We have an obligation to continue to prepare and continue to progress towards any possibilities. That is something that is required.”


Dawes 3 years, 2 months ago

This is not true. There are 190,000 on the list, however many people would have moved and just not told. I know of plenty people in this position. They will need to let people know what happens if they do not change their address and then try and vote.

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