THE Free National Movement’s chairman has called out leaders of the official opposition for “politicising” the pandemic and pushing the race card instead of encouraging Bahamians to better themselves.
Yesterday in an interview with The Tribune, FNM chairman Carl Culmer said he is tired of the politicising of the pandemic and accused Progressive Liberal Party leaders of being “divisive and cunning”.
“I’ve never heard so much divisive statements used for political reasons when it comes to this pandemic,” Mr Culmer said. “You never hear the PLP encouraging citizens to go out and take the vaccine, especially when it comes to statements coming from the leader, Brave Davis and the chairman, Fred Mitchell. It’s always political. They are divisive and cunning.
“Every catastrophe we have had in this country over the past four years — instead of them trying to come up with solutions to help how we can move the country forward, they use it as a political tool to gain political mileage.”
Mr Culmer said if the country is fully vaccinated and gets its economy back on track, the PLP will have no chance of winning the next election.
“The PLP understands that once The Bahamas is fully vaccinated and the country is opened up to business, their chances of winning any election is nil,” he continued. “So what they decide to do is divide the people and use these unfounded and foolish statements to try to discourage persons to take the vaccine.
“The PLP leaders were the first to get the vaccine. They took the first shots and went for their second shots before they were even due. We cannot run a country when everything is political. We need to run a country where persons realise the difference between political and common sense.
“The PLP only has one focus and that is to win an election at all costs. . .This is so sad. We would hope that the PLP would step up and encourage persons to go out there and get vaccinated so at the end of the day The Bahamas could really open up and business can flourish … that The Bahamas can reach its potential economically.”
PLP chairman Fred Mitchell dismissed Mr Culmer’s allegations and accused the FNM of failing on delivering vaccines.
“The statement by Carl Culmer is as stupid as it is ignorant and ill informed,” Senator Mitchell said. “This coming from a government that allowed the country to run out of vaccines. . .Same old same old: blame the PLP.
“All leaders of the PLP are vaccinated and we are on record as encouraging all to be vaccinated. However, we disagree that coercion is the way on vaccination. Public education is the way forward.
“The FNM has failed us on vaccines but that is only the latest failure. Soon they will have failed us for the final time.”
The FNM chairman turned his attention to the matter of race. He said he is also tired of the PLP, in his opinion, always referencing black or white people when Bahamians are all one people.
“Another thing I have a problem with the PLP is this continuous talk of blacks and whites,” Mr Culmer said. “We are one Bahamas and Fred Mitchell especially dwells on trying to (divide) the people via black and white and rich and poor. As a people we need to work together to make this country a better place.”
Mr Culmer also said he feels the PLP leaders are simply trying to hold on to power and should be rejected.
“Fred Mitchell was one of the persons who were at the forefront when Sir Lynden reached a certain age at 65, who told him he had to bow out and go because he was tired and old,” he said. “Fred and Brave are almost 70 and trying to hang on to power. Bahamians have rejected the PLP and have rejected Fred.
“Bahamians need to reject the PLP at the polls because they are only seeking to set this country backwards,” Mr Culmer said.
In response to this Senator Mitchell said the race matter is a part of the FNM’s heritage and that the FNM chairman should go and have a chat with the Prime Minister.
“Self-hatred is a terrible thing. Mr Culmer and his colleagues suffer from an inferiority complex and it stings them when they are reminded of their heritage,” the PLP chairman said. “Yet as soon as Hubert Minnis was challenged by Loretta Butler-Turner he accused her of being a front for the Bay Street boys and he said Bay Street would not be allowed to take over the FNM. Bay Street is the dog whistle for white Bahamians. So Mr Culmer ought to have a chat with his Prime Minister.”
birdiestrachan 3 years, 8 months ago
Mr: Culmer common sense says the Government should have sufficient Vaccines to vaccinate the people.
They do not. what does the PLP have to do with that.?.
carltonr61 3 years, 8 months ago
He has admitted that Minnis is a PLP. The great lion compitant one is the sole responsponsuble ruler. The failure is his his failure.
tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black !! LMAO
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