17 Rand nurses call in sick

SEVENTEEN Rand Memorial Hospital nurses in Grand Bahama called in sick yesterday affecting wards and inpatient services.

In a press statement, the Public Hospitals Authority confirmed the nurses’ action saying calls came from nurses before the 8am and 3pm shifts.

The authority said there had been no communication from the Bahamas Nurses Union that any action would be taking place.

BNU president Amancha Williams said she had no knowledge of any industrial action, saying only: “I know a few of the nurses said they were sick.”

Rand Hospital Administrator Sharon Williams said the sickout came at a bad time.

She said: “The alleged sick-out of nurses comes at a time when the Rand Memorial Hospital is already experiencing a nursing shortage, and against efforts to mitigate services during a pandemic which has strained resources.

“This major setback has affected the Rand Memorial Hospital’s wards and inpatient services as these areas were most negatively affected as a result of the sick-out.”

However, she added: “Measures were taken to redeploy nursing staff that reported to work in strategic areas to maintain our ability to provide health care to our patients.”

PHA said management will continue to monitor this turn of events and assured the public that everything will be done to ensure the patients receive optimal health care.


proudloudandfnm 3 years, 1 month ago

It is way past time to deal with this issue. Nurses are paid a pittance and worked like mules. Time for nurses to be paid a realistic salary, this has to be done as soon as humanly possible. No nurse should have to work two jobs to make ends meet. Like any other highly trained profession they have to be paid properly....

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