EDITOR, The Tribune.
“WHITE privilege” is a main tenet of institutionalised racism and has only been successful because of the desecration of accountability. This is but a minuscule reference of an obscene period in history.
Two thousand years ago, the competent authority capitulated to the mob and crucified an innocent man, Jesus the Christ. No one was held accountable.
The middle passage of the black slave trade that endured for over 400 hundred years, white hogs transported over 12 million blacks from Africa. The conditions in the belly of the slave ships were so horrific and inhumane that more than two million slaves died during the journey. No one was held accountable.
Slavery was “technically” abolished in 1865. The white hog slave masters were compensated for losing free black labour. The black slaves who built America with their bare hands and many perished so doing…. got nothing! No one was held accountable!
In 1917 white hogs conducted a mass hanging of black soldiers for defending themselves from white rioters. No one was held accountable!
In 1921 a prosperous black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was called Black Wall Street. Jealous white hogs initiated a race riot leaving 300 dead and 8,000 wounded and homeless. No one was held accountable! In August 16, 1937, Annie Hawkins, a former slave was interviewed. She said: “I never had no white folks that was good to me. We all worked jest like dogs and had about half enough to eat, and got whipped for everything!” No one was held accountable!
In 1944 George Stinney was a 14-year-old skinny little black boy. He was framed for the murder of two white girls. He was tossed in jail in solitary confinement! His parents were prevented from seeing him. The poor child had no idea why they were terrorising him. He was so small they had to sit him on phone books to fit him in the electric chair. Those depraved white hogs electrocuted this innocent child whose only crime was being black! No one was held accountable!
Another 14-year-old boy whose only crime was being black, was Emmitt Till. He was accused of offending a white woman in Mississippi in 1955. He was lynched in a most grotesque fashion by white hogs. His murderers were found not guilty by a jury of their white hog peers. After the acquittal, they gleefully admitted to the sickening crime. They were heroes among their fellow white hogs. No one was held accountable!
In 1932, white hogs with medical degrees subjected unsuspecting black men to a syphilis study for the benefit of white science. No one was held accountable!
The Rev Dr Martin Luther King was an American civil rights leader. An icon in the black community, a pastor, a consummate orator, a prince of a man, and a martyr. He was despised by the white establishment. The problem? He was black and influential. He was under continuous illegal surveillance by white law enforcement at the highest level. J Edgar Hoover, that racist white hog and Director of the FBI, hated Martin intensely. Hoover framed him and harassed him with impunity. I’m convinced that the FBI and the DOJ conspired to have King assassinated on April 4, 1968 in Atlanta. No one was held accountable!
Not only were former slaves denied reparations, but the white hogs designed a system called red lining. A discriminatory practice of putting services and finance out of the reach of black people. Generations of Black families have been cheated out of billions in wealth by this practice. No one has been held accountable
There is compelling antidotal evidence that many white hogs benefitted handsomely from inventions that black individuals created, but never got credit for. No one was held accountable!
The trend is inescapable. In all of the aforementioned atrocities the assailants/perpetrators are known to the competent authorities. In fact, the competent authorities were the masterminds behind some of the murders.
So, from the advent of slavery to now, the white establishment have crafted and mastered a system, a labyrinth of laws, policies, and skullduggery that continues to benefit them at the exclusion of people of colour.
The brazen attack on Capitol Hill on Jan 6, 2021 has crystalized a festering sore to a puss head. True to form the white establishment, elected officials to the highest positions in America up to and including former President Trump, have aided, abetted and defended them. That venomous DNA from 400 hundred years ago is alive and well. A generational legacy of greed, loathsome dominance, and predatory malfeasance is their birthright! Their skins are white, but their hearts are dark!
I make no apology for calling them hogs, no normal human being could be so depraved and consumed with hate, they are the embodiment of evil. Demons do exist, and these hogs are demons. Satan equips and facilitates his minions very well. He imbues every fiber in their body with virulent hate and savagery. The NRA is a demonic organisation, small wonder they are so inextricably linked to the Republican Party. They are under the mark of the Beast. Every year more Americans are being slaughtered by guns, but the GOP keep fighting to make gun ownership easier! A big gun is the white’s man absolute symbol of manhood! With a gun a white overseer could manage dozens of slaves in the field. Guns give them a false sense of superiority. How many of them have the courage to confront a black brother without weapons? Guns are essential for the preservation of white supremacy, and the police to shoot and kill black people. A more insidious plan for guns is to flood black ghettos with high grade weapons and sit back and watch as blacks slaughter blacks. It’s a spectator sport for them to enjoy, safely tucked away in their white enclaves, protected by white policemen. So long as the bloody carnage is contained to the ghetto, they marvel at how clever they are.
What makes this lack of accountability so egregious, is the fact that for hundreds of years the white hogs keep immaculate records. Slavery and slave labour was such a valuable commodity that they were insured. So, the records are still available for all to see…. but there will never be judicious accountability!
The holocaust happened 80 years ago. The Jews are still prosecuting the Nazis and holding them accountable. Well, I guess if the Jews were black, they would be in the same boat as the slaves and their lineage.
I by no means consider all white people as bad. In fact, I believe the majority of white people are good and decent. However, too many remain bigoted, racist hogs. America cannot move forward until systematic racism is reduced from politics in Capitol Hill to the police on the beat.
Freeport, Bahamas.
March 10, 2021.
realitycheck242 3 years, 10 months ago
Great letter....thanks for the reminder. Least we all forget. Black people have been used, abused, plundered, discriminated upon, whipped, Lynched, spat on, shot , steered down, walked on , chained, harassed knees placed on necks since the first day the white man set eyes on our ancestors centuries ago. The sad thing about all of this is that this vile treatment of our kiind continues today.
sheeprunner12 3 years, 10 months ago
Soooooooo, were (or are) there any "white hogs" in 242???? .......... Or "black hogs"????
Blacks owned blacks as well ........... That is how the whites got them in the first place.
Proguing 3 years, 10 months ago
Here is some factual info about your "white hogs"
"Some slave owners demanded reimbursement for their lost “property” after emancipation, and by 1876 the demand—and its overwhelming associated cost—had become useful as a threat. The above article in the New York Times, dated October 21, 1876, i.e., just before the big presidential election, contains the claim that Democrats planned on demanding slave owner compensation if they won the election. It’s tough to believe that such a project would have been feasible, but either way, the Republicans prevailed."
"In 1865, the Republicans passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery."
"In 1872, the first seven black members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives were Republicans."
"In 1877, federal troops were removed from the Southern states and the era of Reconstruction ended. Democratic-controlled southern governments enacted segregation policies, called “Jim Crow Laws, which effectively disenfranchised blacks and segregated all aspects of society."
BTW the USA elected twice a black President and a black woman is now running America. I can't think of any country mostly populated by blacks who has elected a leader of another color.
In the case of George Floyd the chief of Police of Minneapolis was black (who of course did not resign) and the Mayor was a Democrat.
The truth sometimes is hard to handle.
sheeprunner12 3 years, 10 months ago
Why are you quoting and justifying our "white hog" experiences with US political history?
Sorry, I forgot that 242 is quasi-American in more ways than one.
hrysippus 3 years, 10 months ago
There seems to be some misunderstanding about the circumstances that surrounded the compensation monies paid to owners of slaves.To understand the factors involved you have to remove your thinking from 21st century social mores and morality. Most people today have no problem eating veal or steak; it , it be that in 100 years or less most people will be filled with revulsion at the idea, knowing the horrendous life a veal calf is subjected to and the cruelty of the slaughter houses. The abolition of slavery by the British parliant was a political decision as such it required lobbying, compromise, back room deals to get enough mp's to support the legislation. At that time, rightly or wrongly, people could legally own a slave. A slave was worth money. To get enough support for the bill to pass it was necessary to offer compensation for the loss of what up until then was propery that had a value. So it was a purely pragmatic decision necessary to achieve a desirable aim. I believe that the money was raised by the British government issuing bonds and these bonds have only just be paid off a few years ago.
bahamianson 3 years, 10 months ago
The article says, "white hogs transported over 12 million slaves from AFRICA". That type of writing is unacceptable. And by the way, as you know, Black greedy pigs captured and transported black slaves to those White hogs' ships to be transported across the Atlantic. So, White hogs and Black greedy pigs are bkth complicit in this manner.
benniesun 3 years, 10 months ago
I have read the comments here and you guys just don't get it - the rabbit hole is deeper than you think!! We are a conquered colonized people. The conqueror is a supernatural being who stays out of the lime light leaving very little traces that it exists. That entity rules through deception, inversion, perversion and chaos - the contrived hstory of the world was given to us by its demonic agents. The ruling elite and ruling races are its puppets and they are true demons. Our leaders got caught up in the evil doing and got their kundalini raised (sacral gland massage) - that is the initiation which opens one for possession by evil entities. Stop thinking so small because this entire realm was seized from our ancestors by the parasites - that is why reparations is not possible. We have been fooled into believing that Gods do not exist and many into worshiping the conquering enemy God who hates us, sanctions our enslavement and keeps us under subjection by ensuring that our countries fail.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 10 months ago
Whoa now. This dude has some serious issues. Get help Mr. Armbrister. You definitely need help...
sheeprunner12 3 years, 9 months ago
Issues??????? ............ Every black person should have issues with being in the Americas ........... Except you are one of the brainwashed ones .....
C2B 3 years, 9 months ago
12 million slaves were transported of which 10.5 lived. Of those, 400,000 went to North America. The vast majority went to Brazil and the rest of LatAm and the Caribbean, where they were enslaved by what we now refer to as "people of colour". I hope Mr.Armbrister feels 10 times the animosity toward Brazilians as he does toward "white pigs".
1pnewman 3 years, 9 months ago
C2B I think you need a history lesson.The African slaves that went to Latin America were not enslaved by 'people of color'. Brazilians who enslaved those Africans were descendants of the Portuguese colonizers. They were white, not POC. Portugal is a white country. The rest of Latin America the slave owners were primarily of Spanish extraction. That would be Spain in Europe, a white country. So the slaves in Latin America were enslaved by 'white pigs' as well.
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
I remember my mother always saying that those who choose to use racism as a crutch in their lives are more often than not allowing their own racist tendencies to hold them back in life.
avidreader 3 years, 9 months ago
Strange that there has been no mention of Arab slave traders working south along the east coast of Africa, the huge slave market of Zanzibar or of the institution of slavery in the Roman Empire when the slaves were mostly Germans and Greeks.
JokeyJack 3 years, 9 months ago
Someday, i predict, the USA will have black mayors, governors, congressmen, senators and even a black president. Someday.
OMG 3 years, 9 months ago
They already did. A great President named Obama.
Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 9 months ago
As much as I think what the letter writer says is true and is unfortunately a sad, and reprehensible, part of history I would be interested to hear what he/she thinks will be said 50 years from now about the black on black violence that we currently experience in The Bahamas (and elsewhere) especially with the male gangs. I don't think the finger can be pointed at the 'white hogs' for that. At the rate things are going, there will more blacks killed by other blacks because of gang violence, than slaves killed by the white hogs. History repeating itself, but just in a different way.
tom1912 3 years, 9 months ago
The author seems to not to know that the morjority of citizen not the well off leaders in the countries that traded in slaves to the americas an others who also traded slaves of many hues in all parts of the world over the the eons, were treated as serfs and their lifes were cheap, that includes all of "White Hog" Europeans, as well as the Middle East, and Asia! African tribes regularly took slaves of other tribes with in their not only within the immediate vicinity as well as north south, east west. There was still slavery going on in parts of the Arabian Penisular into the 1960s, never mind all those Rastafarian Bahamians revering Haile Selassie when Ethiopia was one of the last bastions of slavery under his reign in the late 1930s one of the excuses Mussolini used to invade the country.
The whole world has been engaged in slavery and was the norm for hundreds of years not just "White Hogs" but "Black Hogs", "Red Hogs", "Coloured Hogs","Yellow hogs" " Sallow Hogs" etc etc! It's my opinion that the author is blinked never mind judging and applying the white/black race issue of the present day USA to the rest of the world! IMHO.
OMG 3 years, 9 months ago
Nobody would diasgree that slavery perpetuated by black and white people was wrong but a letter as vulgar as this only stirs up resentment and ill feeling. . Much of the slave trade was enabled by black african chieftans and, still exists in Africa and Yemen to name two as you say.. There is racism in the Bahamas where young students classify each other as your " black self" and bleach skin to appear whiter. What about Spanish Wells which until the seventies required all black Bahamians to leave the island at sunset. Your own constant use of the term Hogs is an insult to normal citizens of every colour and every country. It might be the case that you yourself have racist views.
tom1912 3 years, 9 months ago
If your statement :-
"Your own constant use of the term Hogs is an insult to normal citizens of every colour and every country. It might be the case that you yourself have racist views*
is directed at me and not the author of the article" I was being facetious implying that all slave traders of what every colour cred or ethnicity are Hogs, pigs whatever, and the author was being myopic, sorry if you misunderstood
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