Tribune Senior Reporter
FORMER Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe is among seven people the Progressive Liberal Party ratified yesterday to nearly complete its roster for the next general election.
Before his ratification, Mr Wilchcombe had made his desire to return as the PLP’s representative in West Grand Bahama and Bimini public. However, his efforts to secure the nomination faced significant headwinds given his status as a senior, familiar face in the PLP and his decision in 2019 to challenge PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell for the chairmanship of the party against the wishes of party leader, Philip “Brave” Davis.
Before the PLP’s 2019 convention, Mr Davis offered Mr Wilchcombe a deal relating to the next election in return for standing down.
In addition to Mr Wilchcombe, the PLP also ratified Patricia Deveaux in Bamboo Town, Curt Hollingsworth in Marco City, Ginger Moxey in Pineridge, James Rolle-Turner in East Grand Bahama, Kirk Russell in Central Grand Bahama, and Leon Lundy in Mangrove Cay and South Andros.
Mr Lundy became the frontrunner for the Andros seat after current representative Picewell Forbes controversially bowed out in March, citing insufficient support from PLP leaders. Mr Lundy, according to Andros residents, has told people he is Mr Davis’ godson.
The candidates were ratified during a brief outdoor meeting at the PLP’s headquarters yesterday.
“We revolutionised our candidate selection process and, in an open, transparent and transformative way, selected an eclectic, diverse and talented group of women and men who will be the future of our party and the future of your next government,” Mr Davis said in a statement.
“We have been able to put together a mix of experience and youthful enthusiasm, a team of people who have no other motive but to serve our great party and play a role in the next government of our country.
“The last four years of FNM government has been one of smoke and mirrors – say one thing and do another. Say one thing and do nothing.”
Of the PLP’s election candidates, seven are women. The party has one more constituency ratification left, which is in Abaco.
Cobalt 3 years, 10 months ago
Obie Wilchcombe???? The PLP can’t be serious. But then again, relying on the stupidity and ignorance of the Bahamian people is a good strategy.
K4C 3 years, 10 months ago
Just about spit up my coffee, WOW, the Bahamas needs all of the above, compassion vision and change, functionality the PLP can hardly be that instrument, neither can the FNM, the old days as in the old days of the Bay Street boys is OVER for the PLP and FNM as well
“Forward, Upward, Onward Together”
milesair 3 years, 10 months ago
Obie is the very definition of a corrupt politician!
Sickened 3 years, 10 months ago
Yup, I just googled corruption at Obie was the only name mentioned on the first 5 pages.
tribanon 3 years, 10 months ago
My biggest fear is that many less well educated and more poverty stricken Bahamian voters will not fully understand and appreciate why it is now more important than ever for them to vote for the more reputable independent candidate who decides to run in their constituency, or just not vote at all. Our treasured Bahamaland and most of our people have reached the point where they will only suffer the severest of hardships and much misery under either another Minnis-led FNM administration or a Davis-led PLP administration.
JokeyJack 3 years, 10 months ago
Please don't encourage Bahamians to "not vote at all". Our system does not recognize low turnout. If only 10 people vote in a constituency and someone gets 4, someone gets 3, someone gets 2, and someone get 1 vote - then the candidate who got 4 votes wins that seat. The thousands that stayed home played no role whatsoever and now are stuck with Mr. 4 Votes. (or Mrs. 4 Votes). Please encourage people to vote Independent. I don't know how many decades of cut hip from FNM and PLP the Bahamian people wish to receive. They can receive however many they vote for, of course. Didn't we just throw these folks out 4 years ago? The same Davis and many of the others? They got new batteries for their halos now, so we must vote them in again? Or vote FNM? Seriously?
I swear if FNM or PLP win this next election, then the Bahamas deserves whatever it gets. People with no jobs, no health care, being tossed out by landlords cause they ain't working? Being treated like terrorists at the banks? Whatever we get we will deserve.
Sickened 3 years, 10 months ago
The good news is.... there's not much money in the cookie jar to steal. The PLP may be disappointed if they win.
SP 3 years, 10 months ago
The PLP needs to bring back Fitzgerald and Maynard Gibson to complete their complement of goons, pirates, and thieves!
Economist 3 years, 10 months ago
Too many, way too many old PLP's in the race. Most disapointing. The PLP can and should do better than this.
The old guard needs to let go. They have had their day.
Why not campaigne with and mentor a young new candidate?
The PLP should not be a party with a bunch of old folks with old ideas which have failed us.
The country needs an alturnative to our current poor government and, as it stands, the PLP is no better than what we have.
TalRussell 3 years, 10 months ago
@ComradeEconomist, most disappointing isn't it when as it currently stands there has been no signs of a real alternative to present a viable challenge to the two major players' - switcharooing turns at governing over realm's 1200 Out Islands, Keys, and Rocks. Even the DNA has faded into self-quarantine afraidness, chickeness within but moments after the Commish of the Royal Constabulary, had personally instructed the arrest of the party's leadership. yes?
FreeUs242 3 years, 10 months ago
Big nose frauds can't afford to give Bahamians a safer vaccine to take but can thief the whole national treasury. Minnis fooled all who wants to believe he actually got vaccinated.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago
this is simply frightening. what we gat and what we could get
TalRussell 3 years, 10 months ago
Demands serious rethink in the way we's been projecting the results upcoming general election - if "Brave's," strategy is that Comrade Obadiah is his jewel candidate in his attempt at snaggin' away the crown jewel of Grand Bahama as he maps out his run to capture the realm's, premiership, yes?
SP 3 years, 10 months ago
WTH? My mother always said "if you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything at all".
In this case I'll have to make an exception!
Obie Wilchcombe is another useless suit that cannot show one positive initiative he brought to the table as minister of tourism.
Obie is best remembered for getting caught joining Lennox Paton law firm in selling out Bahamians with an under the table deal to block vendors from Paradise Beach!
Nobody with any sense will vote for this WELL KNOW disingenuous clown.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago
dont forget Pleasant and the IT warehouse or John Travolta. I honestly believe they think people forget... and maybe we do
TigerB 3 years, 10 months ago
I guess we will have to count on the Punch to revive those John Travolta Moments! The fella broke!
tribanon 3 years, 10 months ago
Really?! Many would say both the Travolta and Nygard matters pale in comparison to the enormous financial and economic harm done our country as a result of, among other things, Minnis and D'Aguilar's secretitive dealings with corrupt and unscrupulous greedy representatives of foreign owned enterprises like Hutchison Whampoa, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Disney, Free Harbour Company, Grand Bahama Port Authority, etc. lol
Do us all a favour and vote for the independent candidate who will likely be running in your constituency.
Sickened 3 years, 10 months ago
The other problem for a DNA led government is that our senior civil service is so full of mostly PLP crony air breathers that government agencies will simply stop working in protest. It will take months if not years to clean all of the waste out of civil service while it is ground to a halt. This will be highly frustrating for all and expensive to pay out these dead beat crooks to stay home. I do note that the FNM are at least cleaning up the Mortgage Corporation but that is only the tippy top of the tip of the iceberg.
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