EDITOR, The Tribune.
The Minnis-led FNM administration appears to be spiraling out of control rapidly. A majority of Bahamians supported and voted for the then opposition FNM in 2017, four years ago and counting. People were simply fed up with former PM Christie and he had to go apparently by any means necessary. This now seems to be the same place in which Minnis and his crew find themselves. How ironic.
Almost a month ago six persons were brutally shot to death in the Jerome Avenue area after just being released from police custody from the Wulff Road Police Station. There is supposed to be surveillance cameras and spot checker devices, yet weeks later the police say that they have no positive leads or any possible suspects in custody.
There is little doubt in my mind that suspected gang related retaliation will go on and the carnage will not stop anytime soon. The police, I am sure, know a whole lot more than they are telling us. The public has a right to know all of the underlying circumstances.
Now we have a developing situation over in Abaco where the Ministry of Works has started the demolition of certain so-called shanty towns and are threatening to extend that demolition to New Providence. My God, what manner of administration is this? Where is its compassion? Where is its heart and where is its soul? I am a lawyer by training and I fully appreciate and understand the need to abide by the rule of law. Not a problem. I do have a big problem, however, in the manner in which government is now seeking to eliminate a long vexing issue.
We are dealing with fellow human beings all made in the image and likeness of The Lord Jesus Christ. How is it that while there is pending litigation that a government would move willy-nilly to destroy homes occupied by human beings without a plan in place to relocate them. Is this exercise an attempt to distract away from the ineptness and abject failures of this regime? The national economy is in shambles. Jobs have gone south without a passport or a visa. The vaccination roll out, with all due respects to brother Edward Fields and the good doctors, has been botched and is still a work in progress.
Crime is totally out of control. Not a single government home has been built in four years. We now hear questions about the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation. Bahamas Power & Light cannot seem to get its bond issue and others resolved.
Pot holes abound on our streets here in New Providence. They have been renovating Government House and the Ministry of Tourism building for all of the four years that they have been in office with no end in sight. Bay Street was supposed to have been upgraded and refurbished years ago, long before Dorian and the pandemic. What happened over there? Not a damned thing. Now I understand that brother Fields has recused himself from further involvement with that committee. Who is now in charge and what is being proposed with the soon-to-be redeveloped Prince George Wharf?
In my opinion these demolitions are no more than smoke screens and mirrors to make the administration appear as if they are actually in charge of the country and doing something when it is running around and floundering like a headless chicken or uncooked stewed fish or sardines with no yellow grits.
There will be a day or reckoning and the Minnis administration will pay a heavy price at the polls.
After demolishing scores of structures my once upon a time 'friend' Frankie Campbell says that his ministry will assist the displaced residents of the shanty towns with taxpayers' monies regardless of immigration status! What sort of cock-eyed policies are these. Break down my home and then give me some bread and water with no roof over the heads of me and my family, inclusive of children?
Another hurricane season is upon us and there are no tangible signs of preparation by the regime. God forbid that another hurricane of Dorian proportions should land in our nation.
Cock-eyed policies and inhumane treatment will cause the crumbling and dying FNM to die a political death of one thousand razor blade cuts. Where is your compassion and where is your heart? The least that you do for one of these black Haitians you do for The Master. To God then in all things be the glory.
May 13, 2021.
JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago
I see everybody else was smart enough not to even bother to respond to this waste of digital computer space. I will do likewise.
ohdrap4 3 years, 7 months ago
You new here huh?
themessenger 3 years, 7 months ago
Bodie, where is your compassion and your heart? The least you could do for these poor black Haitians is provide them with some Pro Bono legal representation instead of trying to score brownie points off of their unfortunate situation, you can redeem and reinvent yourself and maybe even give Red Fred a run for his money. Ortland Bodie Jr, QC, the sky is the limit.
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