Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands will be placed under a 14-day lockdown effective Saturday 22 May 2021 at 8pm in order to slow and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in those communities.
Residents should pay particular attention to the following provisions included in the Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Management and Recovery) (Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay Lockdown) Order, 2021:
Travel to and from Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay is prohibited during the lockdown, except for essential workers (Royal Bahamas Police Force, Royal Bahamas Defence Force, healthcare professionals), mailboat operators, or as otherwise approved by the Competent Authority.
There will be no in-person activities permitted;
Every agency, business or establishment shall remain closed except for the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, the Government Community Clinic and COVID-19 vaccination sites;
No person, other than an essential worker (Royal Bahamas Police Force, Royal Bahamas Defence Force, healthcare professionals), shall leave his or her place of residence for any purpose other than for the purpose of seeking urgent medical attention or on prescribed days to purchase food, water and other essential items; and
The Administrator or a designee is permitted to distribute food and water on behalf of the Government or the National Food Distribution Task Force only.
The National Food Distribution Task Force has organised a vessel to deliver adequate food and water supplies to Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay. The vessel is expected to arrive by Sunday 23 May, weather permitting.
The mailboat will be permitted to deliver food and other essential supplies to the Berry Islands. Food stores will be permitted to offload supplies, restock and provide services to the public during the two days immediately following the arrival of the M/V Gurth Dean Mailboat.
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force has been mobilised to monitor waters surrounding the Berry Islands.
Health teams are currently in the Berry Islands to carry out contact tracing and administer of the COVID-19 vaccine to residents who choose to receive the vaccine.
Health officials also continue to monitor the progress of the COVID-19 virus on the islands of Cat Island and Andros, where outbreaks are also occurring. Surveillance and vaccination teams have also been deployed to Cat Island and Andros.
Persons travelling to and from Cat Island and Andros will be required to produce a negative RT PCR test, no greater than five days before date of travel, or provide documentation to prove full vaccination. This includes public officers.
Harvesting of crabs on Andros will be permitted during curfew hours between 8pm and 5am.
The complete Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Management and Recovery) (Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay Lockdown) Order, 2021 is available on opm.gov.bs.
John 3 years, 9 months ago
Many fear that New Providence will also have to be locked down soo. This may be because the competent authority not only failing to take proactive action, but continuing to release restrictions, specifically fir people who have taken the vaccine. This is despite science showing that vaccinated persons as a threat to unvaccinated persons and other vaccinated as they can spread the virus almost endlessly. And this is definitely part of the problem this country is facing with the exponential increase in Corona cases. Some countries and US States have reinstated orders of mask wearing, no testing, social distancing and indoor dining for vaccinated people. Even the US president has refused, on many occasions, to exercise his freedom to unmask outdoors. This idiotic policy only designed to promote the vaccines is creating greater problems. And those who implement and administer it should be charged with treason.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Boy. Will we ever get over this daily control of every aspect of our lives. We only have the data that they are giving us they could be cooking the books as every thing this Covid spits out is so inclusive only to them. They could reveal lies we do not to instill fear in us and to generate dependence on their unvarifiable facts. Only the authority benefits from their own cooked up power grab. When ever they need to strangle us they cook up a reason. None can be varified. Nassau is next as they seek to vaccinate our children.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago
And how exactly do lockdowns benefit government you think? Why would anyone think lockdowns are some kind of plot by government? To what end? You know if you're gonna peddle conspiracy theories at least try to have them make some kind of sense...
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, as if you don't know that Minnis is working hand in hand with the Xi Jinping led Communist Chinese Party to literally crush the will of the Bahamian people and turn the Bahamas into a Red China controlled authoritarian police state right on the door step of the USA. What Dumbo Minnis doen't know though, is that his Communist Chinese friends cannot be trusted.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago
This has to be your dumbest post yet. Damn..
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
Cobalt 3 years, 9 months ago
@tribanon...... You are one fool. If you can’t debate sense, please leave this platform.
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
Too shallow for me. Try again.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 9 months ago
there was a paper put out early in the pandemic that we should watch carefully that govts do not take COVID as a cover to implement self serving authoritarian measures. This is not a crackpot theory. Minnis was well on the path to absolute leader. It was there for anyone to see that lockdowns were being misused as a crime control mechanism. It failed.
Cobalt 3 years, 9 months ago
@proudloudandfnm.... I was just about to say the same thing.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 9 months ago
"History shows that during times of crisis, politicians tend to reach for more power. It's happening again now, argues researcher Luke Kemp, and democratic citizens should be wary of the dangers"
And this is only one article. There have been other opinions on this phenomenon. Govts abuse power frequently. We only need go back to the immediate lockdown orders to see just how powerful minnis belidvedhimself to be. His cabinet didn't even know about his plans. Had they not developed a spine and he had gotten away with that, only God knows what else he would have tried. If he wins reelection, we'll still be under COVID and this time he wont be afraid of his cabinet
bahamianson 3 years, 9 months ago
Lock down means lock down. Lock down is not lock down and you go out , play domino under a tree with the boys or gather to watch a basketball game. lock downs work if they are what they are. if you are in your house, and I in mine, how can i infect you, or you infect me?
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
For quite sometime now the science has been showing that being cooped up indoors actually exacerbates the spread of the Wuhan Virus and its variants.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
India is fighting against the stain used by nations like the Bahamas of an Indian strain. According to India it does not exist. Other nations including UK were quck to cancel the language 'India strain'
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Are our Covid manipulators involved is vaccine money kickback. Now they just has to find ways under emergency orders to keep the pressure and fear on constantly. We could see a whole new breed of medical vaccine millionaires here too also.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
I don't know what our Covid chefs will cook up now. Certainly not the truth. Just power manipulation and control. Who can trust an entity that religates Bahamians anti God condemned to hell and a satanic for refusing to take AZ. Which mountain was that spoken from, or under the Earth in hell.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
WHO will eventually declare the pandem over that automatically cancels emergency order. Our Covid masters have an uncertain window to make millions. No wonder someone screams at the great USA to send more vaccines. If our independent doctors and medical team were to investigate what is happening there would be no lockdown there. The Covid profiteers team has cooked its own Covid stew for survival at any place and time of its choosing.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago
You really aint the sharpest knife in the drawer... Sheesh....
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
But it's still all too easy for him to 'cut' you into little pieces with that knife of his. lol
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Thank you.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago
The Berries??? Weird choice. You'd think Cat Island and Nassau would be the first islands to lockdown. Why the Berries? Minnis really is clueless....
Bonefishpete 3 years, 9 months ago
Just happened to be where the darts hit on the map they use.
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
Bingo! lol
DDK 3 years, 9 months ago
Minnis is definitely clueless, and yet, one party rule material...
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Go investigate if any among our Covid authority bilking millions in shares from Covid tests. Once you see the picture you will see full circle. Keep the constant testing going by Covid king as long as ambassador, stock holders, share payouts to silent peanut gallery, while us poor slaves pay for test after test after test. Would this Covid king who holds the key to our freedom ever open us up as long as millions come raking in. Think about it. Come 2023 we will still be under king's control until he grows too fat from testing money then bursts.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
The Covid masters cooking the Case books to perpetuate fear. If another independent agency were to investigate Covid authority they will be found to be lieing to maintain grip on power and forcing us to make them millions.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Persons they deemed Cases. We're never within six feet with an infected person in conversation without mask, for more than fifteen minutes, which would have made an infected person a vector. Now unless our Bahamian Covid scientists created a totally aerosol Covid that did not need a spit droplet but just breathe, then now we have a competant Covid. 99% of Bahamians wash their hands before eating. Somethings the authority do not fit the mold they instructed us to follow. They have created instant rubberband science to carry out some agenda to its end by 2023.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
The Covid authority is medical, scientific, financial sadistic armed state abuse. The USA needs to fly a heelo over and place our Covid financial medical abusers on Guantanamo Bay Cuba for life.
The_Oracle 3 years, 9 months ago
As always, follow the money. Globally a new industry has been created. Whether intentional or not, it is a real money maker globally and locally that is here to stay.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Ha ha. Right on.
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