Tribune Senior Reporter
PRIME Minister Philip Davis said he is “not minded” to allow oil drilling in The Bahamas and is completely opposed to oil exploitation in the country.
He was speaking to reporters after his delegation returned from the United Kingdom where the COP26 summit and other meetings were held.
He said: “I am not in any definitive position now to say, but as I speak having come from COP conference and having had conversations with world leaders, having had conversations with technical people, I am minded not to allow oil drilling and for certain at this time I am not prepared to move toward oil exploitation. Because you could still, cap and monetise; you could still and exploit. Exploitation is something that I’m not, with the world going the way it is, I will be going with the world.”
Asked if oil exploration in The Bahamas was raised as an issue during the summit, Mr Davis said: “There are no extant oil drilling leases going forward. The question of oil drilling did come up. There is an understanding that the elimination of fossil fuel completely may be a pipe dream and/or nothing that we will see in our lifetime, but is something that we all will be moving towards.
“So, you will hear them talk about alternative energy, but they don’t ever talk about what they call the net zero which is now the new term they are adopting to see where countries will get to net zero meaning elongating fossil fuel altogether, but no one is talking about it now, it can’t be done now, they see that 20, 30, 50 years into the future. So, for us we are reviewing the situation and we are moving towards monetizing our carbon credits so that at the end of the day that if we need new revenue streams to provide the services that our people need and I could get it from the monetisation of my carbon credits.”
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
Elongating? That is a Renwardism.
bahamianson 3 years, 4 months ago
In other words , yes. Just like VAT will be 10%, only thing is, we will add it to.other items. Truth is a.beautiful thing.
shonkai 3 years, 4 months ago
All i read is “they”. God forbid he should have his own vision, policy or plans.
sheeprunner12 3 years, 4 months ago
Davis and his lawyer pals have already made shitloads of money off the BPC oil ppl ...... How can he say NO to them now??? Idk
B_I_D___ 3 years, 4 months ago
Yeap...they are the ones that committed us to this foolishness in the first place...time to pay the piper, oil will be back on track in short order.
ColumbusPillow 3 years, 4 months ago
Mr PM, where is the oil and gas that we need for our transportation and electricity (and every thing else) going to come from? Wind and solar are not reliable alternatives. Hard facts show that global warming is not catastrophic and therefore THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS! Stop the fear-mongering that destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook!
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
You're certainly living proof that even the very hard science will never conquer those who choose, for whatever reason, to live in a complete state of denial. LOL
benniesun 3 years, 4 months ago
They called. He went. They talked. He listened. They commanded. He is positioning the Bahamas to comply to their wishes.
Crisis: 1. a situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous ⇨ emergency. Dispatch: 4. dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently.
Prince Charles said "...I know you all carry a heavy burden on your shoulders and you do not need me to tell you that the eyes and hopes of the world are upon you to act with all dispatch and decisively because time has quite literally run out....With a growing global population creating ever increasing demand on the planet’s finite resources, we have to reduce emissions urgently... The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global systems level solution based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable..."…
FrustratedBusinessman 3 years, 4 months ago
There is no oil in the Bahamas to drill for, I don't get all of the hysteria surrounding this debate. Sure, there might be trace amounts, but nothing that would be worth commercially drilling for. This is a debate as old as gambling, megacorps performed the studies decades ago and found that there was nothing worth drilling for.
ColumbusPillow 3 years, 4 months ago
Wrong. There is over 40,000 feet of sedimentary rock below the surface of this country. Several units are present which could serve as excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs. In offshore Guyana and Surinam over 30 dry holes were drilled before the discovery of very spectacular results. Only 7 holes drilled in the Bahamas without any danger to our environment
FrustratedBusinessman 3 years, 4 months ago
Ok, lets work with your insinuation that there is possibly commercial amounts of oil in our territorial waters. Tell me, why is a penny stock company like BPC here exploring and not a megacorp like BP or Exxon?
They looked in the past and found nothing to suggest that there is any here. They would be here drilling in a heartbeat if it was profitable and our politicians would not hesitate to turn us into Nigeria part II.
Emilio26 3 years, 4 months ago
Tribanon I've been observing your comments for the past two years now and it seems to me that you're a very prejudice and racist human being.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
Baha10 3 years, 4 months ago
Like the vast majority of Bahamians, I am all for the Environment, but we have to be realistic in securing our financial needs to support ourselves, whereas most developed countries have options, we simply don’t, so as much as “Green Energy” sounds good and we are being pushed to adopt, our Climate will corrode the Solar Panels and Wind Turbines … even before the Hurricanes blow them away all together every few years … and what are the same Environmentalists going to say when the Windmills decimate the migratory birds that pass through these Islands along with our beloved Seagulls and White Crown Pigeons … oh, didn’t think about that?!? What about Hydro … now our Fish become victims … again very dear to not just the hearts of Environmentalists. If anything, we need to focus on being realistic and perhaps explaining to the World that although we may suffer more than most from Global Warming, we may well have to continue much as we are … particularly given whatever we do will have little impact on the overall Planet, as hypocritical as this may seem to the Environmentalists … of which I am one at heart … but a “realistic” one.
benniesun 3 years, 4 months ago
You guys seem a bit slow today, so I will spell it out. The greatest user of resources and creator of emissions is the large population of man. So guess what is the easiest and most effective way to reduce resource usage and emissions? The 2030 agenda is not possible without implementing the unthinkable. Look up 'global rewilding'.…
TalRussell 3 years, 4 months ago
Since I'm guessing from reading some youse comrades posts, ― It would seem are a bit on the slow side, so, I will be spelling it out for youse and everyone else of a likewise mindset in a way none youse ― Who've been much too busy following the minute by minute new premiership Phillip "Brave" Davis's travels ― To have noticed the proof ― Why commentary by the Port's Comrade Michael Maura ― May yet turn out to be his most humiliating reality check's moment, ― When proof is proof ― Much too hard to just dismiss with no posts of comments to these hereto Tribune pages ―intent invite open commentary, ― Yes?
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