Common sense over COVID

EDITOR, The Tribune.

This Covid-19 pandemic, which seems intent on cleansing an over populated planet, has presented many problems for humanity.

As far as the scientists know at present the best way to protect oneself from the deadly virus is to get vaccinated, wear a mask so as not to inhale infected air, and wash your hands after touching objects that might be contaminated. Sounds simple. But it is not. It has presented a major problem for society as there are theorists out there preaching from a different text — vaccinations are not the answer, they claim. However, they are not scientists, nor am I. However, as far as I am concerned what the scientists are recommending seems the only reasonable way out of /or around this pandemic at the moment.

Let me use myself as an example. I am an ordinary working man with no science degree. There is a pandemic that seems intent on cleansing the planet. I am told by scientists whose training and life is dedicated to finding the scientific solution to the present pandemic that the best protection now at my disposal is to get a shot, wear a mask, wash my hands and avoid large clusters of people.

So far so good. However, there are others who think that this is too much of a strain on the way of life to which they are entitled. They have no concern that in exercising their “entitlements”, they are not only infringing on the rights of others, but putting those persons — as well as themselves– in life threatening danger. They question the only scientific knowledge available at present, and argue that their constitutional rights cannot be denied – to hell with the other man’s right to life, they seem to say.

A court case just heard in the United States required that employees were to either receive a COVID -19 vaccine or submit to a request for medical exemptions or an exemption for a sincerely held religious belief. Employees who did not comply with this policy would be subject to termination. Of course, the objecting employees took the matter to court claiming that the employers’ vaccination policy infringed on their constitutional rights and failed to provide religious and medical accommodations required under the American with Disabilities Act and Title V11 of the Civil Rights Act. Taking into consideration the substantial harm to others and the public interest, the court held that the plaintiffs were not entitled to injunctive relief.

Since this pandemic, eating out, and mixing with others has been curtailed. Hotels and restaurants are trying to maintain all of their patrons by assuring them that their restaurants and bars are safe because their staff have either been vaccinated, or been tested for the virus.

In other words I can continue to support my favourite eatery because I know it is as safe as any place can be. I know that the chef, the waiter and bartender are as safe as they can be from contaminating me.

However, if it is known that the establishment cannot guarantee this security, then the choice is mine. I shall no longer support that establishment. Get too many patrons doing this, the restaurant will have to close, staff, who are presently objecting to the free vaccinations, or cost of testing will be without jobs – and no jobs, no salary!

It is now time for Bahamians to use their commonsense. They have to decide whether they get vaccinated, or choose to pay for testing or find they no longer have a job.

It’s as simple as that. Don’t forget it is the establishment’s patrons that secure your jobs! Without our patronage, your place of employment might have to close and you will have no job. So use your commonsense – go and get vaccinated!



October 1, 2021


joeblow 3 years, 2 months ago

... that sounds great, but what is the penalty for those who got their shots, get covid and then spread it? The science says the shots do not stop you from getting covid and may not protect you from future variants.

The science says those with natural immunity (may have had covid in the past) have longer lasting protection from future covid infections including new variants. So why not antibody test ALL those who remain "unvaccinated" to see who had the infection already and stop harassing them about getting the shots or threatening them to lose their jobs, because they are better protected than those who had them!

ohdrap4 3 years, 2 months ago

The vaccinated feel entitled because they have been had. The UK, Norway and Singapore, and Thailand removed all restrictions because the disease is now endemic.

I no longer eat out. Notwithstanding the high cost, and vaccinated employees, several employees have fallen ill, so I will no longer eat there.

It does not make you any smarter to call people stupid.

Have you taken yourt fourth booster yet, genius?

baclarke 3 years, 2 months ago

"vaccinated, or been tested for the virus." LOL how are these two mutually exclusive? Dumb.

"In other words I can continue to support my favourite eatery because I know it is as safe as any place can be. I know that the chef, the waiter and bartender are as safe as they can be from contaminating me." HUH? how are they safe from contaminating you? What "science" are you using to determine this? You think vaccinated persons cannot catch and spread the virus to you? HAHAHA. Dumb.

I'm saying this as a vaccinated individual. Sir, you are not thinking with a full deck there.

baclarke 3 years, 2 months ago

Sooooo many articles in relation to various establishments telling you to either get vaccinated or have to test weekly, a false dichotomy. It's amazing how persons cannot see clearly that this is not an issue of health or safety, but one of coercion and politics. Vaccinated and unvaccinated alike can catch, spread, and possibly die from covid. The science has shown this. Sure, vaccination decreases the risk of severe disease and hospitalization, but this has ZERO to do with catching and spreading covid. Companies want to be able to "look good" and tell their customers and the world that hey "we're fully vaccinated". It's all marketing and politics. If they were truly concerned about stopping the spread of this virus, they would force weakly testing on ALL of their employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated, as this is the only way to help in stopping the spread. The only thing that vaccination is good for at this point is as a personal choice for the individual if they believe that they are high risk for severe disease and want to "boost" their immune response. That is it. The rest of the arguments for the vaccination at this point are utterly FALSE.

rodentos 3 years, 2 months ago

There will be perpetual "booster-shots" until the dumbest dumbass realizes what is going on. Now use you your common sense: If 5 vaccines did not work of course you must take the 6th to finally work.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results” - A.Einstein

JokeyJack 3 years, 2 months ago

Reminds me of a mechsnic i used to take my car to. Engine had a knocking sound. Each time i picked up the car, it still made the knocking noise. After the 18th time returning it to him, i began to wonder if i needed a different mechanic. But everyone told me he was the only "real" mechanic in town. So im taking it in for the 19th time tomorrow. Wish me luck.

carltonr61 3 years, 2 months ago

The fire that is burning the world down is the fact that WHO has not demanded a prayer for treatment for covud.a perpetual circle of pharma profeteer terrorists bankrolling their decision making process in this global criminal enterprise. Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, EU nations all lost in total about 55 trillion dollars in failed money crunching murderous colonial adventures into Afghistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria. Those nations are the advocates for destroying all treatments for covid. We are paying for their failure.

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