Atlantis incentivises staff to get vaccine

Atlantis launched a Vax for Cash incentive to encourage its 6,600 staff to all become fully inoculated against COVID-19. Team members who take the vaccine have the chance to win cash prizes.

The Paradise Island mega resort, in a statement, said the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been made available to all staff with effect from Monday. Jabs are being administered in the Imperial Ballroom from 10am to 4pm and, through October 1, eight Atlantis workers who are either partially or fully vaccinated can win a cash prize of $1,000, $500, or $250 in random drawings held weekly on-property.

To enter the weekly drawing, which began last Friday, staff must upload their first or second shot records to a link provided by the resort’s human resources department.

“While vaccination is a team member’s individual choice, we are following the recommendation of health officials and the US-based Centres for Disease Control (CDC), who strongly encourage persons to vaccinate to stem the tide of increasing cases,” said Vaughn Roberts, Atlantis’ senior vice-president of government affairs and special projects. “Ideally we would like all of our team members to be vaccinated.”

“We are hopeful that our team members who choose to vaccinate will do so, while at the same time secure the opportunity to win cash. For those team members that don’t win the raffle, they are winning for their health and protecting their loved ones at home, too,” said Karen Carey, Atlantis’ senior vice-president of human resources.

The first Vax for Cash drawing was held last Friday at The Beach Tower. Two Atlantis team members, Benjavarae Tynes and Cynthia Saunders, were asked to serve as, “pickers” for each winner. The winners were chosen from a random drawing computer application, with the name of each winner appearing on a big screen.

The $1,000 winner was David Francis, director of slots at the Atlantis casino. “I must say that it was a joyful jab,” said Mr Francis, who added that he plans to give the cash to his daughter, a college student.

“I am very excited, and I am still in shock as I’ve never won anything before,” exclaimed TravisWilliams, one of two $500 winners. “I have no idea what I’ll do with the funds as yet, but it will be put to good use.”

Other winners include: Richard Spence, housekeeping department ($500); Gloria Curtis, housekeeping department ($250); Sacha Armbrister, marketing ($250); Oscar Gilbert, kitchen production ($250); and Nicole Tucker, creative services ($250). These names are expected to be removed from the lot and new winners will be announced every Friday until October 1.


carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago

The most forward current international vaccine thrend is up to four shots after each five to six months to remain listed as fully vaccinated. The doctors and scientists are at loggerheads as fear and concern are creeping in concerning the great unknown, too much mNRA vaccine in the human body. In other words, if you die December 2021 having only taken two shots you die not fully vaccinated. Leaders are questioning where this fourth or fifth shot is going with some calling for a simple annual shot but that theory has angered the fifth shot gang. That both asymptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated could test posative the need for the Vax passport also looks scientifically in medical logical doubt. The Covid may be religated as endemic for treatment only as the accepted Vax every five months and you still can get Covid solves no problem. Like the flu if you feel sick stay home or then get tested for others safety. But forced vaccination regime every five months to be designated as fully vaccinated causes a pause. Look it up. Vaccine efficiacy wears off in five months. Then what?

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