Minnis: I will protect you

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks last night. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune staff

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks last night. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune staff


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis encouraged Bahamians to validate his party’s performance in office and return him to power with a vote for the Free National Movement during yesterday’s final rally of the election campaign season.

He hit familiar themes during his speech, characterising the Progressive Liberal Party as corrupt and greedy while touting the FNM’s successes as several hundred people faithfully watched and cheered him on at the former Carnival Grounds near the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre.

Dr Minnis has a well-known history of defying the expectations of his critics and opponents who underestimate him, and he hopes that Bahamians will see him today as a steady hand who steered the country through an unprecedented crisis even as health and economic challenges have continued to mount.

After taking the gamble of calling an early election, he is aiming to be the first leader in 24 years to lead an incumbent party to re-election.

In the absence of reliable scientific polls, pundits largely expect today’s election to be a close one, with undecided voters expected to play an outsized role in the result.

“Most of my life has not been in the political arena, though I respect those who have served in politics and public life,” Dr Minnis said. “Most of my life has been as a medical doctor, delivering babies and protecting women’s health. During COVID, my training and experience as a doctor and surgeon were very important in helping me to make the tough decisions about protecting and saving lives and livelihoods.

“I pledge to you tonight that if you re-elect the FNM, I will continue to work day and night to protect you and your families. I ask for your votes and for your support to move our country forward to a better future.”

Dr Minnis has sprinkled policy pledges throughout his speeches during the FNM’s brisk rally schedule this season, and he continued with that trend last night. He said if elected, more communities will benefit from tax exemptions.

“A new FNM government will expand the Economic Empowerment Zone to include Englerston, St Barnabas, parts of Fox Hill, parts of Kemp Road, and Gambier,” he said.

“The Economic Empowerment Zone Act provides exemptions from customs duties on commercial vehicles, building materials for buildings and homes, as well as real property tax exemption. To date, $4.2 million worth of concessions have been provided in the Over-the-Hill Economic Empowerment Zone.”

For months, Dr Minnis has been buoyed by polls showing he has higher approval ratings than PLP Leader Philip “Brave” Davis. The FNM has put the contrast between the two men at the centre of its campaign.

“You cannot trust ‘Brave’ Davis and the PLP with your future,” Dr Minnis said three times last night. “Because you cannot trust ‘Brave’ Davis and the PLP with your future, I am asking you to vote FNM!”


TalRussell 3 years, 6 months ago

The real question, should've been, — Why hasn't there been a single-ounce discussion over the degree to which "ballot fatigue," will have on Voters who lose their cool as they go candidate dumpster diving, — Scrolling down a ballot with the longest list of political parties, and independent candidates, — All jockeying become one of amongst the coveted 39, who gets be seated up in House of Assembly, and ride — and, hopefully, get be on their way of being listed — amongst newest millionaires of House-elected MPs — 2022's financial disclosures?— Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago

"he hopes that Bahamians will see him today as a steady hand"

No matter the result of the election, its guaranteed that nobody will ever believe this. If the FNM wins it says they were awful but the other guys were complete disasters. Nobody absolutely nobody (maybe @Topdude) will be expressing confidence in execution or a steady hand

TalRussell 3 years, 6 months ago

@ComradeThisIsOurs, — I can't recall a single instance, where Pop Symonette, Pindling, nor either the two former law partners, Perry Gladstone or Papa Hubert — ever used their premierships to be so in the face of the colony's PoulacesCommoners at large (PCAL), — Never mind the meanness behind — arresting with the objective of imprisoning, — opposition politicians, coconut water sellers, and yes,— even the homeless and the mentally challenged, — Such depth of meanness of which the PCAL, can only hope to Jesus, — are never again be forced be subjected to. — This colony is not Kabul, although some we airports are starting to look a lot like sister airports of Kabul's, — Yes?

Topdude 3 years, 6 months ago

You are absolutely correct. There could not have been a steadier hand guiding the ship of state than the one of Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Compare and contrast the decision making of this political giant with the decision making of previous political leaders. He is a cut above the rest and during these trying times and you can only come to this conclusion.

God has sent him to take us to better times.

joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago

@TopDude ... if this statement is true then some people don't know what competent leadership looks like! This statement reminds me of what "battered wife syndrome" looks like!

joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago

... if the people in Killarney are foolish enough to elect this man and the FNM wins, then the Bahamas deserves what it gets!

TalRussell 3 years, 6 months ago

I caution those who think — Killarney is goin' to be but a September 16 — cakewalk stroll for the ruling party's candidate, — Yes?

The_Oracle 3 years, 6 months ago

So aside the Red and Yellow Blind faith, we need to consider that this administration was hit by Dorian's aftermath and Covid. Both unprecedented events either party would have struggled with, given their typical incompetencies. Either would have had to deal with Rogue Defense force officers, local administrators hoarding relief supplies, and generally getting in the way. In all seriousness, do we need a change out at this point? Would it not be better to have a second term government in the midst of what we are buried under? To have a "new wave" of thieves pillaging the treasury would be acceptable? To assume a "new" administration would do better is pure folly no matter their promises. In any case, the whole sordid affair is disappointing and depressing to say the least. Let's get through it peacefully as we have to live with the consequences.

stillwaters 3 years, 6 months ago

Bahamians will choose the government they want today......and then we all need to rally around that government to pull ourselves out of this economic hole......whether the party of your choice wins or not. We cannot just plan to be stumbling blocks for the next five years. Th e incoming government will have some heavy lifting to do and some tough decisions to make, so don't start sharpening your knives......yet.

licks2 3 years, 6 months ago

I join you and ask that they put them knives away totally come Friday. . .PM Minnis or PM Davis will need all hands on deck!!

carltonr61 3 years, 6 months ago

This is not a color revolution. Three red shirts replaced a sea of red in Marathorn. Still few yellow on the line also. This is an angry election. Reds are not in their proud glory or silently switched. A lady on the line behind me accepted a FNM labled bitter of water then grumbled, "At least I get something from my party in five years." the turn out was too straggly lacked enthusiastic interest and full of hopelessness.

quavaduff 3 years, 6 months ago

During this pandemic, the Bahamas would be foolish to replace a leader with thorough medical knowledge with a proven crook, brave, looking to steal yet another dollar

licks2 3 years, 6 months ago

well. . .it is 10 minutes to 6pm!! The voting is about over. . .comes time to count. . .then time to honor our next PM. . .Mr. Davis or Mr. Minnis!!

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