EDITOR, The Tribune.
In 2017, the Free National Movement came to power atop a crest of lies, amplified by a deeply biased media. How very fitting that in 2021 it was swept away in a tide of ugly truths, despite all the best efforts of the media to mask them.
Right up to the end of the recent campaign, the Nassau Guardian was attempting to draw a false equivalency between Mr. Davis’ failure to distance himself from Jerome Fitzgerald (wrongly accused of impropriety in a made-up scandal) and Dr. Minnis’ refusal to even address the serious allegations levelled against Desmond Bannister and Adrian Gibson.
So biased is our mainstream media that many Bahamians have by now lost the means to judge the performance of administrations objectively. This culminated in the tragic error made by voters in 2017 and the resulting nightmare of the last 4 years and 4 months.
As I pointed out at the time, in terms of tangible advances for Bahamians, Perry Christie’s government that was voted out of office in 2017 achieved far more than any other since Pindling left office. It created BAMSI and the University of The Bahamas and dramatically increased the conviction rate by our criminal courts with its Swift Justice initiative.
It also (under Mr. Fitzgerald’s impressive tenure as Minister of Education) dramatically advanced the access to technology of students in Bahamian public classrooms.
But most critically, it commenced enrollment of National Health Insurance, finally beginning to channel the wealth of this country into the vital service of those to whom it ultimately belongs. It would likely by now have helped nudge government toward (long overdue) taxes on wealth and income to finance its expansion, further reducing the wealth gap that FNM policies have widened.
I spent the last week of the campaign asking every young Bahamian that I encountered if they realized that the FNM, in coming to office, immediately halted the enrollment of Bahamians under NHI, while actually rolling out a host of “user fees” for people like them and their families if they got sick, even as it ruled out income tax on rich companies and maintained a tax break on million dollar homes in Lyford Cay.
Most were shocked and said they had no idea of this. Yet they often had a vague sense of corruption in politics and imbibed the utterly false notion that both parties are the same in terms of policies that affect them. This, sadly, is our media at work.
Meanwhile, Hubert Ingraham, as always more interested in egotistical score-settling than in the actual advancement of Bahamians, busied himself promoting select FNM candidates (as if he didn’t realize that helping the FNM win even one seat exposed us all to the danger of five more years of Minnis) and recommending as Prime Minister the man who effectively halted NHI just before the Covid-19 crisis exposed our disgraceful, profit-driven health system for the cruel scam that it is.
The whole Bahamas owes a debt of gratitude to the voters of the Elizabeth constituency for helping put an end to that frightening prospect.
It now falls to Mr. Davis to prove to Bahamians that the dumb, pro-rich policies of Ingraham, Sands and Minnis are what ails this country and that, although the latter may stand out as an historical aberration in terms of pure, ignorant, abrasive incompetence, the whole FNM cannot be trusted to govern The Bahamas again until it changes those policies, which benefit only its paymasters.
That could be a while.
September 18, 2021
birdiestrachan 3 years, 5 months ago
BIASED indeed they were even trying to put Mr: Nygard on the PLP
It is amazing that persons who are not even good journalists would be busy trying to tell PLP politicians what to do as if they mean them well
Proguing 3 years, 5 months ago
There is nothing more useless in this country than die hard PLPs like the two above or die hard FNMs. The writer conveniently omitted that the last PLP government put in place VAT, the “unfair regressive tax” he has been bitching about for the past few months...Now please remind us why the PLP was voted out of office in 2017?
Dawes 3 years, 5 months ago
Thankyou. The quicker those die hards die off the better Bahamas has of making it. With them we are doomed.
birdiestrachan 3 years, 5 months ago
The PLP was voted out of power because of FNM lies.No VAT, No spy bill. the sale of BAR MAR and the list goes on . PLP or FNM right is still Right and wrong is still wrong.
Love commands that when one sees the ones they love going wrong. call them aside and say to them you are wrong. Loved ones can be saved that way.
This should be done to those who love the PLP. tell them when they are wrong.
Proguing 3 years, 5 months ago
Can you please inform us why the PLP legalized gambling after Bahamians voted "no" in the referendum?
tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago
I can promise ya Birdie ain't gonna give ya a respone to dat question. LOL
Dawes 3 years, 5 months ago
LOL going to be a fun 5 years listening to you try explain why the PLP can't follow on their promises to get into power. As always you die hards are the what's holding this country back (from both sides).
moncurcool 3 years, 5 months ago
Ignorance is never bliss. It is these die hards like you to one political party that is messing this country up.
If right is right and wrong is wrong then admit to it. Lies did not vote the PLP out. It was arrogrance and not being willing to listen to the people. The same with the FNM.
Proguing 3 years, 5 months ago
You need to change the title to Happy Days for the PLP....
themessenger 3 years, 5 months ago
They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, however, few of us ever check to see if that is so because that's where the cesspit is located before we jump and find ourselves knee deep in the nanny.
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