Lighting it up blue for autism

2022 REACH honoree Jacquellne Whylly with Members of Parliament, REACH officials and parents.

2022 REACH honoree Jacquellne Whylly with Members of Parliament, REACH officials and parents.


A duet by Javyh McKenie and William Hilton Jr. Photos: Racardo Thomas/Tribune Staff

GOVERNMENT ministers attended REACH’s “Light It Up Blue 2022” World Autism Awareness Day ceremony on Saturday. The drive-up event was held at Queen’s College.

Attendees included Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Obie Wilchcombe; Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe; Minister of State for Education and Technical & Vocational Training Zane Lightbourne and others.

There were performances, giveaways and Easter baskets for the children, as well as presentations to the 2022 REACH Star Student honourees; and the 2022 REACH honouree Jacqueline Whylly.


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