Wilchcombe: No smear campaign over food scheme

SOCIAL Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe on Saturday.
Photo: Racardo Thomas/Tribune Staff

SOCIAL Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe on Saturday. Photo: Racardo Thomas/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


SOCIAL Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe denied that the Davis administration has launched a “smear campaign” against the former administration’s national food programme, saying the government just wants to account for the millions of dollars spent.

Last week, Mr Wilchcombe claimed the country has not been able to provide information to the World Bank on how its $100m loan was used to provide pandemic relief to hurting Bahamians among other things. This is one of several concerns and allegations raised by government officials about the Minnis administration’s National Food Distribution Task Force.

However Mrs Susan Larson, who headed the task force, disclosed detailed records on the committee’s spending habits since the initiative’s start, inclusive of food purchases, trucking, shipping, stipends and other overhead costs with The Tribune.

Still, Mr Wilchcombe again asserted that the Davis administration does not have the information it seeks about the programme.

“It’s not a political smear. We’re asking questions that must be asked,” he said on Friday. “Don’t you think we should account for $54 million?

“So, therefore, we should be accountable. So we want to be accountable. Give us the information so we can be accountable for $54m. It’s government to government - not an individual.

“We have a responsibility. How do we answer organisations? How do we answer the World Bank and others? We have to substantiate what we do. It’s not a smear campaign. What do we gain from it? The NGOs we support. We support NGOs. The ministry today works with NGOs. So it’s not a smear campaign, it’s about accountability.”

Tribune Business and another newspaper saw a report dated January 19, 2021, that was submitted to the World Bank by the task force and went so far as to identify whether persons assisted were above/below the National Insurance Board (NIB) ceiling or were not making contributions.

Despite the figures reported, Mr Wilchcombe argued that “two major newspapers didn’t print any details”.

“Two major newspapers simply talked about what someone said. Where’s the information? Where’s the details? All they have to do is provide the information. Tell Ms Larson send the details to the financial (secretary). She could send it over to the auditor general and send it to the Ministry of Social Services. All of whom are waiting for the information; we do not have the information.”

He also said: “They saw a document sent out maybe before the programme began. None of the documents that we’re referring to, we’re talking about the documents necessary for when the programme ended. And what’s the difficulty?

“If there’s a document, present it. If we lost it, send it again.”

Mr Wilchcombe said he has never spoken to Mrs Larson, however he claimed people who have reached out to her have not been able to get what has been requested.

Mr Wilchcombe also took issue with newspaper reporting when he previously raised issues about the food programme.

“When I first raised this question, it was the newspapers at that time too, they reported at the time I was talking out of my mind almost, but soon after $2 million showed up and soon after 17,000 vouchers showed up and soon after another million showed up. So are we going to say the same thing again. . .well let the document show up now.”


moncurcool 2 years, 11 months ago

If it is not a smear campaign, and you just want to supposedly have answers, then why put all your questions in the public forum? Why not be a mature leader and go to the ones who have the answers you are looking for an ask them?

The fact that the government did not go to the people with the answers but come in the public domain it clearly indicative that they wanted to do a smear campaign.

stillwaters 2 years, 11 months ago

Quietly following from the sidelines, it was clearly and obviously a smear campaign....just underestimated the professionalism of Susan Larson.

realfreethinker 2 years, 11 months ago

Wilchcombe is a real clown. If it was not a smear campaign, then why go public after appointing an auditor? Even if everything is accounted for he has already put doubt in the public's mind.

themessenger 2 years, 11 months ago

Wilchcombe needs to wash some of the rusty smear stains from his own underwear before trying to soil other peoples laundry.

Not all of us have forgotten his highly questionable fund raising attempts from the Travolta family.

hrysippus 2 years, 11 months ago

Now who to believe, a man who approached a famous actor after the death of that actor's child to try to arrange a payment to a third party or a leading citizen with a long and impeccable record of real community service? Hmmm, let me think.......sigh.

M0J0 2 years, 11 months ago

they say its a smear campaign but why non on the offense can produce the documents nor confirm the documents were received and documented. How can the former say they approved payments with no documentation nor invoices to show use of payment. If there are records they should have been easily accessible.

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