Putting its best coat on

Elbow Reef lighthouse

Elbow Reef lighthouse

THE ELBOW Reef Lighthouse Society has nearly completed the repainting of its lighthouse tower’s famous red and white stripes.

The effort comes thanks to a partnership with the US Embassy Nassau, which provided a grant through the US Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation out of Washington, DC.

More than two years of planning and many hours of hard labour have gone into this portion of the tower’s total restoration.

Suemayah Abu-Douleh, public affairs officer at the embassy, said: “I feel very lucky to have witnessed the transformation of this beacon of hope over the last few months, and the embassy looks forward to continuing its work with the talented and dedicated Elbow Reef Lighthouse Society.”

The lightstation is the only Bahamian lightstation continuously manned since 1863. It is also the last remaining hand-wound, kerosene burning lighthouse in the world. For details, visit elbowreeflight.com or the Elbow Reef Lighthouse Society YouTube channel.


Flyingfish 2 years, 2 months ago

If only we had a trust to protect our national heritage and historical sites, like perhaps a Bahamas Historical Trust. Or maybe use an existing trust to protect them like BNT

themessenger 2 years, 2 months ago

They say that the civility of a people is measured by the way they look after their historical sites and cemeteries.

Can't image what the civilized world thinks of this t'ird world, pun intended, when they visit Nassau in particular. The very first thing that they see is the remains of the lighthouse at the harbor entrance, it's an absolute tragedy and a disgrace.

TalRussell 2 years, 2 months ago

Comrade, well spoken words, -- Yes?

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