FREE National Movement Leader Michael Pintard said Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis must address statements from Ministry of Finance officials that are “sending shockwaves nationally and giving the wrong signals” internationally about the government’s management of the economy.
His comment came after Tribune Business reported that the government will bridge the gap to its $1.3bn revenue increase with additional measures in the upcoming mid-year budget. Financial Secretary Simon Wilson said the new tax measures will be required to achieve the projected 55.7 percent increase in government revenues over the next four years.
Mr Pintard said: “It was alarming to read in this morning’s Tribune that the government has committed to new or additional taxes, and that it plans to reduce the number of public servants.
“It is reported by the Ministry of Finance that the government will introduce ‘new revenue measures.’ What is especially worrisome is that the details of these new revenue measures were not expressly stated in the government’s Fiscal Strategy Report 2021 (FSR) that was published just last week.
“If that is the plan, why was it not stated in the report? Several critical questions must be answered by the Prime Minister: What are these new revenue measures? Which new taxes will be introduced? How much will the new taxes yield? Why cut the VAT tax only to increase taxes later? What will be the impact on Bahamian households and businesses?
“The Ministry of Finance also reported that the cuts in public sector salaries outlined in the FSR will be facilitated by transitioning public servants to the private sector. We demand to know how many public servants will be let go from the public service. From which Ministry departments and agencies? Are these ministries, departments and agencies presently overstaffed? Were the public service unions consulted? Were the respective ministers consulted and did they submit the recommendations of staff cuts forecasted by the Ministry of Finance?
“It is stunning that these critical policy plans of the government were not outlined in the FSR. The law requires that this information be disclosed in the Fiscal Strategy Report. We in the opposition now understand why the government has decided not to follow the law and has refused to bring the report to parliament for debate as required by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2018.”
hrysippus 2 years, 11 months ago
Phil Davis has this fiscal plan...............To tax the Bahamians as much as he can.............And also de-man the civil service................'cept you know what is said about that fish?...........That a fish will rot from the head on down...............No one gonna be fired who wearing the crown.........Of crony appointment or to[ of the heap.....................Instead those who get fired will those who are cheap...................Probably the ones who actually work..................The ones who get pay without ant perk.................The perks demanded to just do your job...........The poor taxpayer always getin' rob...........An if you don't pay nothing gonna get done..........At your expense the bureaucrat have much so fun......Sigh....
hrysippus 2 years, 11 months ago
spelling corrected:
Phil Davis has this fiscal plan...............To tax the Bahamians as much as he can.............And also de-man the civil service................'cept you know what is said about that fish?...........That a fish will rot from the head on down...............No one gonna be fired who wearing the crown.........Or crony appointment or top of the heap.....................Instead those who get fired will those who are cheap...................Probably the ones who actually work..................The ones who get pay without out perk.................The perks demanded to just do your job...........The poor taxpayer always getin' rob...........An if you don't pay nothing gonna get done..........At your expense the bureaucrat have much so fun......Sigh....
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