Darville defends PM over leaving quarantine

HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville.

HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville.


Tribune Staff Reporter


WITH Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis facing backlash for breaking quarantine, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville defended him, saying the nation’s leader was “responsible”.

Before the morning Cabinet meeting yesterday, Dr Darville reiterated that Mr Davis was not ordered into quarantine by medical professionals at the time. He said when the medical professionals made the recommendation, Mr Davis abided by the rules.

Dr Darville told reporters that Mr Davis “was en route” to quarantine when he stopped off to purchase some items.

Dr Darville’s position was similar to a recent Office of the Prime Minister’s statement stating that Mr Davis did not breach the 2021 Health Services Rules by leaving quarantine last month, adding he had not been ordered to sequester by a medical professional.

Dr Darville told reporters: “Well, the OPM made a statement as it relates to the situation with the Prime Minister. I thought it was satisfactory. They were self-quarantined. The Prime Minister stopped off and purchased some items and subsequently went into quarantine. They made it very clear and so I don’t think I have much more to add to that except the fact that he was responsible and he did finish the quarantine as indicated.”

It was previously reported that Mr Davis went into self-isolation on the night of December 22. Last week, Mr Davis admitted he left quarantine to purchase Christmas gifts at former Taxicab Union President Leon Griffin’s store on Bay Street just moments before receiving news of his death.

Mr Griffin was shot dead outside his home on the evening of December 23.

Mr Davis’ admission prompted Free National Movement Leader Michael Pintard to criticise him for breaking quarantine last month, labelling the decision as a “very serious one” and a “betrayal of his oath to uphold the law.”

Asked if the Prime Minister should pay the fine for those who break quarantine, Dr Darville maintained that when the medical professionals made the recommendations, Mr Davis abided by the rules.

“Between me and you, he was en route to quarantine and he stopped off... He was not ordered into quarantine by medical professionals at the time. Subsequently, when the medical professionals made the recommendations, he abide(d) by the rules.”

Asked if it would be okay if a civilian did the same thing, the minister answered: “I didn’t say that. What we said is that there’s no violations of the rules. The Prime Minister got a report. He subsequently decided that en route to going into quarantine he stopped off and paid a bill and he stayed (in) quarantine.

“The medical professionals came behind and clearly indicated that he was exposed and abide by the rules. So it has nothing to do with whether it was civilians or the Prime Minister. He was en route to quarantine — self-quarantine.”

Former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands has called for the Prime Minister’s resignation. In 2020, then Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis accepted Dr Sands’ resignation due to the controversy surrounding permanent residents allowed entry to the country from a plane carrying COVID-19 test swabs. Back then, Mr Davis called for his resignation.

However, the tone was different when Dr Darville was asked if the calls for the Prime Minister’s resignation were a reasonable request.

“Absolutely unwarranted,” he said. “The Prime Minister spent his entire time in quarantine. He did what he had to do and the issue as far as I’m concerned with medical professionals when he was informed, he abide(d) by the rules.”

Officials had previously said that Mr Davis went into quarantine after being exposed to the virus from a close relative at a family gathering. Among those close to him who tested positive was his wife, Ann Marie Davis. However, officials stressed that Mr Davis had taken several COVID-19 tests, which were all negative.

Mr Davis made the revelation about leaving quarantine at Mr Griffin’s memorial service last week.

“To all of my parliamentary colleagues and persons present, I think I was the last person that Griffin spoke to before he was killed in person,” Mr Davis said last Thursday. “After that conversation, I got a telephone conversation with Melanie.

“I was supposed to be in quarantine and Christmas was nearing as we know and I ordered all of my Christmas gifts and I needed to pay for them so, I called the store and I said, ‘Look, I’m in quarantine and I need to pay for the things, but I can’t be seen out.’

“They said ‘Well when we close the store, we’ll let you know when the store is empty and you can come by.’ So, they called the aide about ten minutes after six to say, ‘All clear, come now.’”

Mr Davis said he met Griffin shortly after entering the store and added that the two spoke briefly, reminiscing on the past. He said the store was empty aside from Griffin and workers.


moncurcool 2 years, 8 months ago

So the PM says he left quarantine. The statement form the PM office says he was never in quarantine. Darville says he was on his way to quarantine.

Moral of it all: Some body is lying. They can't get their stories straight.

joeblow 2 years, 8 months ago

... this shows Darville to be a lackey. Its amazing thelengths thes people will go through to create rules for themselves while thinking we are stupid. Sad!

bahamianson 2 years, 8 months ago

All lies and spin doctor tactics. He admitted it with his own mouth. If Darville has a problem with the Lawyer's words , he should consult the Lawyer. Brave is a lawyer and knows exactly what he is saying.Darville is a.doctor not a lawyer.

rosiepi 2 years, 8 months ago

On 12/23/22 the PM broadcast the news he had gone into isolation the previous evening, he was very precise- 1130PM. "..he would remain in isolation because it was the “responsible” thing to do." "For his part..Darville said: 'A quick update on the Prime Minister. Yesterday, he was seen by a medical practitioner. He’s in good health and following the quarantine rules as well outlined by the Ministry of Health and I would like the Bahamian people to know that his family members and his loved ones are doing well in isolation and quarantine at various places.'" So because this MD didn't "order" the PM of the Bahamas to isolate, Davis believes he's in the clear? Like many dishonourable lawyers and politicians who count on the fact that we do not live bound by the strictures of the courtroom, Mr Davis is eschewing that personal responsibility of his office he so glibly spoke of 2 days before Christmas. And D&D should get their story straight, if Davis was "en-route" to quarantine, that would have been the night of 12/22 and not the evening of Mr Griffin's murder the following evening.

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