Tribune Staff Reporter
DOCTORS Hospital chief executive officer Dr Charles Diggiss said he believes the government is erring on the side of caution in deciding to generally maintain its mask mandate.
He added it remained important to advise Bahamians to continue with the measure.
Back in March, the government announced people are not required to wear a face mask while in a lobby, corridor or casino of a hotel or while in an outdoor setting where there is at least three feet of space between those who are not of the same household.
Disabled persons or people with specified medical conditions are not required to wear a mask provided they have in their possession a medical certificate or letter signed by a medical practitioner proving the existence of such disability or medical condition.
“I think you want to be sensible,” he told The Tribune yesterday. “If you make a decision, you make a decision based on the information… the evidence is in the environment. If the environment tells you that COVID is still a threat then I think it’s important to advise Bahamians to continue to mask in public or especially in indoor spaces where they’re more at risk.
“When overall that risk is low, then removing a mask mandate will become an easy thing to do. But the government is erring on the side of caution. I think that makes a lot of sense.”
Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville previously explained that government determined it would be a bit “pre-mature” to remove the mask mandate.
“We removed the testing at our boarders. The mask mandate, our EOC made a determination that it be a bit pre-mature to remove the mask mandate. We’re looking at it. It’s a topic that comes to our meetings every Wednesday.
“We’re looking at what’s going on around the world in the Caribbean. I am travelling, so I’m meeting. Our counterparts removed it only to bring it back and we feel like it is a bit pre-mature to remove it at this time but with that being said we’re monitoring the numbers.”
It was also previously announced that testing for vaccinated people coming to The Bahamas was no longer mandatory.
Asked if it was possible for it being lifted at this time, Dr Diggiss explained: “I think eventually it’s going to be lifted for all the obvious reasons, yes. That doesn’t mean that COVID is no longer (a threat). It just means that the significance of or the value of that testing compared to the either inconvenience or the trouble of applying the test. When you look at the value maybe that value goes away. So, I think the government, just like anybody else who’s making decisions, simply weighs the pros and cons of whether they need to continue to test or not and make the best decision.”
JokeyJack 2 years, 8 months ago
Keep the masks. Frustrated people seem to be on the atreets daily shooting and killing people. Fewer people means lower apartment rents. Sounds like a good plan, rents are quite high.
whogothere 2 years, 8 months ago
Just stupid...more people of died of guns this year than covid - but yeah go ahead keep the masks...sigh....
Bobsyeruncle 2 years, 8 months ago
Hey, You're back. Only time we ever seem to hear from you is when the "COVID" topic appears in The Tribune. Would have thought you'd moved on to another online publication by now :)
whogothere 2 years, 8 months ago
I missed you bobby - are you quadruple boosted yet? Well the PLP came in and I was hoping the Minnis covid insanity die with his political demise...instead here we are still playing the emperors new cloths pretending health emergency and dangers exist when in fact the country is being pillaged by foreign investors, inflation is destroying the livelihoods of many and no one will acknowledge how we got here - a stupid irrational overreaction to the common cold, placated by oversensitive testing, diabolical oppression of civil liberties and a failed biotech that likely does more harm that good...but anyway hope you good mate!? Fingers crossed no hurri's this summer - stay safe!
DDK 2 years, 8 months ago
Government is erring on the side of pure stupidity. The wretched filthy masks are responsible for nothing but misery. They certainly have not stopped the spread of airborne illness but have in fact contributed to the spread of germs and disease. Give it up you SICK CONTROL FREAKS!
carltonr61 2 years, 8 months ago
Medical providers are erring on the side of making more profits through our misery. Covid has produced the quickest group of billionaires in history. Go look it up. They alone need pandemic to stay. The PCR test proves that this has been a pandemic of covid cases. In the millions five year old flu fragments are deemed positive case. Covid is a disease once you show at least three flu symptoms. Anyone could be a case.
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