To a better Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

We must love those who love us, but should love those who hate us more because they need our love the most.

We are not to desire too much the things of this world; and though we need them to get by, we must not make them our god, but rather invest whatever we can in mankind, so that our profit is a better world for everyone.

We need to have an enduring faith in humanity, to have its well deep, and strong, so that when we drink from it, as we will in the good times, and the bad times,it will never weaken, or run dry.

And though many of our friends, loved ones, and others, may lose their moral compass, we must not write them off, but instead bring them to us welcoming well of hope, and baptise them in redemption.

We must have courage to stand unshakeable in those things that are true, and though many times, the tide running left is roaring stronger, we must always swim in the tide that is running right – always!



July 4, 2022.


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