FNM holds Rawson Square gathering over crime issues

FNM members in Rawson Square yesterday. Photo: Moise Amisial

FNM members in Rawson Square yesterday. Photo: Moise Amisial



THE Free National Movement and some of its supporters gathered outside the House of Assembly yesterday where they spoke out regarding the Davis administration’s response to crime.

This comes as in the past seven months of this year there have been 75 murders, with about eight of them occurring last week alone.

FNM leader Michael Pintard said the party showed up in hopes of improving the quality of life for Bahamians.

“We are interested in improving the quality of life here in The Bahamas,” he said. “Violence has a way of eroding gains we make in other areas. It has an impact on the quality of life over-the-hill in our communities throughout the country.”

The FNM said they stand ready to partner with the government; however, they do not see a “sense of urgency”.

“We do not hear or see efforts being made by this administration that signal that they see us in a crisis. We believe that we have a crisis on our hands and all of us have a shared responsibility to help solve the issue,” Mr Pintard told the media.

Mr Pintard urged the Davis administration to show Bahamians that they are on the same page.

He said: “We need the various ministers to be on the same page and the problem with this administration is that different people are saying different things.”

The leader of the opposition said the party fully supports the appointment of the new police commissioner Clayton Fernander, however he called on the government to disclose the details of the lawsuit settlement.

In attendance, alongside the leader of the FNM was party chairman Dr Duane Sands, deputy leader Shanendon Cartwright and party supporters. They wore black as a symbol of the lives lost due to crime.

Dr Sands told reporters the FNM believes that more focus needed to be paid to the “suffering” Bahamian families are facing due to the crime in the nation.

He said: “We believe that some focus is to be paid to the suffering - to the challenge that Bahamian families are experiencing. Violence in The Bahamas has increased yet again, to the point where at the mid-part of the year, June 30th, 2022, we have eclipsed 75 deaths.

“If this continues at this rate, we will exceed the historic record of homicides in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Each of those victims is not only him or herself a loss, but the loss to families, loved ones, children, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and in particular children.”

This demonstration came the day after Mr Cartwright released a statement on Tuesday calling on National Security Minister Wayne Munroe to disclose what the government plans to do regarding crime in the country.

“We call on the minister of national security to update the nation on the state of crime fighting efforts, namely saturation patrols, increased surveillance, gang intervention, review of gang legislation and the mobilisation of the force to more effectively monitor gang hotspots,” he said in a press statement on Tuesday.


JokeyJack 2 years, 2 months ago

Did they have a permit from the police????

Remember in this country you must keep your mouth shut unless you have permission to open it.

bahamianson 2 years, 2 months ago

Zzzzz. Pintard's comment about age old problems that both parties faced is outdated, lazy ,and arrogant. If we,as bahamians, let the fnm and the plp , along with the commissioner of police banbozalle us with nonsense, we deserve what we experience.

birdiestrachan 2 years, 2 months ago

These fellows are looking for power at any cost they should have the magic wand because they wrote the book and they are a crime within themselves a crying shame for sure ask the doc he knows

TalRussell 2 years, 2 months ago

wHAAT! ... Let's get your thoughts if it's rude if Pintard did not invite the embarrassment of Thee "Plottin' Mr, Minnis nor his legally-challenged Out Island House-sittin' MP to march in his law and order' . True politics is a dirty game. For disclosures. Both man's have denied they are constant embarrassments to the seen as less than honourable Red Party. ― Yes?

birdiestrachan 2 years, 2 months ago

They could not care less about poor ^people it is all about them remember when 6 person were killed in a ambush in one day did they care then, they believe Bahamians stupid

M0J0 2 years, 2 months ago

WOW is all you can say, quiet during their term now all of a sudden they notice they have the stick and not the clit and now can speak. SMT.

birdiestrachan 2 years, 2 months ago

Did they invite Mr Minnis to walk with them , how the plot thickens

Cobalt 2 years, 2 months ago

Wow! The FNM is in worst shape than I could have possibly imagined. I’m actually very fond of Mr. Micheal Pintard as it relates to his character and personal values. But this latest effort by his administration is down right pathetic. Really FNM???? Is this all you can do??? This same ole nonsense of fingerprinting and politicizing the high crime rate???? It’s become blatantly obvious that the Bahamas is now without an effective opposition. Michael Pintard is clearly out of his league. What a pitiful display of desperation, despair and hopelessness.

John 2 years, 2 months ago

Do you know why Donald Trump was so paranoid about America’s southern border? MS-13. This was a gang created in California made up of Hispanics by you know who during the 1970’s and 80’s and allegedly became the bloodiest gang on the face of the earth. At one point the murders got so bad in Guatemala, innocent people went to police stations and begged to police to lock them in the jail cells for safety. As jail’s became filled with members of this gang a decade or so later, the US government decided to empty its jails of these gang members. But rather than releasing them back onto the streets of California, they loaded these blood thirsty criminals and killers on jets and shipped them to their respective countries, Honduras, Gautamala, Mexico, Venezuela and other countries where these gangs took control of the streets and cause the murder rates in these countries to double, triple and even quadruple. In fact the US had intelligence that the bloodshed got so bad in some of these countries, even the gang members were now trying to escape. And so they were sneaking back into America. But not back to the streets of Los Angles and other crime torn cities. But into suburban America. Then there was the talk about ‘sleeper cells.’ Gangs of criminals and ‘terrorists’ that will eventually rise up and wreak havoc on unsuspecting America. Hence Trump’s paranoia. Close to 400 acts of mass gun violence thus far this year already. Hundreds left dead and even more injured. None of the acts perpetrated by the MS-13 gang, but by born and bred Americans. Not only what is learned at home taken abroad, but what is taken abroad eventually comes back home. Time for this Bahamas to stop the window dressing and cut to the chase. Until you identify the real cause of violent crime and especially murder in this country, young men will continue to die. At an increasing rate. Stop chasing false flags and do your own intelligence duddy!

John 2 years, 2 months ago

Based on police statistics:/ information, there are more killers on the loose for the last 74 murders than who have been captured and charged, true or false ?

John 2 years, 2 months ago

The US has the resources, the intelligence, the experience and the power to bring this violence in all these countries to an end. NINETY NINE percent of weapons used in gun violence in this part of the world are made in America. Just the tightening of its gun controls and more effort to reduce gun trafficking even in partnership with affected countries can reduce murders.

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