The road ahead

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Within a matter of days we will be celebrating our 49th year as an Independent nation - The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. On the 10th July, 1973 the Union Jack flag was lowered for the last time in our newly minted nation. Well do I recall the momentous event at Fort Charlotte. Many of those who are about to celebrate would not have been born and, alas, countless others, would have passed on to Eternity. The Lord, however, has been merciful to us.

While we, as a people and a nation have achieved much, there is still much more that will need to be done as we continue our trek into the Promised Land. Sir Lynden, our late great and dearly missed ‘Founding Father’, along with his then colleagues in the public arena started the ball rolling, so to speak. Under his administrations we evolved from a relatively small ‘fishing village’ country to the mover and shaker that we are rapidly becoming under the New Day Davis administration. In the interim to Brave’s ascendancy, we had Messrs Ingraham; Christie and Minnis.

Sir Lynden ushered in many of the societal; infrastructure and economic advances which we continue to enjoy to this very day. Affordable housing and brand new middle class subdivisions were conceptualised and built under his watch. Brother Ingraham, a then PLP Chairman and Minister within Pindling’s administration was instrumental in all of this, God bless his soul. Brother Christie, God bless him also, did some ‘good’. Brother Minnis came along, unexpectedly, and tried to do some ‘good’ but, in my view, he fell dead short of the mark.

The real heavy lifting and final preparations for the inevitable entry into the Promised Land, is the lot of the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP our Bahamian version of the Biblical Joshua. It was that same Joshua to whom The Lord said: ‘Moses My servant, is dead. Now rise up and go over this Jordan, with all the people to the land which I will show thee.......’ Joshua 1v1-2 (KJV) In the 9th month of the year 2021 Mr Davis and his party was elected to high office. The Bahamas has never been the same since.

One is almost able to see, feel and touch the meaningful and pivotal administrative and political changes been wrought by the Hon Prime Minister and his stellar team, whether you are an FNM; a PLP or anything else in between. Almost every Bahamian who is able-bodied and wants a job is able to find one, albeit it might not be exactly what he/she wants, but he/she should be able to put bread on the table. Wannabe business entrepreneurs, despite the inherent inability to readily access capital, are able to find opportunities now that the economy is back in business.

The way forward must dictate that the administration will find ways and means to encourage the banking industry to pay realistic rates on savings accounts. It has been alleged that the regular commercial banks are pulling in record profits and that Bahamians actually are charged a fee by banks merely to maintain an account at their institutions. I would urge the administration to offer reasonably priced bonds, say in multiples of B$25.00; B$50.00 and B$100.00 to regular Bahamians @ 5% or above per annum. This would be a win/win situation. The administration would be able to raise much needed revenue for critical projects, such as National Health Care and to prop up the National Insurance Board, etc. Bahamians would be encouraged to actually save on a consistent basis.

Attention is being paid to the eventual development and implementation of the long awaited National Health Service. I have no doubt that the Hon Dr Michael Darville (PLP-Tall Pines) and his qualified team at the Ministry of Health & Wellness, will get it right in short order. Once cabinet would have approved the scheme it will then be presented to parliament for debate and eventual passage. The ravages of Dorian and hurricanes even before her arrival would have decimated pockets of the national economy and an unknown number of persons actually lost their lives. The advent of the lingering pandemic did not help, but it has been a teachable experience.

The tourism market is rebounding nicely and if the upward trend continues coupled with the anticipated opening of the Prince George Redevelopment Project in another year or so will be the icing on the cake. Multiple spin off opportunities will come on stream for visionary and hard working Bahamians. I submit that the long forgotten days when one could command two and more jobs, depending on stamina and work ethics, are just across the bar, so to speak.

Crime and inflation will have to be dealt with going forward. They are both vexing and debilitating to national growth and productivity. There are no quick fixes and the Davis administration would be well advised not to offer quick fixes or pie-in-the-sky solutions. All stakeholders should be brought onboard in a national forum. Invite everybody inclusive of opposition forces. If they come, they come, but at least invite them. The former PMs should also be invited and make presentations.

Where many see insurmountable ‘giants’ I am of the view that PM Davis sees opportunities to truly take a wide awake populace into the long anticipated Promise Land. The Jews of old took forty years. We have been lurching from pillar to post for almost forty-nine long years. Is it not time that we arise and go across this Jordan? Congratulations Bahamas! We are almost there.



July 6, 2022.


hrysippus 2 years, 2 months ago

the uniformed continue to call the British flag The Union Jack. D-.

Bobsyeruncle 2 years, 2 months ago

What should it be called ? I thought The Union Flag & The Union Jack could officially be used interchangeably.

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