Police moves

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As the new Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander of the Bahamas stated in The Nassau Guardian that he will be implementing both of my recommendations to reduce crime in the Bahamas - Police Gang Task Force and Gun Task Force. These were my visions, ideas and plans to reduce crime in the Bahamas that was published to the Editor titled Crime Prevention and Prisoner Rehabilitation recommending the need for a Police Gang Task Force to dismantle and combat gangs.

Also, my next vision, idea and plan to reduce crime in the Bahamas was recommending the need for a Police Gun Task Force to investigate the entry of illegal guns into the Bahamas and to search and remove guns off the streets of the Bahamas.

I am very happy, thankful and grateful that the new Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander will be implementing both of these recommendations - Police Gang Task Force and Police Gun Task Force to reduce crimes in the Bahamas. It further demonstrates and shows my love care and concern for the Bahamian people and the Bahamas.

One Bahamas, One people and One God.



July 19, 2022.


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